SEC S4-W3/ A smile to change the world

What makes me smile?


It does not take much to make me smile. It is those things we assume to be irrelevant that make the most impact on me. Little things like seeing a message from a friend checking up on me make me smile.

Things like granting me your presence when I need it the most, encouraging me with words, and assuring me that everything will work out.

Importance of Happiness

Happiness is something that should not be joked with. Our present economy does not make it easier but whatever you do, you must make out time to find happiness if not you will be wrinkled out in no time.

10 Reasons Why Happiness Is Important

  1. Happiness reduces stress: Overthinking can result to overworking; overworking leads to stress, which can result to body shut down. All these things cause stress which is not good for the body at all. Thinking and stress can cause high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and severe mood swings.

When you are happy, your mind will not resort to overthinking or overworking. When you are happy, you let go of every unnecessary thought that could make you sad. It regulates your blood pressure, reduces or erases your mood swings, it makes you more appreciative of life.

  1. You have a better relationship: Being sad all the time makes people want to spend less time with you. It dampens your relationship with people because you will always want to bite their heads off over small things. When you are happy, there are fewer pains, anger, envy, and jealousy.

  2. Happiness increases Productivity: Being happy makes someone be up and doing. They have fewer things to think about or negative thoughts to hold them down.

  3. Happiness increases creativity: Happy people's mind is always moving thinking up ways to solve the challenging situation.

  4. Happy people refuse to let negative situations take over their day. They always find reasons to be happy even in the most challenging moment. They are optimistic and grateful for what they have.

Happiest Moment of My Childhood

✔️When I graduated from secondary school and my brother took me out to celebrate it.
✔️Every Christmas when I get to meet my cousins that I see only during the Christmas season.
✔️The first time I traveled to a far distance. The trip was amazing, made me love traveling because of all the adventures and experiences I make while traveling.

Happiest Moment Currently

✔️When I graduated from the University in May.
✔️When I finished a course that gave me a serious headache.

If happiness were a color, what will I choose?

When I think of happy color, I think yellow.

Because yellow is calming, yellow calls your attention, it is outspoken. When you see yellow, you must pause to admire the final creation. Yellow has this thing about it that brightens even the dullest place, it brings life into a. Dead place. Yellow signifies warmth, homely, inviting, and alluring.

Secrets to Happiness


  1. Avoid bad news first thing in the morning: This is one thing I try to do every time. I avoid reading the news first thing in the morning, either on the TV or newspaper although it is tough being a journalist. When I see a piece of bad news, my mood automatically changes because all my thoughts will be based on the news I just read. So, every day I seek for positive things to be grateful for as I strategic my day.

  2. Celebrate your small wins. Most people think they have to wait to achieve something huge before they can celebrate it, but that is not true. Life is full of unpredictable things every day, you don't know what will happen next, so try to enjoy your achievements as they happen no matter how small you think it is. Did you get a new thing, be happy. Did you graduate, celebrate it. Did you finally complete a goal, yahhh.

  3. Learn to balance your work and life: Please, don't let your job take over all your time. Find interest in things other than your job. Spend time with friends and family because you can lose your job, but you will always have your family and friends to hold you, so don't take them for granted.

  4. Accept that you can't always be perfect; nobody is.

  5. Be grateful for every day. Being grateful makes you happier and more content with the things you have.

  6. Live in the moment, don't let the mistakes of the past or the thought of the future keep you from enjoying the moment you have now.

  7. Practice giving. There's joy in giving than receiving, and not just with money. Be generous with your time, your presence, and your affection.

  8. Be adventurous. Sometimes, try spontaneous things. Don't be stuck doing the same things repeatedly.

  9. Spend wisely. Do the spend above your budget trying to please someone other than yourself.

  10. Hang out with happy people who are always optimistic. Happiness is contagious.

  11. Stop worrying too much. Everything will always work out.

  12. Finally, be yourself. You can't be anybody else.


I invite @confydence, @ogwo, and @annabel9 to take part in this contest

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Graduating from school is alway one our best moments in life .really inorder to be happy we need to be grateful in life ,be contented with what we have and always be ready to share with others .Life is full of ups and downs which we need to accept our any situation we find ourselves

It was the best time of my life. Thank you for engaging in my blog

You are welcome 🤗


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Curated by : @nadiaturrina

So amazing. Checking up on her makes her smile. You are far away, if not i could have try checking up on you dear. I know it will make you smile. Great write up indeed

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