Spreading joy

Hello my Steemian friends, today I am joining you to participate in the contest hosted by @cotina via Comunidad Latina Community.

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Happiness is an emotional state associated with feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. Genuine happiness comes from making others happy, rather than just feeling good for yourself. By making others happy we can brighten their day, improve their mood, and uplift their spirits. When we make others happy, we automatically feel happy.

What has made you happy today?

As I previously mentioned, today become happy from helping a needy person who was selling items to cover her daily expenses. She came to my house around 2:00 pm, carrying both ripe and young jackfruits to sell. She sold these to people in our area. When I saw her condition, I decided to help her, so I purchased some jackfruits despite my wishes. I know my tiny approach to assisting her brings her considerable support.

After purchasing the jackfruits, I realized she might not have eaten yet, even though it was beyond lunchtime. I offered her lunch, knowing that a meal could make a significant difference for her at that moment. She happily accepted and ate it. I felt a great feeling of happiness and satisfaction at being able to help her by purchasing her trade items and giving her lunch.

This act of kindness made me very happy. In this way, simply sharing my happiness with others makes me pleased. This minor act creates genuine joy in my life.

Do you think that there is more pain or more joy in life?

Whether there is more pain or more joy in life can vary from person to person. Some people might experience more pain due to challenging circumstances, health issues, or personal losses. Others may find more joy in their lives through positive relationships, fulfilling work, and meaningful experiences.

Life is a mix of both joy and pain and how we see it often depends on our viewpoint and dedication. Many people feel that sadness is unavoidable, pleasure can be found in simple acts of kindness, and connections with others. When we move through our lives, we can experience a variety of emotions including joy and sadness.

Ultimately, both pain and joy are integral parts of the human experience. Accepting both can lead to a richer, more empathetic understanding of life.

Do you normally talk more about your problems or your joys? Can you share with us a moment when you felt that emotion?

People tend to talk about their happiness and sadness based on the experience they are gaining. Since I experience a happy life most of the time, I talk more about my joys. My heart is full of happiness, and I love spreading positivity and cheerfulness.

Image soure

A moment that deeply touched me was when I saw my first baby. I remember the nurse showing my baby to me, and I shouted, "Oh! my son." The nurses in adjoining rooms rushed to my bed, thinking there was a problem. Realizing my shout was pure joy, the nurses went back to their rooms.

That feeling of happiness is something I can never forget. It’s a memory that runs through my blood, warming my heart every time I recall it. Sharing such joyous moments not only brings back those emotions but also spreads happiness to those around me.

Do you consider yourself a happy person who spreads that beautiful energy to others?

Yes, I consider myself a joyful person who spreads positive energy to others. I believe in the power of positivity and how it may affect people around me. When I am happy, it improves the moods of everyone who I connected with. I appreciate sharing my wonderful experiences and positive views on life, whether through a smile, a kind word, or a helping action. When I focus on the positive aspects of my life, it not only makes me happier but also encourages others to recognize the good in their lives. When we are joyful and share it with those around us, it helps them see the world with a positive perspective.

Invite to

25% @null.


Thank you for reading my post .


Hello dear @senehasa thank you very much for sharing your best moments of joy with us, I get to know that happinness and emotional state which is applied to the source of joy and fulfilment, you've really said something good dear I also get to know that you are a philanthropist who likes to help people you decided to serve the poor woman with good food and also gift her something due to her condition and she decided to accept with some smile on her face, indeed you've really made a nice decision and I don't really think that the poor lady will forget this thing that you gave to her she will forever thank you and appreciate you more and also share your goodness with others, thanks for being such a virtuous woman who loves giving to the needy it's really a good decision in which you have made so far and all I'm wishing for you this day is that your help will surely comes from the Almighty God also. Thanks one's again for sharing your best experiences with us, I really wish you all the best in your engagement challenge.
Best regards from @princelafresh.

Thank you very much for reading my post and leaving a such kind feedback. Wish you good night and sweet dream.

Thanks friend 😊


Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Making people feel happy is the greatest thing we can do for one another. It is a good thing you are putting joy in the face of others. Good luck to you.

I appreciate your kind words.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Thanks a lot for your kind gesture.

 last month 
Hola querida, espero te encuentres muy bien. Tal como dices, cuando ayudamos al prójimo nos causa una satisfacción plena que genera en nosotros alegría, qué hermoso gesto tuviste con esta persona, al comprarle sus productos y además invitarla a almorzar, tienes un corazón muy noble.

Sin dudas que, en el transcurso de nuestras vidas nos topamos con una mezcla de dolor y alegría, pero ¿cómo podríamos apreciar la alegría si no conocemos el dolor? Así que cada instante de felicidad que nos regala la vida hay que disfrutarlo al máximo, el dolor tratar de superarlo y seguir adelante con la mejor actitud que podamos.

Fue un gusto leerte, saludos y bendiciones...

Thank you for your thoughtful comment and reading my post. Have a nice day.

Hello @senehasa hope you are having a good day yaw helping others really does bring true happiness. Your story about buying jackfruits and sharing lunch with the seller really touched me. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Reading this brightened my day. Thanks for sharing and spreading joy, wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving such a nice feedback.

Hello dear @senehasa!

your story about buying jackfruits and sharing lunch with the seller really touched me. Small acts of kindness like this truly make a big difference. Keep spreading joy😊 😊

I appreciate you reading my post and leaving kind feedback.

Thank you dear for your appreciation ❤️❤️

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