SEC-S18W3 | Traveling and having fun with a partner | ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ My little family

in Traveling Steem โ€ข last month


Hello friends, on this occasion there is an interesting contest that makes me immediately want to participate, SEC-S18W3 | Traveling and having fun with a partner. Where are we going? Let's follow along with this story.

๐Ÿ‘ฃ Who is the special person you want to travel with? Tell us why.

Traveling to some tourist attractions, entertainment venues and beautiful places has always been the dream of many people when they want to enjoy a day off. What happens if the day off is only filled with sitting at home, it's very boring isn't it. Okay fine. Where are we going on vacation today and with whom?

The special person who accompanies my beautiful days at this time is my wife, we have been married for approximately three years. Of course I will travel with her to enjoy the holidays.

Wait a minute, let's invite one more special person in our travel plan this time, namely my nephew named Uzair, he is like our own biological child, his presence with us could heal the sadness and hope of our long-awaited baby. But God hasn't allowed it yet.

I want to take them both on a trip

My wife @ravikadevyMy niece Uzair

๐Ÿ’โ€โ™‚๏ธ What activities can you both share during the trip?

Where are we going today, and what activities do we want to do? Let's make a plan. No need to plan too much, let's just go and see what happens next.

But the purpose of our trip today is very clear, which is to go to the Deer farm to make Uzair feel happy, and after that let's eat good and delicious food to make our stomachs full.

Before starting the trip, let's start by capturing the beautiful moments on this trip, let's take a picture first. Snap, snap, snap. Some of our photos with various styles have been stored in the cellphone memory.

Photo taken from my wife's cell phone camera


In the photo Uzair really looks like our own biological son, I'm sure if I upload it to social media people will think he is our son, even though the fact is not like that. Some people have also told us that he looks a lot like me.

๐Ÿ˜‚ What was a memorable anecdotal fact with your partner on the trip?

Because he always says "Moo"

We always smile when we hear Uzair say "Moo," when he sees any animal he will say that. These words started when I explained that the ox made a "Moo" sound, so that Uzair could easily remember it. Then after Uzair remembered it he always said "Moo" to every animal he saw.

He saw a cat he said "Moo," he saw goats, oxen, and monkeys he also said "Moo," as well as when we took him to the deer farm he also said "Moo." So what else could we do but smile. So what else can we do but smile every time he says it, especially since he is still a little baby who doesn't really understand. And what makes her so cute is that she always says it with her lips turned forward.

๐Ÿ“ธ Please provide some nice pictures of her if you have them.


๐ŸซŽ The photo when I was with uzair, I was watching him when he saw the deer, He was very enthusiastic about approaching the deer.

After being tired of looking at the deer we decided to enjoy a meal to make the stomach feel fuller, Uzair sat orderly in his chair and then watched carefully, it seemed that he was very impatient waiting for the food to be bribed into his mouth.


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ Conclusion

Days will always be more beautiful if we always spend time with our partner and loved ones. Every beautiful moment needs to be saved but in a photo because it will be a memento that will never be forgotten.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

10% of rewards are distributed to support community growth @travelingsteem

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @fajrularifst @sualeha @fadia

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky

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Hello traveler! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

Thanks for sharing your post in the TS Community. Here you are the feedback and evaluation results:

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~ Join the Discord server + Telegram group and have a happy day.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Curated by @benoitblanc

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Thank you for your rating on this post

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Saya senang membaca postingan anda, Anda terlihat sangat penyanyang dan sangat menyukai anak-anak. Saya turut mendoakan supaya Anda segera di berikan kepercayaan oleh sang khaliq untuk meninipkan seorang bayi shaleh untuk andabdan Istri.
Saya juga menyukai gaya bahasa anda dalam menulis.
Teruslah berpergian dengan orang terkasih anda yaitu istri anda.
Semoga kita akan terus sukses ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช

ย last monthย 

Saya senang sekali mendengar apa yang Anda katakan Bu Mega, Semoga doa yang anda ucapkan dapat segera dikabulkan. Kita sebagai manusia biasa hanya mampu berdoa dan berusaha jika berbicara masalah momongan, karena benar seperti yang telah Anda katakan itu semua urusan sang pencipta.

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I read your post you really enjoy with your partner and you show pictures it's look like pretty...
Best of luck

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Thank you, friend for enjoying all the contents in this post, spending time with my partner is a pleasant thing because I remember I am always busy at work. Beautiful pictures of places are produced with a supporting camera, as well as understanding good shooting methods.

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Hello my friend, What a delightful story about Uzair! Itโ€™s amazing how children make such adorable associations when they are learning to speak. Uzairโ€™s use of "Moo" for every animal shows his enthusiasm and growing curiosity about the world around him. I can imagine how his charming mispronunciations bring so much joy to your family. The way he says it with his lips turned forward must be especially endearing. Cherish these sweet moments. they grow up so fast. And Thank you for sharing this heartwarming slice of life.

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Benar sekali sobat, ucapan nya sangat menawan ketika bibirnya ikut moncong kedepan. Tapi itu bukanlah sebuah masalah, itulah yang membuat kami selalu tersenyum dan merindukan dia.

Baru saja saya mendapatkan kabar bahwa saat ini dia sedang sakit, mohon doanya agar segera diberikan kesembuhan.

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Perjalanan yang menyenangkan kawan

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Let's participate in this contest, what are you waiting for, take the opportunity. It's been a long time since I've seen you write a post, anywhere? I look forward to your interesting story, Your journey is always so beautiful.

Oh yes! We support ANY quality post and
good comment ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME
Curated by : @wilmer1988

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Thank you my friend @wilmer1988 for supporting me, it's great to hear you say that your team supports quality posts, therefore I always try to do my best in writing quality content.

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Sebelum punya baby belajar dulu bawa ponakan jalan-jalan, biar nanti kalau sudah punya, gak canggung lagi... By the way taman rusa di mana tu pak rizky....

ย last monthย 

You are absolutely right, I ask for prayers from all my friends so that I can be given children soon, because it's not nice to take someone else's child with you every day. Haha.

Buk Fatniza, that is the Deer Park in the PT PIM complex, close to the Pujasera cafe.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Wah asyik sekali perjalanannya. Membawa istri jalan jalan adalah membuka sebuah pintu rezeki. Semoga bahagia selalu

ย last monthย 

Anda benar bahwa membawa istri jalan-jalan dapat membuka pintu rezeki, tetapi berkali-kali pergi jalan-jalan juga dapat membuat kantong dompet menjadi semakin menipis, artinya rezekinya semakin sulit. Hehe. Terima kasih telah mengunjungi postingan ini dan memberikan komentar positif.

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Perjalanan yang sangat berkesan dan tentunya menyenangkan bagi keluarga kecilnya

ย last monthย 

It's true, traveling with a small family can make work fatigue even more enthusiastic. Thank you for visiting this post. Let's participate in the contest. We are waiting for your interesting story with your family?

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