Spreading joy

in Comunidad Latinalast month

Hello friends

Happiness for me is not just about the achievements acquired or the results gotten. It is about the natural attribute or disposition of a person.

So you know someone can be so wealthy yet he is not happy? Oh yes I have seen it happen several times. For me I am a very happy person by disposition, so wether I have money or not is not a determinant of my happiness but guess what having money is an additional advantage to my happiness.

IMG-20240616-WA0027.jpgmy happy self spreading joy with my friend

I love been around people who are like minded in terms of been joyful or happy. I don't like boring atmosphere. I love it lively. I love seeing people happy and I also love contributing to their joy. I feel very emotional when I notice people around me are suffering which has contributed to them been sad.

You will hardly catch me moody. I think I even spread my joyful nature into atmosphere and into people. You can call it joyful energy. One time I came into a room and noticed how calm my fri were, I just started dancing in a funny way to the music playing at the background, immediately,they started laughing. They forgot all about their problems. I succeeded in spreading that beautiful energy to my friends.

IMG-20240616-WA0004.jpgwonderful time with Christian believers in church

What made me happy today is having a good time with Christian believers in the presence of God. There is a man I love so much in the bible,he said he was happy when he was told to worship with his fellow brethren in church.

Every Sunday is a special time of refreshing for me because am impacted all round and energized for the entire week. Today I looked very beautiful a d got lots of compliments in church, it added to what made me happy.

IMG-20240616-WA0018_1.jpgThose genuine smiles brings joy

Recently with the economic situation of the country, there has been an increase in the number of people who are suffering, poor homeless and even in hunger. Many people can not fend for themselves or afford good medical treatment so they die of pain and sickness. If you ask me I think the pains of the people has increased especially in my country.

There are very few people who are still joyful. many are now frustrated because of the many challenges in their lives. The least I can do when I meet people is not to add to their problems but to help spread joy so that they can be happy.

IMG_20240504_153422_69.jpgsome homeless people in need of help

Life is too short to always burden your self with problems or issues. The best a person can do is to live life one step at a time. No need to get worked up or killing yourself. One character I have cultivated over the years is not to always dwell on my problems or complain about it.

Complains, worry or even grumbling about problems or things that are not working well will not make the problems go away. Rather it compounds your problem. So whenever I have problem if I must talk about it, I prefer to talk to my creator in prayers. I go to him reminding him of his promise to me.

Sometimes I just seat down and have a rethink of the faithfulness of God upon my life, I think about how good he has been, the things I have been able to achieve. Doing this builds faith in me that if God did it the previous time, he will do it again. A sudden joy comes up on me.

Earlier this year I was so much clouded with many issues with deadlines to meet. It was so much on me that I didn't know what to do.the problems looked so big as if it can not be solved. Suddenly, I felt like crying and I started crying. But just as I was crying, the holyspirit whispered to me saying "I have done it why do you cry". Oh what instant joy I felt flooding my heart with a cool breeze.

I stood up rejoicing, shout and thanking God for solving all my problems. That was the last time I cried about that issue. That was the last time I got worried either. Guess what? All those problems have been settled. I can't even find even one of it.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

@ruthjoe, the Holy Spirit is indeed a big blessing to those that can hear His comforting words in times of storms. He is the joy of all believers today, our friends and families can not offer us help and comfort in the way He can because He is unlimited and full of love and compassion. It is good to hear that you are part of the people He said "my sheep know my voice and hears my voice and the voice of a stranger would they not follow". Just paraphrasing though. Best of luck in this context my friend.


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