SEC S4-W3 | A smile to change the world. || by @yousafharoonkhan

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago (edited)


Hello my steemit family , my this post is to make the contribution in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3.theme of the challenge is smile and this challenge is organized by Community: Comunidad Latina if you still have no information about this challenge then you can take information from this official link Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3 | Una sonrisa para cambiar el mundo [ESP-ENG]
. before writing this post i would like to invite to this challenge @jessica566 @tariqkhanpti @janemorane to this contest, hope they all will accept and will take participate.

Original photo by @yousafharoonkhan


What makes you smile?

Smiling happiness adds to a person's life and sadness and sorrow make a person old quickly. Every moment of human life which gives us mental and spiritual coins, those moments spread smiles on our faces.

I feel happy when I help a poor person, when I spend a part of my income on the poor in the way of Allah, then I feel happy and my soul is satisfied. Also, I am a father and as a father I have certain obligations and it brings a smile on my face when I fulfill the needs of my children. Smiling faces make life successful.

I love smiling faces and I wish that if we are to spread smiles in humanity then we can also add to our own smiles and this is a way to help those around us who are poor and weak.

And these are the things that bring a smile to my face. Both my soul and heart smile after helping the poor and needy. Every good deed and performing one's duty well also brings a smile to my face. Communicating with nature is also the source of my smile.


Importance of happiness.

Happiness is very important in our life. Happiness strengthens a person's existence and heart. If we look at the system of the world, we see that every soul is wandering in search of happiness.

Every man and every animal is toiling and toiling in search of happiness. Happiness gives long life and moments of happiness are very important to lead a healthy life. Happiness keeps both our soul and heart healthy.

Sadness is the opposite of happiness and sadness slowly paralyzes a person's life and while happiness makes a paralyzed life successful and healthy and victorious. We should continue to seek happiness so that sorrows will stay away from our lives.

If we think about it, we find that happy people lead successful and healthy lives. Happiness is always better and the secret to success. If a person is rich and lacks happiness, he will not be able to enjoy his wealth, whereas if a poor person is happy, he will be able to lead a successful life one day.

Feelings of happiness lead us to success everywhere. Happiness helps in developing better relationships and a happy person is always beneficial for everyone. Happiness instills courage in a person and the ability to fight failure in a better way.

Happiness helps a person to find the path to success even in failure. Happiness is the weapon that makes even the weakest person strong.


Happiest moment of your childhood.

As a child, when I got first position in class 9th, that day was the happiest day of my life because my father died when I was a child and my mother wanted to give us good education.

My mother was very happy when it came and I was very happy with this success. Then another happy moment was in my childhood when my mother bought me a game player.

We used to play that game on our television and there were five games in that game player. All of us siblings were very happy at that time. These two moments are dedicated to the joys of my childhood life. These two moments and events have given me a lot of childhood happiness.


Happiest moment currently (no more than 2 years ago)

Everyone's life is full of successes and failures. These successes include happiness and failures also include sadness. From childhood to youth and from youth to old age, every man and woman is in search of happiness. I have seen a lot of happiness and a lot of sadness in my life.

In the past two years, Allah has blessed me with many joys and the greatest joy for me is that my children have learned to read the Holy Quran by heart and my son and my daughter have completed the Holy Quran. are It is a matter of great happiness for a Muslim that his children complete Quran Nazra and it is the greatest joy of my life.

My daughter is almost seven years old and my son is ten years old. Both my daughter and son have read Holy Quran complete Nazira and now they are repeating it.

After that, the second biggest happiness in my life is from my two children. This year my children have started praying regularly and prayer is obligatory for every Muslim male and female. If the children of Muslim parents start praying, then it is the greatest happiness for the parents.

Prayer is the pillar of religion and prayer saves a person from immorality and wrong habits. I wish that my children prove useful to the society and my children do good and good deeds that benefit the society. For me these two joys are the biggest joys during this year and I am proud.


If happiness were the color, with which would you relate it?

Happiness is hidden in every color and it depends on us, how we find happiness. I believe that happiness is the name of peace and white color propagates peace and love. Happiness is present in green color because green color is also the dress of nature and symbol of aliveness thus blue sky is a sign of heights, rise and achievements.

I believe happiness exists in green, blue and white. Because thanks to these colors we get inspiration from nature and learn to fly. The blue color of the sky gives us the joy of achieving heights with constant struggle. Green gives us the joy of reviving after every failure and white gives us the joy of living in peace and love and these are the colors that illuminate my happiness.

These three colors I believe bring me happiness, love and success. White, green and blue are my favorite colors and I always dress up in these colors.


What do you think is the secret to happiness?

From childhood to youth and then through education I have seen very deeply that the secret of happiness lies in sharing. If we share our happiness with people, with friends, with loved ones and with sad faces, we will have more happiness and more and more in our happiness.

The secret of happiness lies in sharing. When we include people in our happiness, we will feel better and thus our happiness will bring happiness to other people. If we spend some part of our wealth on the poor and orphans, then we can feed other people and buy clothes for people.

By quenching the hunger of the hungry, you can bring happiness on his face. In this way, happiness increases by sharing. The secret of happiness lies in sharing. We are all members of some society and if we do not share our happiness with the sad people in our society, then the sadness will increase in the society and man will become distant from man, this will increase hatred and decrease in love.

