Three wishes / Tres deseos

in Comunidad Latina5 months ago

It’s been tough times in Nigeria after the new government took over and removed fuel subsidy saying it is know longer sustainable for the country and the worse part of it is that our refineries are yet to work. In other words, we’ll still be importing fuel after exporting our crude oil.

The price of things in the country has gone so high that some people are even committing suicide out of frustration, leaving their families behind, kidnapping school kids and murdering of innocent people by bokoharam and Fulani herdsmen is now the new gold in the north.


Debt rates of the country is now over the roof that a friend of mine said that if we’re to divide it among each individual in the country we’ll be paying 500,000 naira in a population of over 200 million. Exchange rates of dollar to the naira is even the worst.

Well, the same way is affecting others, is the same way it’s also affecting me and my family. But I can’t let that make me commit crime. I still remain a good citizen. So, I decided to go to the market to get some stuff for my family, so we could eat. That day, the market was so busy.


While I was searching for vegetables to buy, I stumbled upon an old antique shop hidden in a quiet corner and I noticed a dusty relics like the shape of a lamp, I decided to buy it for my kids, so that they can play with it, since
they love the cartoon “Aladdin” so much. Little did I know, it held the key to unlocking my deepest desires.

I got home and decided to surprise my kids with the Aladdin lamp. They were so happy that they were almost fighting against each other to hold the lamp. In the process of the struggle, one of them rubbed the lamp. A swirl of smoke emerged, coalescing into the form of a wise genie. We ran for our dear lives because we were afraid and had know idea it was the real deal.

The genie told us to come out from our hide out and that he’s not head to harm anyone. We came out, startled yet intrigued by this magical being that stood right before us. I and the kids listened as the genie offered us three wishes bound only by the limits of my dreams.


For my present: I wished to be a rich, courageous and wise president for my country. To lead my nation to the right direction, were all of us in the country can be prosperous and live together in peace and harmony without having ethnic and religious crises all the time. With the snap of a finger, the wish came to past.

Left with two wishes, I had to reflect on my past and wanted the genie to bring back only one person from my past and it was my late mum. I really missed her so much. I wanted to reclaim lost moments with her and cherish her presence once more.

With the last wish left, I decided to look into the future, I wished for a long and healthy life for me and my family filled with love and happiness for one another.

With every wish made, the lamp shimmered with energy, weaving the threads of my desire into reality. Once all my wishes were granted, the genie disappeared into the lamp. My persona changed immediately. I carried with me a renewed sense of hope and purpose, ready to change the world

Spanish translation / Traducción Española

Han sido tiempos difíciles en Nigeria después de que el nuevo gobierno asumió el poder y eliminó el subsidio al combustible diciendo que ya se sabe que es sostenible para el país y lo peor es que nuestras refinerías aún no funcionan. En otras palabras, seguiremos importando combustible después de exportar nuestro petróleo crudo.

El precio de las cosas en el país ha subido tanto que algunas personas incluso se están suicidando por frustración, dejando atrás a sus familias, secuestrando a niños en edad escolar y asesinando a personas inocentes por parte de bokoharam y los pastores Fulani son ahora el nuevo oro en el norte.


Las tasas de deuda del país están ahora por las nubes y un amigo mío dijo que si las dividiéramos entre cada individuo del país, pagaríamos 500.000 naira en una población de más de 200 millones. Los tipos de cambio del dólar frente a la naira son incluso los peores.

Bueno, de la misma manera está afectando a los demás, de la misma manera también me está afectando a mí y a mi familia. Pero no puedo permitir que eso me lleve a cometer un crimen. Sigo siendo un buen ciudadano. Entonces decidí ir al mercado a comprar algunas cosas para mi familia y poder comer. Ese día, el mercado estaba muy ocupado.


Mientras buscaba verduras para comprar, me topé con una antigua tienda de antigüedades escondida en un rincón tranquilo y noté unas reliquias polvorientas con forma de lámpara, decidí comprárselas a mis hijos, para que puedan jugar con ellas. , desde
Les encanta mucho la caricatura "Aladdin". No lo sabía, tenía la clave para desbloquear mis deseos más profundos.

