-S16W6 | Which country do you think would've liked to be born? | [I Want To Live In Finland]

in Traveling Steem4 months ago


Which country would you like to be born instead of yours?

Since I was little, when I started to see the beauty of the world and other countries via the internet, I really wanted to be born in Finland. It's not because I don't love my homeland, Indonesia, but I just want to feel what it would be like if I could be born in another country that I think would be very pleasant to live in.

I want to try a new life experience by being born in Finland, which is one of the European countries with the highest level of happiness in the world.

Why did you choose this country in particular?


Now I live in Indonesia with low economic conditions as a developing country, the reason I chose Finland is because I want to feel the happiness of living in a developed country with good economic conditions.

I also want to study at schools in Finland, especially I want to study at a campus in Finland, because I really want to mingle and study with smart people in developed countries.

I am sure I will gain a lot of knowledge and get good moral examples from people who live in Finland. I like studying especially from people who have good attitudes and morals, especially since my place of study is in a developed country like Finland.

What's so special about this country to be considered as your best choice? Gastronomy, culture, religion...

Apart from the progress of the country, I like Finland because it has a dynamic culture and continues to develop all the time, I think it will be very easy for me to adapt to the culture in Finland.

Living in a developed country, I will also be respected more and I will also be able to respect other people there because I will live in a good environment with people who are always happy.

State the differences between that nation and the one you belong to


The differences between developed and developing countries are very large, but I just want to direct my point of view towards education. In my opinion, the most prominent difference lies in the education system.

The education system in Finland is very good with good learning methods so that people who go to school in Finland grow into successful people, because during school students there have started to be taught about the soft skills that each student has so that the students are taught to find their identity in the field of work they want to pursue, and most importantly the study hours for students in Finland are ideal so that students do not get stressed easily.

Meanwhile in Indonesia, students are only told to obey all the lessons given by their teachers, they are not allowed to express opinions and school hours are not ideal. Students in Indonesia get stressed easily, and even many smart students in schools in Indonesia don't know their true identity, which makes them unemployed in the future.

This is my post for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @solaymann, @inspiracion and @stef1 to participate together in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Hello my friend, I really enjoy reading your entry, your writing are very perfect and I enjoyed everything, I have seen why you chose this particular country, indeed it's a good country. I'm a Nigerian and I wish I was born in the USA, there are one of the best country ever and I wish to be there one day, wish you success..

 4 months ago 

Terimakasih kawan, semoga kita semua terus sukses.

 4 months ago 

Living in a developed country, I will also be respected more and I will also be able to respect other people there because I will live in a good environment with people who are always happy.

Oh yeah, I totally get that feeling of wanting to be in a place where people are happy and respectful. When I traveled to a developed country, I noticed how everyone seemed to have a positive attitude, and it really made me feel welcomed and appreciated. It's amazing how the environment can impact our interactions with others.

The education system in Finland is very good with good learning methods so that people who go to school in Finland grow into successful people, because during school students there have started to be taught about the soft skills that each student has so that the students are taught to find their identity in the field of work they want to pursue...

As someone who's passionate about education, I've always admired Finland's approach to schooling. I feel like it's so important for students to not only learn academic subjects but also develop their soft skills and explore their interests. My experience with education in my country has shown me that there's a lot we can learn from Finland's model.

Meanwhile in Indonesia, students are only told to obey all the lessons given by their teachers, they are not allowed to express opinions and school hours are not ideal.

This really hits home for me because I've seen similar challenges in the education system where I'm from. My observation is that when students aren't encouraged to voice their opinions or explore their creativity, it can limit their potential and lead to feelings of frustration. It reminds me of when I was in school and wished for more opportunities to express myself freely.

Good luck

 4 months ago 

Semoga saja negara kita sadar akan sistem pendidikan yang salah selama ini dan mau memperbaikinya di masa depan untuk sumber daya manusia yang maju dan hebat, terimakasih telah memberikan komentar yang baik saudara, semoga kita semua selalu bahagia.

 4 months ago 

Hello traveler! 👋🏼

Thanks for sharing your post in the TS Community. Here you are the feedback and evaluation results:

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~ Join the Discord server + Telegram group and have a happy day.👍🏼

Curated by @benoitblanc

 4 months ago 

Terimakasih atas verifikasi nya

 4 months ago 

Regards dear @ikwal
Finland is a happy country. Your admiration for Finland's progressive society and education system is understandable. The desire to experience life in a developed country with a dynamic culture and superior economic status is legitimate. The contrast in educational approaches between Finland and Indonesia highlights the importance of holistic learning approaches and fostering personal growth. Such insights shed light on inequalities in education systems and their impact on individual development and social progress.

 4 months ago 

Benar sekali kawan, itulah yang membuat saya sangat jatuh cinta terhadap negara ini.

 4 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You said you want to try a new life experience by being born in Finland. It's a too much beautiful country in the world. This European country has the highest level of happiness in the world. I would love to experience such a peaceful country too.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

 4 months ago 

Terimakasih kawan, semoga kita bisa pergi ke Finlandia suatu hari nanti.

 4 months ago 

I can see you wish to live in Finland because of its high level of happiness and developed economy. Their culture and good education system in Finland attract you. compare to Indonesia, Finland offers better opportunities for personal growth and success. The education system in Finland focuses on soft skills and personal development, while in Indonesia, students are only taught to obey without critical thinking. Living in Finland would provide you with a positive environment and the opportunity to excel in your studies and career.

 4 months ago 

Benar sekali saudari, itulah yang saya harpkan jika saya bisa tinggal di Finlandia, semoga kita semua bisa terus sukses dan selalu bahagia.

 4 months ago 

alasan saya memilih Finlandia adalah karena saya ingin merasakan kebahagiaan hidup di negara maju dengan kondisi perekonomian yang baik.

Tentu saja indonesia dan negara finlandia mempunyai perbedaan jauh dengan sistem perekonomian. Peluang mendapatkan pekerjaan di sana lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Indonesia.

Anda sangat ingin tinggal dan dilahirkan kembali di finlandia karena negara ini adalah negara yang bahagia di dunia.

Semoga sukses 👍

 4 months ago 

Benar sekali kak, terimakasih sudah mengunjungi postingan saya, semoga kita terus sukses

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