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RE: SEC-S16W2 | Solo vs Group in Travel | Group Travel is better than Solo Travel

in Traveling Steem5 months ago

Melakukan perjalanan berkelompok sangat menyenangkan kawan, karena kita dapat membagikan pengalaman dan membentuk sebuah kenangan bersama teman-teman kita,

Dan dapat menghematkan biaya jika kita pergi bersama kelompok.

Terimakasih sudah berbagi pengalaman anda disini, dan semoga sukses dalam kompetisi minggu ini temanku.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for finding time to go through my post and leaving such valuable comment. It means a lot to me.

Absolutely! Traveling in a group is so much fun, buddy! We get to share experiences and create memories together with our friends. I wish you all the success in the competition this week too my friend! Keep up the great work.

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