S18:W1| I survive out of pure anxiety!


Today, I am here to partake in the


Before moving forward, I want to invite @adeljose, @irawandedy, and @chant wholeheartedly participate in this challenge.

Describe what situations can cause you anxiety.

From my perspective, no creature can think of life without anxiety.

The only difference is that;
Humans can express them through words and actions, but many can't!

  • Have you ever seen how a mother elephant responds when her child dies?

Elephants do grieve like humans!

That means at that point, the mother elephant also goes through anxiety.

  • Last Saturday, I lost my uncle. I remember the day when I met him for the last time.

I have so many childhood memories attached to my aunt and uncle!
However, losing a relationship always carries the amplest anxiety from childhood to date!

Because many things we can get back in our lives;
but we can't reverse time and those people and moments.
I try to explain my anxiety, stowing the alphabet in my mind.



Alone! Confront all situations.
Neverending mental trauma.
X -
Xerophytic species circumstances when I require to go through.
I -
Imagination of predicaments.
E -
Emotions that often can't be shared with anyone.
T -
Try to perform and maintain discipline and honesty in professional life because people don't love to listen to nude facts but appreciate sugar-coated lies.
Y -
Yesterday always chases me with all those memories and relationships that I lost!

How do you deal with this feeling?
  • Sometimes, I keep quiet and share them with the almighty.
    I acknowledge humans often don't comprehend our intentions;
    that the almighty can read.

Moreover, people take advantage of our conviction;
Thus, it's better to share with someone who is the source of our positive energy.

If our intentions are selfless, the almighty often helps us to show the path of the impossible to make it possible.

Life tests us with various anxieties to see how we deal with them.

When a person deals with physical challenges, mental traumas, or financial crises,
anxiety is natural.

Some tips to avoid suffering from anxiety.


  • The best way to avoid suffering from anxiety is to regale your brain so that it can't think about the anxiety.

I won't suggest meditation because we need a calm mind, and during anxiety, it couldn't be possible to meditate.

  • Talk to someone (be cautious)who can understand your situation because sharing anxiety with a trustworthy person can give us some solutions.

  • Watching favorite movies, listening to favorite songs, going outside to inhale fresh air.

  • Time is the best healer, and nothing is permanent;
    Make yourself comprehend.

So many things are not in our hands;
Accept this truth and fight your own battle. Every problem comes with a solution;

The only thing is we just ought to glance at the solution instead of the problem.

Do your duty by following the honest path;
and the rest leave everything in the hands of the almighty!

That's all from my end. Don't forget to share your feedback through comments. Stay tuned and blessed always. Life is a blessing!



 5 months ago 

Primero te quiero decir que lamento mucho lo de tu tío. Es cierto, en el mundo pasamos por muchas situaciones que provocan ansiedad.

Pero se tiene que buscar o tomar las medidas necesarias cuando estemos pasando por esto. Para no caer en ninguna tentación. En bueno la comunicación para liberar nuestra mente.

Correctly said, good communication work out to overcome anxiety but we have to select the correct person for the same.

Else, consequences can be distinct. I am already going through some tough situation because of personal reason that i mentioned in my post.

We never know which will be our last meeting!
Right now, exact feelings working for my uncle who past away this Saturday.

But I am still performing and trying to give my best that's life.

Thank you for your visit and beautiful comment. ❤️

 5 months ago 

Es correcto mi amiga. Se tiene que ser un poco selectivo.

Fortaleza para ti, en este momento difícil.
Abrazos con mucho cariño.


Respected mam,

Woahhh !! What a description of anxiety you gave. It is an excellent explanation. Nothing lefts and you have covered all top to toe. Anxiety means alone, Neverending trauma, emotions that triggers, yesterday that chase all along and imagination which scares us deeply. I loved the way you denoted every moment of anxiety by its alphabetic letters.
Thank you.

First of all I would love to appreciate for going through my post.
Life is like that each day comes to educate us with various emotions so that we can understand the reality of it.
Besides that challenging moments makes us mature.

 5 months ago 

Saludos amiga es difícil manejar la perdida de un ser querido de un dia para otro ya que siempre vamos a recordar los últimos momentos que compartimos con esa persona que ya no está
Nadie está exento de no sufrir de ansiedad ya que el no tener dinero para medicina o comida nos va a producir ansiedad
Hablar con Dios es bueno porque el siempre nos escucha y nos indicara cual es el camino correcto a seguir

You are correctly said my friend we have different reasons of anxiety in life but we follow the path aof honesty then the almighty definitely help us with solutions.
Thank you for encouraging words and examples and above all your presence.
Stay blessed! 💕

 5 months ago 

Hola, las etiquetas correctas para promocionar Steem en X (Twitter) son #steem #steemit y $steem, ademas de alguna otra relevante relacionada al post. Asegurate de siempre escribir algo en el tweet. El formato correcto es: Escrito + etiquetas + link al post. Buena suerte.

Great! Thank you for educating me, I was not aware of twitter hash tags and all the mentioned thing you teach me.
For sure i will follow the same.
Thank you once again my dear friend.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

I'm really sorry to hear about your uncle. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is incredibly tough, and it's normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed, only God can comfort and heal you.

The steps you normally take to keep anxiety in check are practical, I find that prayer can be really comforting during difficult times. Just remember, you're not alone, and things will get better. Thanks for sharing, and best of luck to you!

Thank you for your instant response, I am late because doing multitasking!
Today my older brother and his son came in the afternoon as we need to perform some rituals.

Life is full of surprises whether it's good or bad we all have to accept them.
Thank you for your visit my dear friend and best of luck to you too!

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