We should share our happiness with other people as much as it increases our own happiness. I am a Muslim and my religion dictates this to me and I believe that the secret of happiness is also hidden in shared love. Come, if you are sad, work for the happiness of others, if you are rich but yearning for happiness, use your wealth to help the needy, come share your happiness with people so that everyone is happy.

Yes, there are smiles on every face. Just sharing the brief happiness with each other increases, not decreases.


You can use your own or free-use images that spread joy (own images will have a higher score) you, along with a group of people smiling, a photo where the chosen color stands out. Your creativity is the limit!

Original Smile Photography by @yousafharoonkhan





Beautiful smile face , these faces are face of happiness and there is one smile on every face that bringing every pleasure from heart to soul .

Thank you very much for reading and visiting my this challenge post, hope you all will enjoy my this challenge post. i did my best effort to explain my original thoughts to describe the theme of smile.


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 2 years ago 

Happiness keeps both heart and soul healthy.

It is always a pleasure to read you, you are a very intelligent gentleman and when you express yourself I feel sincerity in your writings.

I was struck by that phrase because many times to support others we forget about our own welfare, other times it happens that it is helping others that makes us happy.

Either way happiness is a state that fills us on a spiritual level, it comforts us, thank you for this beautiful post.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo @yousafharoonkhan👋

Me alegra que sea feliz junto a sus seres más cercanos, la vida está llena de obstáculos y es nuestro deber enfrentarlos con nuestra mejor sonrisa procurando hallar la felicidad en nuestro corazón.

Debio ser muy gratificante que sus hijos entiendan la importancia de la oración, les deseo muchos bendiciones para usted y su familia.

Saludos 🤗

gracias hermana respetada por apreciarme, sí, estoy muy feliz de que mis hijos estén aprendiendo, cómo ofrecer oración diariamente, estoy muy feliz porque namaz es muy importante para todos los musulmanes, una vez más que usted mucho

NHi teman saya menyukai publikasi anda, tulisan anda tentang senyuman dan kebahagiaan dalam hidup sangat relevan dengan apa yang kita alami di kehidupan nyata. Foto.yang anda gunakan juga sangat nyata sebuah senyuman ceria dari anak-anak. Very well. Good luck for you

saya pikir senyum dan kebahagiaan kami yang sebenarnya terhubung dengan keluarga kami dan dengan hubungan baik, jadi terima kasih banyak Anda menyukai posting saya, dan ya saya mencoba yang terbaik untuk mengunggah setiap foto asli saya, setiap wajah senyum adalah keindahan bumi yang nyata dan jiwa kami terima kasih banyak, saudari terkasih untuk kata-kata baik

stay happy sister and may you live long and happy life ameen

Smiling happiness adds to a person's life and sadness and sorrow make a person old quickly.

You are very right sir. Happiness makes us more healthy, but a boring life can even take some to early grave. From your post i have learned that you derive happiness for helping the needy. I must confess that you are a great personality, and people like you is what this world need to be a better place.

i'm not rich but i feel that when we help the needy and poor people , we get real satisfaction and this satisfaction make us rich and happy. there is nothing but health and pleasure ,smile positive life are every things , every human being is great and virtual just we need to feel it with positive smile . thank you dear for great appreciation

 2 years ago 
Hola, amigo, muy bonita tu participación, nos contaste muy bonitas historias y me da bastante gusto que las hayas compartido con nosotros!!! éxitos en el desafío :)

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 2 years ago 
Hello friend, you are very noble, I am glad that you find happiness in helping those in need, also in the smiles of your children, it is a great source of happiness. Your words are wise when you say that happiness keeps the heart and soul healthy, I completely agree with you.

God prepares for you a path of happiness. Greetings and blessings.

dear friend, you all are noble ,every human being is great. i feel if we have ability to help the needy and poor people then we should do it and it is real way of getting success , smile on faces and happiness . thank you very much respected for great appreciation

Helping the poor is a way of attracting blessings to our life and I love the fact that that you feel so happy doing that. Honestly smile goes a long way in adding more beauty to our life which I can see from the images you have shared with us. I wish you best of luck.

it is 100% true that real happiness secret is to love with human being, thank you very much for this great rewarding appreciation words , your appreciation increased my power and motivation , thank bro

 2 years ago 

Saludos Steemian, @yousafharoonkhan, Tu post ha sido recompensado por @alejos7ven del Cotina Team.

Si deseas apoyar a la comunidad considera delegar Steem Power a @cotina o Votar por nuestro Witness

thank you very much team cotina

 2 years ago 

Que hermosa publicación y compartimos el querer ayudar y apoyar a nuestro prójimo, la palabra dice "amaos los uno a los otros como si me amas a mi y a ti mismo· nuestra felicidad es serviles a los demás. !Suerte!

first thank you very much for appreciation, i agree with you, love each other as if you love me and yourself, there is no doubt that our happiness always get real taste after helping , loving, trusting each other. thank you

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo buenna participaciónme gusta tu manera de ver la vida, saludos.

muchas gracias querida por darle me gusta a mi publicación, es tu grandeza, mantente feliz

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