in Traveling Steem6 months ago (edited)

Walk The Night (1).jpg

Saya menghentikan mobil saya di sebuah lokasi parkir di bawah jembatan Soekarno, di sebuah lapangan luas yang masih berupa tanah. Tidak jauh dari situ terdapat tumpukan sampah yang cukup tinggi dengan bau yang sangat menyengat. Saya menutup hidung saya sembari mulai melangkah, Suara deru kendaraan yang lalu lalang terdengar memekakkan telinga, apalagi suara knalpot "brong" melaju dengan kencang, saya tetap melangkahkan kaki menuju lokasi foto untuk sore ini. Sengaja saya memarkir kendaraan agak jauh supaya saya bisa berjalan berkeliling melihat komposisi mana saja yang bagus untuk saya abadikan saat sunset Nanti.

Saya tiba lebih dahulu di lokasi itu, teman-teman yang berjanji untuk ikut hadir belum menampakkan batang hidungnya Mungkin sebentar lagi. Dari kejauhan suara terompet kapal yang bersandar terdengar jelas, pertanda sebentar lagi akan segera berlabu berangkat menuju tempat tujuan. Dari Ujung Mercusuar terdapat beberapa orang pria sedang asyik memancing.

Waktu menunjukkan pukul 17.30 sebentar lagi matahari akan terbenam, dua orang teman tiba di lokasi dengan berboncengan menggunakan Sepeda Motor, kamipun berbincang sejenak sembari mempersiapkan peralatan tempur kami hari itu; Kamera dan Tripod. tak lupa saya juga mengeluarkan Tas Filter saya. Kami mulai mengambil foto sunset, namun mata saya terpaku pada Komposisi Jembatan Soekarno yang kali ini tampak begitu gagah.
Lampu sorot mulai dinyalakan walaupun masih kalah dengan cahaya senja yang masih cukup keras.

Saya mencari Komposisi yang pas, sekarang tinggal menunggu moment yang pas untuk mulai mengambil gambar.
matahari mulai terbenam, berganti moment Blue Hour yang Indah. Saya melakukan beberapa test shoot dengan menangkap beberapa warna lampu sorot yang mengarah pada tiang jembatan.
Terdapat 3 warna ; Biru, Merah, dan Kuning yang berganti dalam setiap 30 detik.




45menit kemudian saya selesai mengambil gambar, berbagai macam komposisi sudah saya dapatkan, langit mulai berganti gelap pekat. Kamera tua saya mulai kesulitan mengambil gambar karena waktu shutter speed yang semakin panjang, saya menghindari menaikkan ISO karena akan membuat banyak Noise pada gambar yang saya tangkap.

Kami melanjutkan hari itu menuju warung Kopi. Berbincang mengenai banyak hal terutama soal Photography Lansdscape.

English Version

I parked my car in a parking lot under the Soekarno Bridge, in a spacious area still covered in soil. Not far from there, there was a considerable pile of trash with a very unpleasant smell. I covered my nose as I began to walk. The roaring sound of passing vehicles was deafening, especially the loud "brong" of speeding motorcycles. Despite this, I continued walking towards the chosen photo location for the evening. I purposely parked the vehicle a bit farther so I could walk around and find good compositions to capture during the upcoming sunset.

I arrived at the location earlier; however, my friends who promised to join hadn't shown up yet. Perhaps they would arrive shortly. In the distance, the clear sound of ship horns indicated that the ships were about to depart for their destinations. Near the lighthouse, some men were engrossed in fishing.

The clock showed 17:30; the sunset was imminent. Two friends arrived at the location on a motorcycle, and we chatted briefly while preparing our gear for the day: cameras and tripods. I also took out my filter bag. We started taking sunset photos, but my eyes were fixed on the majestic composition of the Soekarno Bridge. Floodlights started to illuminate, although the light from the sunset was still quite strong.

I searched for the right composition, now waiting for the perfect moment to start taking pictures. As the sun began to set, the beautiful Blue Hour emerged. I conducted several test shots, capturing the changing colors of the bridge lights—blue, red, and yellow, shifting every 30 seconds.

45 minutes later, I finished taking pictures, having captured various compositions. The sky was turning into a deep darkness. My old camera struggled to capture images due to the lengthening shutter speed. I avoided increasing the ISO to prevent introducing too much noise into the images.

We continued our day by heading to a coffee shop, discussing various topics, especially focusing on landscape photography.

Thank you @benoitblanc and Traveling steem Community for organizing this Contest. This will be my First Post in this Community Hopefully i can post here regularly. I Invite @bambuka @stef1 @boddhisattva to post the night photography in this contest

Thank You For Reading My Post and Thank You For All Curators for the Endless Support, Until Next Time, Peace✌️ and Love ❤️ from Indonesia

Here I Am Explore and Expose The Exotic, Regards @mytravelandscape

|Travel Story|Thought|Tutorial| YouTube

Makassar 05 February 2024

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago (edited)

Hello traveler! 👋🏼@mytravelandscape, I guess your wait was worth as you ended up with a near-perfect job. Good luck with the contest!

Thanks for sharing your post in the TS Community. Here are the feedback and evaluation results:

AI/Plagiarism free☑️
Free bots☑️
Voting CSI > 5☑️

~ Join the Discord server + Telegram group and have a happy day.👍🏼

Curated by @dove11

Yes it really worth.. thanks for your comment and Verification I really appreciate it

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 6 months ago 

Fix the table friend ✔️

 6 months ago 


We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @patjewell

Thank you for your support @patjewell i really appreciate it..

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 


You got some really beautiful shots @mytravelandscape and that was a really lovely written piece accompanying them!

Thank you for your kind words jaynie..thank you for reading my post.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 

Wow! Beautiful shots my friend! It seems like you had quite an embellished evening under this bridge. These 3 photos for sure shows your passion for photography. It must have been rewarding to experiment with different compositions and lighting effects. Thank you for your entry and thank you for participating.

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