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RE: Los mecanismos persuasivos utilizados en los discursos políticos

Respect the laws," even showing the Constitution, while acting contrary to it,

The most cunny set of people on earth are the politicians. All those fake constitution or law never applies to them but only on poor masses.. the reason why they can steal billions and go free, while the poor gets killed for stealing food from the streets.

The same politicians that pretend to be fighting for justice and for the citizens, once they get into power becomes a tyrant.

The reason no one ever trust them for their word!!

When will they be announcing the results of the election or has it been announced yet? ?

 last month 

Saludos, amigo, los resultados que anunció el Consejo Nacional Electoral siguen en pie: El Presidente es, según ellos, Nicolás Maduro, pero aún no muestran las pruebas de que, en efecto, la población votó por él.

Es decir, estamos ante una dictadura disfrazada de democracia. Un abrazo.

Always the same thing… national electoral council is another set of people that kill’s democracy in a nation. Always maneuvering votes to there preferred candidate..

Let’s hope court is able to settle the whole electoral malpractice that happened for you guys…

 last month 

Estamos en manos de la anarquía.

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