Personal experience in problem solving without litigation || Experiencia personal en la resolución de problemas sin litigios

in Comunidad Latinalast month

Hoy te hablaré sobre tal tema. Eso es lo que sucedió con mi familia. Hoy estoy muy feliz de compartir uno de esos incidentes con usted en esta hermosa comunidad. Se nos ha pedido que hablemos hoy dentro de este hermoso comité nuestro. Es decir sobre los casos que siempre deben decirse o ver siempre. Una de esas cosas que estoy compartiendo contigo hoy a través de este hermoso blog. Cada persona en este hermoso mundo nuestro enfrenta problemas debido a alguna razón. Para resolver ese problema, tratamos de resolver el problema respetando la ley más alta del país. Se llama un caso. Además de las demandas, muchas cosas son posibles en nuestro mundo. Sin embargo, por compromiso, cuando esa duda no funciona. Ahí es cuando cada persona enfrenta el caso.

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Hace unos días tuve un incidente con mi familia. Fui un completo testigo de eso. Lo cual fue muy doloroso y muy doloroso para nuestra familia. Me siento muy bendecido de poder compartir esa historia con ustedes hoy. Porque tales eventos nunca han sucedido en la vida real. Nunca imaginé que podría compartirlo contigo de repente hoy. Nadie puede predecir qué tipo de problemas arroja la vida a nadie en un momento dado. Te contaré la historia hoy. Es decir, teníamos un negocio, ese negocio nos pertenece.


Pero durante algún tiempo estábamos administrando de ese negocio como familia. Pero necesitábamos algo de dinero. Es por eso que mi padre le dio a alguien una parte en su negocio como suyo. Desde entonces, nuestro negocio ha ido bien. Pero después de unos días, mi padre se dio cuenta de que su compañero estaba desviando dinero de su negocio. De hecho, hay una gran pérdida en una organización. Daños que nadie tiene el poder de descomponerse. Estábamos tratando de hablar con él entonces. Pero entonces no estaba evaluando esas palabras. Entonces pensé que se podría intentar enjuiciar el asunto a nivel gubernamental. Mi familia y yo lo planeamos por delante. Aún así, por alguna razón, esas cosas no fueron procesadas. Había ciertas razones para eso, que intentaré compartir con su punto por punto a continuación. Que está tomado de mi vida.

Why we did not file a case against my father's business partner. I mentioned some of his points.

Enjuiciar un caso requiere mucho tiempo y dinero. que no teníamos. Así que nos mantenemos fuera de este caso para evitar esos problemas.

We did not have any eyewitnesses or evidence that my uncle was removing money from there. We therefore refrain from pursuing this case..

The type of mind-set required to litigate. How someone will help us to file a case. We have not found anyone like that. Which it fell on us as stress. Therefore we distance ourselves from this case.

En vista de estos venenos anteriores, mi padre se abstuvo de presentar un caso contra mi tío o el compañero de mi padre. Y ha tomado una decisión para que su negocio tenga un avión que tenga cuentas comerciales. Se apresuró a hacer lo que fuera necesario para ordenarlo. Para que su socio comercial no pueda tomar dinero sin su cuenta. Por lo tanto, se toman todas las medidas. A través del cual tratamos de resolver esos problemas. Pero si mi padre hubiera presentado un caso contra ese socio comercial, tal vez la compañía no se hubiera manejado tan bien. El dinero avanzado no era reembolsable. Porque no teníamos testigos o documentos específicos o evidencia para probar. Eso habría sido un gran obstáculo para nosotros.


Los siguientes son algunos pasos que mi padre tomó para administrar nuestro negocio.

  1. Según el consejo del abogado, ¿qué tipo de problemas tiene que resolver su negocio?

  2. Intenté planificar y soluciones alternativas. Mi padre le dijo a su pareja que su dinero había bajado. Hable con él y su compañero y asegúrese de que no cometerá tal error nuevamente ni le dará ninguna oportunidad a nadie por tal error.

  3. Crea una cobertura de seguridad financiera en caso de problemas financieros. A partir de eso, el comerciante hace un buen acuerdo para que no haya pérdidas.

  4. Trato de mantenerme lo más bueno posible a través de la salud mental personal. También está cooperando con su organización para administrarla nuevamente. Si el caso fuera atacado, de alguna manera hacerlo probablemente conduciría a un colapso mental. Y su negocio habría perecido en una empresa que no se habría beneficiado de ninguna manera. Así que salimos del caso y logramos administrar nuestra propia tienda con una solución adecuada y hermosa.

