SEC S12W6||My life in a thousand colors

in Comunidad Latina11 months ago
Good morning 🌄

Greetings to all of you!
Life is full of colours I agree with it. Sometimes we see our favourite colours in the form of favourite moments of life and sometimes we see colours that we don't like in the form of unhappy moments of life so let's summarize my life in thousand colours.

Brown Minimal Polaroid Multiple Photo Collage Free Instagram Post_20231011_210239_0000.png

What color do you identify with and why?

There are many colours which are my favourite and I really like them to wear, I really like them to eat in different dishes, I really like them to see in different arts but I identify myself with one colour which is green and it looks very fascinating to me.


I choose green colour as my identity because everyday when I start my day then I always go for morning walk and in park or in anywhere where I walk I always saw a lot of greenery which gives peace to my eyes and it's my believe that I see greenery in morning that's why my day becomes more fresh that's why green colour is my identity.

What do you think the expression "see life in color and not in black and white" means?

Expression See life in color and not in black and white have very deep meanings and I conclude from this statement that we should always fill life with colours but these colours should not be black and white.

Black and white colour represent sadness
All colours other than black and white represent Bloom and joy

We should always try to fill our life with bloom , happiness and joys because life span is very short to enjoy that's why we should not waste it by thinking complexities of life and by involving ourselves in tentions. We should not think anything in our life like black and white colour because the thing that makes us sad always destroy peace of present but does not give solution of problem. So one thing I want to say is that;

Stay away from negativity and stay closer to positivity

In above sentence you can say that I am representing black and white colour in terms of negativity and I am representing all colours other than black and white in terms of positivity.

Tell us what color you associate 4 steemians with and why.

It's very interesting to answer to associate 4 steemians with different colours and to give the reasons that why I associate all of them with a particular colour.


@steemdoctor1 is one of my most favourite steemian and he belongs from my country Pakistan. I am going to represent him with green colour because according to me green colour represents peace and he is really very peaceful person as well as very loyal and sincere with his work and always very helpful for everyone that's why I am going to associate green colour with him.


@kouba01 is my one of most favourite steemian and I would like to associate lavender colour with him because this is one of most decent colour I have ever seen and I consider his personality very decent and elegant as well as I consider him a person who strictly follow merit and rules in his life that's why I really like his personality and with most decent colour of my life I am going to associate him.


@sduttaskitchen is one of my most favourite steemian and I would like to represent her and associate her with pink colour because she is a lovely lady just like lovely pink colour and she always works on merit as well as she don't make difference in anyone that's why due to her lovely nature I am associating her with lovely colour which is pink.


@malikusman1 is a very hardworking steemian and I want to associate him with my most favourite colour which is blue and it seems very attractive to me and as he is from my country so whenever I need motivation then I always seek for guidance from him because his motivation and words I really like and I feel very attractive so I am associating him with most attractive colour due to his most attractive motivation and its influence in my life.

When buying things for yourself (Clothes and mobile/electric devices in general) What colors do you usually choose? Is there any particular reason?

Whenever I have to buy something for myself either it is in the form of clothes,either it is mobile phone or either it is an electrical device there are two colours that I really choose. One of my most favourite colour is green which is my identity also and I really like it and secondly my most favourite colour is black.

Green colour looks very suitable at me as well as if you are buying home appliances or anything else then green colour looks good and perfect as well as attractive but black colour is my all time favourite and if someone ask me to have a gift then I would always suggest to give me in black colour because it's my personal opinion that black colour suits on everyone and its never looks bad to my eyes.

The reason to choose green colour is attractiveness and peace that I feel from it and if I talk about black colour then it suits on everyone as well as it looks amazing in everything either you are buying clothes or something for your home that's why I really like both of these colours and there is no particular reasons than this behind it.

Sharing 3 photos of my favourite colour

Yes there are many photos in my mobile phone that I captured and edited also so you can see in pictures that I captured some beautiful photographs of white colour flowers and then edit this picture and make it black and white which is looking more attractive so it shows that how much black colour is my favourite.


After that I'm showing my mirror selfie in which you can see that I'm wearing a black colored dress so once in a week I always wear black costume and then I have also shared a picture of a cafe in which there is black color which is looking very attractive so these are three looks of my most favorite colored pictures.

I want to invite here
To participate 😀

Have a nice day

You write very about your colors. And wawooo I also really like different colours to eat in different dishes. You pictures your favorite steemians in different colors and that is a lovely description. Green is also favorite because it is color of our flag...!Best wishes to you.

A song that says my clothes of many colours I think by Dolly Parton so colours are really beautiful and agree with you with the fact that you said something about seeing life with black and white you said that and white represent sadness but seeing life in colours represent Bloom those are point I really love from your post. keep up the good work dear friend you are unique in your colour choice and our life should be full of colours because without colours life is meaningless good luck on the contest

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