SEC-S10W5: from the street to a home @zarkamalik

Hi everyone , Hope you guys doing well . And have great time .This week  Comunidad Latina give us a intersting challenge. The challenge name'' form the street to a home . So I'm here to particitate in this challenge . so Let's start .

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Are there dogs/cats living on the streets in your town? show us

Yes there are .2or 3 dogs living on the streets in my hometown . One of them . Lives in front of my home . The dog colour is white . He is male dog . We call him sharu . sharu always sit in front of my home. and whenever we go outside, he goes with us . And sharu is very good dog . He nerve bites anyone . Sometime he go somewhere but he come back in few days .

The dog sits on our outdoor stairs . when we want to go out, we tell him to stand up ,However he look at us for 10to 20 second . Then he ignore us and sit back down . when we go on to him . Sharu is a lovely dog

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What do you think of the adoption of these little animals? You've done it? Tell us your adoption story and show us the before and after of the animal you adopted if it is the case

I have a cat . she is female cat . Her name is Makhan. once my uncle told me about a lady who moved to another country . she have a cat . But she not take cat with her . The cat could not live on the street . she found someone who adopt a it . Then I asked my mama for permission adopt cat . she gave me the go-ahead . In few days the cat arrived my home . .when I adopt her she was weak no one liked her at first . But after sometime, everyone said she look like lion. she become so fat .

In the morning ,she wake up at 5:00 o clock . and start walking on me because she know this ways i will wake up . and feed her. I want to sleep in front of AC but she also want . So she win always she sleep with me on my bad . she is so beautiful. I'm happy to have her .

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What do you think is the solution to avoid the abandonment of animals?
What should people know before adopting a street cat/dog

first of all, it is importance that everyone, place importance on animals . People should also understand the emotion of pet .People should feel the responsibility of pet .People should take education on how to properly care for an animal . This could be people done by taking classes, discussing with others . The government should also take part in it . they make shelter for animals . . also creating laws that promoting them . if someone leave an animal on the road, goverment should take action against it .

before adopting any animal, people should know how to take care of them . additionally people should complete checkup to ensure that animal is healthy . . people should also buy some important items such as; food, a bad , and shower for their pet

I would like to invite my friends @enamul17 @faran-nabeel @ripon0630 @enamul17 @mdkamra

 last year 

Tienes razón no se trata sólo de adoptar ,sino también de ver que cuidados va necesitar la mascota,para que ésta se sienta comoda y feliz.

I can not understand plz type in english

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