Revisamos nuestras vidas después de haber experimentado plenamente ese evento. Estamos tratando de organizar todo bien para nuestro negocio. Para que no tengamos que enfrentar este problema en el futuro. Es por eso que muchas de nuestras cosas están bien planificadas. Sin embargo, he aprendido mucho sobre litigios. Dependiendo de la situación depende completamente de la situación. Que ya sea que demandes o no demandes. Qué tipo de problemas se pueden enfrentar si se archiva el caso. Además de eso, he tratado de compartir con ustedes estas hermosas palabras mías de mi vida real. A veces es muy importante encontrar soluciones alternativas. No importa si enfrenta algún problema. Pero debe tener en cuenta que para resolver el problema debe tratar de resolver el problema pacíficamente. Y abordar la situación de manera inteligente con quien encuentre problemas. Y tome la decisión correcta para que este problema no se enfrente en su futuro. Del mismo modo, mi padre tomó la decisión y ahora estamos dirigiendo el negocio. Ahora hemos expulsado al compañero de mi padre desde nuestra asociación y ahora estamos comenzando de nuevo.


Today I will talk to you about such a topic. That is what happened with my family. Today I am very happy to share one such incident with you in this beautiful community. We have been asked to speak today within this beautiful committee of ours. That is to say about the cases that should always be said or always seen. One such thing I am sharing with you today through this beautiful blog. Every person in this beautiful world of ours faces problems due to some reason. To solve that problem, we try to solve the problem by respecting the highest law of the country. It is called a case. Apart from lawsuits, many things are possible in our world. By compromise, however, when that doubt doesn't work. That's when every person faces the case.

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A few days ago I had an incident with my family. I was a complete witness of that. Which was very painful and very painful for our family. I feel very blessed to be able to share that story with you today. Because such events have never happened in real life. I never imagined that I would be able to share it with you all of a sudden today. No one can predict what kind of problems life throws at anyone at any given moment. I will tell you the story today. That is we had a business, that business belongs to us.


But for some time we were managing from that business as a family. But we needed some money. That's why my father gave someone a share in his business as his. Since then our business has been going well. But after a few days my father realized that his partner was siphoning off money from his business. In fact, there is a big loss in an organization. Damages that no one has the power to decompose. We were trying to talk to him then. But he wasn't evaluating those words then. I then thought that an attempt could be made to prosecute the matter at the government level. My family and I all planned it ahead. Still, for some reason those things were not prosecuted. There were certain reasons for that, which I will try to share with you point by point below. Which is taken from my life.

Why we did not file a case against my father's business partner. I mentioned some of his points.

Prosecuting a case requires a lot of time and money. which we did not have. So we keep ourselves out of this case to avoid those issues.

We did not have any eyewitnesses or evidence that my uncle was removing money from there. We therefore refrain from pursuing this case..

The type of mind-set required to litigate. How someone will help us to file a case. We have not found anyone like that. Which it fell on us as stress. Therefore we distance ourselves from this case.

In view of these poisons above, my father refrained from filing a case against my uncle or my father's partner. And he has made a decision for his business to have a plane that has business accounts. He hastened to do whatever was necessary to tidy it up. So that his business partner cannot take money without his account. Therefore, all measures are taken. Through which we tried to solve those problems. But if my father had filed a case against that business partner, maybe the company would not have been run so well. The money advanced was non-refundable. Because we had no specific witnesses or documents or evidence to prove. That would have been a big hurdle for us.


Following are some steps my father took to manage our business.

  1. According to the advice of the lawyer, what kind of problems his business has to solve?

  2. Tried planning and alternative solutions. My father told his partner that his money had gone down. Talk to him and his partner and assure him that he will not make such a mistake again or give any opportunity to anyone for such a mistake.

  3. Creates a financial security cover in case of any financial problems. From that the trader makes a good arrangement so that there is no loss.

  4. I try to keep myself as good as possible through personal mental health. He is also cooperating with his organization to manage it again. If the case were to be attacked, somehow doing it would probably lead to a mental breakdown. And his business would have perished in a company that would not have profited in any way. So we came out of the case and managed to manage our own shop with a proper and beautiful solution.

We go through our lives having fully experienced that event. We are trying to organize everything nicely for our business. So that we do not have to face this problem in the future. That's why many of our things are well planned. However, I have learned a lot about litigation. Depending on the situation depends entirely on the situation. That whether you sue or not sue. What kind of problems can be faced if the case is filed. On top of that I have tried to share with you these beautiful words of mine from my real life. Sometimes it is very important to find alternative solutions. No matter if you face any problem. But you must keep in mind that in order to solve the problem you have to try to solve the problem peacefully. And approach the situation intelligently with whomever you encounter problems with. And make the right decision so that this problem is not faced in your future. Similarly my father took the decision and now we are running the business. Now we have kicked out my father's partner from our partnership and now we are starting fresh.




Ha compartido un excelente contenido respecto a los demás litigios que ha mencionado, no cabe duda que los litigios que se han llevado a cabo son reconocidos como de debido proceso legal obligatorio, sin duda se agradece su post y es excelente el trabajo único realizado por las actividades.

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