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RE: SEC-S16W2 | Solo vs Group in Travel. A Choice of Heart and Budget

in Traveling Steem4 months ago (edited)

No, no group for me. Perhaps one other person two at most (my children) but I can't compromise since that's what happens if I travel with a group, the loudest person will always decide for the group or forces his likes upon the rest. I consider a trip like that a waste of my money and time and far from relaxing.

Interesting is that some say it's cheaper travelling with a group.

 4 months ago 

I have a bad temper, it's true but when does the journey start? Are we really ready to travel it or do we have to cover the frustrations that accompany us in everyday life? The group is a karaoke of nothingness that satisfies our soul in futile moments that obscure our soul eager to rediscover itself in its true nature, that of exploring the ego troubled by an unexpected path. I don't denigrate those who have fun in a group, it's just that I don't feel like it anymore, I live attached to humanity every day and I need a bit of solitude to feel alive. sorry kitty, I feel particularly alive

Nothingness does not satisfy my soul. It's fine if grouo travels are fun to others but to me it's not.
Sounds to me we have that in common.


 4 months ago 

I think so☺️

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