Llegué a casa y decidí sorprender a mis hijos con la lámpara de Aladino. Estaban tan felices que casi luchaban entre sí para sostener la lámpara. En el proceso de la lucha, uno de ellos frotó la lámpara. Surgió un remolino de humo que se fusionó en la forma de un genio sabio. Corrimos para salvar nuestras queridas vidas porque teníamos miedo y sabíamos que era algo real.

El genio nos dijo que saliéramos de nuestro escondite y que no iba a hacer daño a nadie. Salimos, sorprendidos pero intrigados por este ser mágico que estaba justo frente a nosotros. Los niños y yo escuchamos mientras el genio nos ofrecía tres deseos sujetos únicamente a los límites de mis sueños.


Para mi presente: deseaba ser un presidente rico, valiente y sabio para mi país. Llevar a mi nación en la dirección correcta, donde todos nosotros en el país podamos ser prósperos y vivir juntos en paz y armonía sin tener crisis étnicas y religiosas todo el tiempo. Con un chasquido de un dedo, el deseo se hizo realidad.

Me quedé con dos deseos, tuve que reflexionar sobre mi pasado y quería que el genio trajera de vuelta solo a una persona de mi pasado y era mi difunta madre. Realmente la extrañé mucho. Quería recuperar los momentos perdidos con ella y apreciar su presencia una vez más.

Con el último deseo que me quedaba, decidí mirar hacia el futuro, deseé una vida larga y saludable para mí y mi familia, llena de amor y felicidad unos para otros.

Con cada deseo pedido, la lámpara brillaba con energía, tejiendo los hilos de mi deseo en realidad. Una vez que se cumplieron todos mis deseos, el genio desapareció dentro de la lámpara. Mi personalidad cambió inmediatamente. Llevaba conmigo un renovado sentido de esperanza y propósito, listo para cambiar el mundo

Invitaré a @lovelystar, @chiomi y @effyb a este concurso.

Todas las imágenes fueron reveladas con bing Ai.

Pls that lamp till dey market, because I need my own lamp.
Best wishes in your entry.

Hahaha… I know go show u d market… I know wan hear say u come wish me comot for my presidential villa…😂😂

Please where can I get my own Aladdin lamp? I need to make 3 wishes for myself too. 😄
I know the Aladdin lamp would have changed the lives of so many people in this country for good if it is available for all. I enjoyed your story from the beginning to the end. You are a good writer.I wish you the best of luck.

I can show were to get it, under one condition

They do it on purpose a crisis is good to make a new, worldwide conyrolled start. We sell our gas to Germany even buy and change that gas to sell it to germany while we have to buy abroad.

Our vegetables, milk everything is exspensive. This week we noticed there's hardly fat left in it. So we pay for coloured water while the quality is sold for a bot abroad. It sounds as if each country is doing that.

With us they say if a baby is born it already has a debt of over 150000 eoros! How can that be? I don't have debts.

Wow.. so, even in developed countries, you guys pass through similar conditions too??

I didn’t even expect so much debts… but the good thing is that your government is putting the money to good use… our government is impoverishing the citizens and stealing the money

Good use? It flows to the top, abroad and they keep printing. It's all part of the plan. A crisis is what is needed to introduce a new reign.

We still have no government...

They steal here too, block bankaccounts and we pay taxes over taxes we already paid taxes over.

My luck so far is I have no debts, no loans, nothing.

It's everywhere the same. :(

I've heard that these "Jeannies in a bottle" have quite a crude sense of humour and like to interpret wishes literally... ;-)) The rich, brave and wise president would probably retire from the thankless office at the same moment. The return of an already lost person could expose dear and priceless memories as distorted and the view into the future... Well, that could reveal any number of horrors.

So: genie or no genie: work on your wishes! The realistic part will come true and the rest will serve as your motivation. Good luck!

So: genie or no genie: work on your wishes! The realistic part will come true and the rest will serve as your motivation.

Wise words from a wise @weiser-rabe.. thanks for this words of wisdom.


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