[Eng/Esp]Aven that gave me the courage to go ahead//Ave que me dio animo de seguir adelante

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago


Friends of steemit, thank God for the days he gives us, today I am going to talk about this parakeet bird.

Amigos de steemit,gracias a Dios por los dias que nos regala,hoy les voy hablar de esta ave perico.

On this sad day for me, I only have the consolation of this beautiful bird that changed my sadness for joy, I tell you that since yesterday I fell into a state of depression, without encouragement to get up, or to see my phone or answer messages or calls, the reason is because I work every day of my life until the weekends that are supposed to be for rest, overtime and even in the early morning if we catch work on the street, 15 days waiting for my salary payment with my coworkers and more news and surprise was our payment, This was a total disappointment for all my work team, but as always thank God this bird changed my day, when I thought of many things that were not good for me I do not deny that in my country what causes is to have a dream and not wake up because everything gets difficult every day, there is a mockery of all public workers, teachers, doctors, nurses, graduates, etc.. A miserable pig that is only enough to buy what I name in articles, but today thinking this bird approached me and began to talk and sing, sang a song repeatedly and said God is not dead is alive I began to laugh and my mood was changing suddenly, I asked this beautiful bird if she was hungry and she repeated yes food, yes food, I couldn't stand the laughter and then I went to my kitchen to get rice and I served her and she was very happy to let me take that picture and then she flew away, I don't know if she had an owner but it changed my life's mood.

En este dia tan triste para mi,solo me quedo el consuelo de esta hermosa ave que cambio mi tristeza por alegria,les cuento que desde ayer cai en un estado de depresion,sin animos de levantarme,ni de ver mi telefono ni contestar mensajes ni llamadas, el motivo es por que trabajo todos los dias de mi vida hasta los fines de semana que se supone que son para descanso,horas extras y hasta en las madrugadas si nos agarra trabajo en la calle,15 dias esperando mi pago de sueldo con mis compañeros de trabajo y mayor noticia y sorpresa fue nuestro pago,como decimos todos un pago que nos alcanza para comprar un paquete de harina pan,medio kilo de queso y una papeleta de cafe,esto fue una decepcion total para tódo mi equipo de trabajo,pero como siempre gracias a Dios esta ave cambio mi dia,cuando pensaba en muchas cosas que no eran buenas para mi no les niego en mi pais lo que provoca es tener un sueño y no despertar ya que todo se pone dificil cada dia,hay una burla a todos los trabajadores publicos ,maestros,medicos ,enfermeras ,licenciados,etc.un suerdo miserable que solo alcanza para comprar lo que nombre en articulos,pero hoy pensando esta ave se acerco a mi y empezo hablar y cantar, cantaba una cancion repetida y decia Dios no esta muerto esta vivo empece a reir y mi animo fue cambiando de repente,le pregunte a esa hermosa ave si tenia hambre y repetia si comida,si comida,no aguante las risas y luego fui por arroz a mi cocina le servi y ella muy contenta se dejo tomar esa fotografia y luego also su vuelo,no se si tenia dueño pero cambio mi animo de vida.

I hope it is of your interest and pleasure to continue sharing a little more with you, the photograph was captured with my phone galaxy samsung a10s, God bless you greatly.

Espero que sea de su interes y agrado para seguir compartiendo un poco mas con ustedes,la fotografia la capture con mi telefono galaxy samsung a10s,Dios los bendiga grandemente.


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