"SEC-S18W5 |Controlling anger".

Hello, Steemian friends,
How are you there? Hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today I am going to participate in the new engagement challenge brought by Comunidad Latina. The name of the engagement challenge is "SEC-S18W5 |Controlling anger".Many thanks to the Comunidad Latina for organizing a beautiful engagement for us.

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∞🔸∞Anger is a human condition or displeasure that is directed at another person. Usually, anger is expressed when someone does something against his/her own opinion. We are often angry with each other for various reasons. Sometimes this anger is for acceptable reasons and sometimes it is not. It also happens for unacceptable reasons. Anyway, trying to answer the questions of today's episode of today's engagement with anger. Let's go back to the main discussion.

✅Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us.


I am showing my selfie with angry face

✅Are you one of the people who gets angry easily?

No, I don't get angry easily. I try to control myself even if I get upset with someone, I try to understand him or explain to him. But I don't get angry easily. Because I know anger is something that blinds and causes terrible things to happen. It can happen for which we are not prepared. As anger gets out of control it deteriorates the relationship between the two parties. So, I don't get angry easily.

I am in angry face

✅What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?

I have said before that I don't get angry easily. Many times, things happen in family, society, friends, or office, due to which I lose my temper and get angry. The reasons for which I lose my temper or get angry are: -

  • If someone tells a lie repeatedly, I lose my temper.
  • I lose my temper when someone takes the wrong way and claims that he is on the right way even after suggesting it.
  • Having to tell someone the same thing over and over again makes me lose my temper.
  • I lose my temper when someone broken his promise.
  • I lose my temper when I see someone repeatedly going the wrong way.

My angry face

✅Tell us the last reason that made you angry.

I don't get angry easily. I always try to keep my anger under control. Still, there are situations in which I get angry without knowing it.
There was such a situation that I couldn't help but get angry. The incident of getting angry was: -
We formed a multipurpose cooperative society with some friends. The person who was responsible for cash ran away with cash's money of around 20,00,000 or 100000 steem. We tried many times to catch him. But I didn't find him. I was so angry then that I would have caused an accident if I had him near me. My anger towards him has not gone yet. We are still looking for him. I don't know what kind of anger I will express if I find him in the future.

I am still angry

✅Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

I firmly believe that anger can never bring anything good. Anger can always have a negative impact. Anger cannot solve any problem. Anger destroys good relationships. It is created which creates great turmoil in the family, and rifts in friendships. And so, I will say again that anger can never solve any problem. Anger can never have a positive effect on society, at times. Anger means negative results, anger means chaos. So, we should avoid anger.

Another image of angry face

I invite four of my friends @nsijoro @suleha @arshani @sushanta83
Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my controlling anger article. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.



You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

@fuli, Thank you so much for your valuable support on my article.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

Greetings my friend.

In life it is very good to practice temperance to control the scenarios that can trigger anger. In your case, you don't get angry easily, but you try to control the situation and make the person causing your discomfort see reason.

Temperance is a friend of tolerance. I congratulate you and strengthen your character with more temperance.

Happy afternoon.

@elpastor sir, thank you so much for giving your valuable time to read my article and your beautiful comments on my post.

 last month 

Hola amigo que bueno que usted no se deja llevar le la emoción del momento y siempre trata de tomar la mejor desicion por en bien mayor, cuando alguien miente es razón para enojarse pero también hay estar tranquilo para razonar.
Con respecto a la persona que se llevó esa cantidad de dinero le aseguro que si se lo encuentra usted dele una buena lección para que no robe más nunca y mienta.

@xaske, thank you so much for reading my post and your valuable comments.

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