SEC - S12W5 “The fight is pink”.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Comunidad Latinalast year (edited)

Steem greetings to everyone from my mother -land country Cameroon.It’s another exciting week for us to share our thoughts on the given contest.Once more welcome to my blog as I participate this season12 Week5 engagement challenge .As The Subject matter is focused on “The fight is pink”.My presentation will be dwell on “Cervical cancer awareness.


Edited by canva

The world today has been experiencing multiple of diseases attacking human body of care is not taken .Cervical cancer in another is know as cancer of cervix mostly by women .According to medical personal and scientist it has been proven cancer or cervical cancer is one of the most deathly disease that is killing in the world of today .In the below paragraphs I will talking about causes of cervical cancer , prevention and recommendation.That create awareness for people to fight against this deathly disease.I hope you will find pleasure reading my post .

What is cervical cancer and causes ?

A cervical can be defined as a process of formation of growth of cells that early starts developing from the cervix of the lower part what is called the uterus .Later spreed and connect with virgina. It’s has been proven that Atleast majority of women from 30years are affected with this deathly disease.It can take take up to 5 years and develop with you noticing until it’s at the stage of post cancer.



The cause of this cervical cancer disease 70% of women affected are gotten through sexual intercourse.Also, we have having sex with multiple partners, In proper care of our private part that Virgina etc.

Do you have any experience of someone who died of these cervical cancer out Ignorance?

Yes of course I witnessed a case which happen to be my mothers friend .This my mothers friend was 70 years old at that time .It’s was really a sad and pathetic story that we wish no body ever experienced this .The mom was sick for almost 2 , they always visited the hospital but different tests were conducted on her and her sickness was unable to detected my medical personnel.

After, some two years the was seriously crying to lower abdominal pain. Later she started experiencing bleeding from the Virginia and at her age it was not normal .This was because she already at her Menopause age .After she run to a different hospital while conducting her test on cervical cancer the result came out positive.

The worse of all was that it could not be treated because it was already at the last stage post cancer .The mother suffered for almost one year in serious pain and bleeding .At times she will be smelling since she was bleeding continuously and always they made sure they should part.With serval medical follow up and money spent to regain her health back my friend mother died. I will say there some pains that you past through that you prefer death.I wish this was diagnosed earlier she could live longer.

What are the recommendations that can be made to create awareness for fight and prevention of cervical cancer by Women?

  • Education : Women should be educated by medical personnel by creating awareness of the cervical cancer disease.Signs and symptoms, causes and how it can be prevented.With this many woman will conscious of this disease .Also asked them to give talks to their children and junior ones to aware of this especially girl children.

  • Screening : As a women or girl make sure Atleast you visit the hospital atleast .After 6month for cervical screening .To know your status .In case you have it proper medical checkup can be follow up when it still early.Prevention is better cure



  • Prevention. Since we already know the causes which one is having multiple sex partners .As women we can try to stick to our partners in order not be a victim .”There is a saying which goes prevention is better than cure”.

  • For those who are already affected we should encourage them to take their treatment and avoid stigmatization.This will make them to know there still have chances to live like others.

I have come to end of my presentation, I would like to invite @anroja @josepha @pandora2010 @crismenia and @norat23 to participates in this contest with their entries

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!category 2

I really apologize for your friend mother, it is not an easy situation and we do not know what should be done when nothing is possible. Valuable entry, good job.

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Saludos estimada amiga, conmovedora historia y creeme que te envio un gran abrazo virtual de sentimiento genuino por lo de tu mama, yo no me quiero ni imaginar algo asi. Dios te da la fortaleza. Saludos y Bendiciones.

Thank you for enagaging in my post

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