SEC S10W1 : A Gift To Myself

in Comunidad Latinalast year (edited)

Gimbal Kit from Konga online Nigerian market

Getting myself a gift isn't bad and living a healthy lifestyle can be so rewarding. So, I will like to write down a few things which I hope to get for myself as a gift. These things are very important and I am writing them here so that they can save as a reminder to me.

What gift would you give yourself?

The number one gift I would really love to give myself is a quality and good time to rest and I mean it. Oftentimes, this is underrated, but trust me, if you are no longer breathing, no other gift will come. So my health is very important in other to achieve other great things for me and others on planet Earth, it’s not about the money. I could make the whole money in this world, I could be rich like the top people in the world, but If my health is bad due to lack of rest, then that money would be useless.

Gimbal screenshot from Nigerian online market

I would also love to get a gimbal for myself. This kit comes with a microphone and light.

Would owning it make your life easier? Tell us the reason.

When I am sound as a result of giving myself enough rest, I would be healthy and have more opportunities to help humanity, I will spend less funds on health issues because I am already healthy and I could use such resources to assist others instead of spending it on bad health condition as a result of the negligence of having some rest. So this will make my life much easier.

Having a gimbal kit would help to improve the stability of my videos while recording events for SteemTV or local news. I am working on improving my audio/Video production and I want to give my best. Once my production is sharp, it will attract more viewers and become even more interesting.

How much does this gift cost in your country? You can take the price to Steem.

The first gift for myself which is rest doesn't cost any money, It’s just for me to devote time to it, that’s all.

Gimbal Price / delivery fee from Nigerian online market

While getting the second gift which is a new gimbal kit will cost me twenty-three thousand naira (#23,000) plus the delivery fee which is One thousand six fifty (#1,650) which would make a total of twenty-four thousand six hundred and fifty naira (#24,650). This amount is equivalent to 187 Steem.

Does steemit help you save for what you want so much?

Steemit is actually helping me to save up for this gift. And one of the reasons I remained in Club 75 for the moment is that I want to save up to cover these expenses. And NO, I don’t have to power down to get that. I believe with the few Steem and Tron I collect, I would be able to get this gift for myself soon.

What other gifts have you given yourself before?

I have given myself many gifts which I don’t have to start outlining here, otherwise, this page would be filled up with many words. But I am grateful, I was able to get a new laptop from my Steem savings and a ring light for my Video production. These are some of the benefits I have received from Steem and I hope I will get myself the above gift soon.

I will like to invite @eliany, @skinnyblack and @franyeligonzalez to share the gift they would like to gift themselves...

And this is just the little I can share on this topic, thank you so much for reading and goodnight.

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 last year 

Saludos amigo.

Guao si que es cierto la salud es sumamente importante, sin ella es poco lo que podemos hacer y disfrutar, es importante prestar atención a nuestro cuerpo ya que sin bienestar es difícil llevar una vida saludable. Es bueno que reconozcas que lo necesitas y que además saques tiempo para lograrlo.

También es un extraordinario regalo tu kit de gimbal porque eso facilitaría tu trabaja además de ofrecerte una mejora en la calidad del trabajo que ofreces y con ellos mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y expansión.

Espero que logres tener el descanso que necesitas para estar bien y que además logres tus implementos para un mejor trabajo.


 last year 

Thank you so much for appreciating my gifts. I consider health to be number one factor every living beign should put into consideration before doing anything.

Often times, that part is always neglected while pursuing riches...,unfortunately no man goes into "Six Feet" with their why should I kill myself over money while neglecting myself.....
It would make no sense and that's why I consider it Importatnt.

Thank you so much for all your wishes to me and by the way, I love your engagement....., this is one of the core reasons why engagement challenge was designed. It create avenue for people to read others publication and also commenting on them accordingly.

I would be glad to read more of you contents, hence I am still participating.

Health is wealth! And having enough rest and sleep for at least 7 - 8 hours daily is one of the ways we can achieve good health, couple with eating healthy and exercising. You just need to create time for this things it shows Respect for life. I wish you success!

 last year 

Hola querido amigo apreciamos tu publicación en nuestra comunidad en este desafío de la semana.

Tienes mucha razón vale más un puñado de descanso Que conseguir cosas materiales o ir tras el dinero ya que eso sería como correr tras el viento, terminaremos cansados y con poca salud y si esto sucede realmente no podremos darnos ningún otro regalo en la vida.

Deseo de todo corazón que puedes encontrar esos días para dedicar al buen descanso de tu cuerpo y así tengas una excelente salud.

Saludos éxitos y muchas bendiciones

 last year 

Thank you so much for appreciating that point I made.

Resting is very much important even though most times it is underrated.

I consider this thing very necessary and it is far more important than money...

I appreciate your fine comment on this shared point, thank you for those best wishes..

Nice gift for yourself, I'm happy you consider your health while giving yourself a gift, definitely you will achieve this gift it is really affordable

 last year 

Hola amigo realmente es cierto lo que dices la vida no se trata de trabajar como esclavo para obtener dinero.
Debe haber momentos en donde podamos tomarnos un buen descanso y relajarnos para poder tener una buena salud física y mental.
Me gustó tu entrada, Saludos y éxito.


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @irawandedy

 last year 

Thank you so much Bro @irawandedy for your support with SC04. Enjoy your curation day!

You are right that when we don't have a good health and we don't get peace in life then we can't use money. Similarly, it is also true that if we have money and we are the richest person in the world, but our health is not good, then that money is of no use.
Best of luck for competition 👌.

 last year 

Saludos amigo, feliz noche 🙏

Tiene razón, descansar es un buen regalo para nuestra salud. Ningún dinero es más importante que mantenernos saludable. La vida es una sola y debemos cuidarla.

Obtener los otros regalos se hace fácil y sí, mantenerse en el club 75, lo ayudará a alcanzar esos regalos.

Le deseo éxito en el desafío...

 last year 

Thank you so much for this meaningful comment. Rest is very importatnt, but aa lot of people do underrate it unfortunately.

I consider those things very Important and we shouldn't joke with it.

Thank you for your wishes, and sure, I hope to get this gift very soon.

'Health is wealth' they say .
Rest makes a perfect health, so I totally agree with this positive gift you want to give yourself.
Set right priority, maximize your every given time then you will achieve your desired wish.

 last year 

Thank you so much, I have always known health to be the number one thing, otherwise, breakdown would be the case.

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