SEC-S14W2 | Surviving in the Nature

in Traveling Steem6 months ago

25% to @null

Hello friends,

I'm excited to make my entry in the Traveling Steem community.

Which natural spot (desert, jungle or Isle) do you feel you'll probably survive on a best way? State reasons.


Choosing from a desert, jungle and isle, I will choose a jungle. I have never lived in a jungle before, but I think I'll survive best in the jungle.
The reasons for this choice are
•Abundance of biodiversity: There are so many species of animals and plants in the jungle. Both wild and domestic animals.
•Presence of human in the jungle gives the jungle a home setting. People live in the jungle. Unlike the desert that there are little or no presence of people. There is human interaction
•Climatic Factor in the jungle is moderate, not too hot like the desert and not too cold like the isle. They possess a temperate climate that is good for human habitation.
•Feeding wouldn't be so much of a problem in the jungle. They have vegetables, fruits and the animals can serve as meat


Which skills do you need to stay there without big issue while you wait to be rescued? Cooking, climbing, swimming, etc.


I have learnt so many things from school and friends that can help me survive in a jungle before I find help
•Water Purifying: The water in the jungle are full of debris and isn't fit to drink, so I will purify it using pebbles or gravel and fine sand. I learnt water purification in the rural area as a topic in one of my courses in school
•First Aid: This is a medical skill everyone should acquire and learn. It is the simplest and first treatment or medical attention you give before you can get adequate medical attention.
•Fire Making: I have learnt how to make fire with dry stick and stones. This is a good way to make fire to attract help and also make food


Which are the essential you can't forget there and why? Mobile, diary, pet... Anything is valid.

No way will I forget my mobile. But I don't really know if I can get a stable network. Mobile is for communicating.
I wouldn't forget my camera because I must have taken lots and lots of pictures in the jungle, the nature, the wildlife, the plants, all of them.
I also wouldn't forget my diary because I'm sure I would have written so much.
Also, my water can is an essential that I cannot afford to forget there.
And if I'm opportune to get a pet there, maybe a parrot or camelon, I would also take them along with me


Which are the disadvantages for being very dependent of any urban lifestyle


Being totally dependent of the urban lifestyle can come with so much disadvantages. To mention a few are
•Excessive dependency on urban lifestyle can cause so many environmental hazards such as global warming, flooding, earthquake, pollution which affects all living things negatively.
•More prone to harmful rays, this is because the urban lifestyle is so full of technologies and machines that emit uv rays and other harmful rays. It can give rise to cancerous growth and some other illnesses.
•More health problems. Urban lifestyle gives rise to more health problems and challenge. The urban lifestyle is used to already processed and canned foods which contains preservatives that are not good for human consumption. It can cause illnesses like cancer, obesity, diabetes etc

I invite @goodybest @josepha @eliany

Thanks for visiting my blog


 6 months ago 

@beewrites dear friend your well-thought-out reasons make it clear that you've considered the diverse aspects of jungle life. Your survival skills, from water purification to fire making, showcase your preparedness for this exciting adventure. Don't forget to capture the beauty of the jungle with your camera and document your journey in your diary. Best of luck, and may your jungle experience be filled with amazing discoveries and unforgettable moments

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

Hola amiga que bueno que tengas conocimientos de supervivencia que te serán de gran ayuda si te llegas a quedar atrapada en la selva
Como preparar tu propia comida, que siempre habrá porque eso es lo que abunda en la selva, también sabe muy bien de primeros auxilios que te serán de gran ayuda

 6 months ago 

Jungle are for those that are strong enough to overcome things like animals in the forest. However, with your skills i am sure you can overcome whatever that make come your way. Good luck.

citizens are facing more health problems than villagers. Very good post looking forward to your success.

 6 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well and good.

You are choosing a jungle for this survival program. You said you have never been to jungle, but you have learned many things from friends in school which will help you in survival there. That's a nice idea.

If I have been given a chance I will choose island. I love island that's why.

Your post is amazing. I wish you very best of luck in the contest.

 6 months ago 

Holaaa 💫

Sin duda sobrevivió en la jungla creo que tiene muchas ventajas porque se puede encontrar prácticamente de todo para sobrevivir la misma naturaleza te permite hacer un campamento donde resguardarte de animales salvajes.
Tus indispensables, Yo diría que son los más básicos no podemos olvidar un bidón de agua tomar fotografías sería genial para tenerlas para el recuerdo y hablar de nuestra Gran aventura y supervivencia.

Dependemos por completo de la vida urbana y el modernismo, Así que bajo esta posible circunstancia, pues tendríamos que poner en práctica todas esas habilidades aprendidas para poder sobrevivir

Hasta luego 🤗

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