Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W4 //Spreading joy

in Comunidad Latinalast month

spreading joy

Hello good people of the comunida Latina community. I'm so overwhelmed to be dropping a post on this week's engagement challenge. I love the well selected topics for this week's challenge.: spreading joy.

Spreading joy is all about bringing happiness and positivity to others. It can be as simple as a kind word or a random act of generosity, and the effects can be far-reaching. By sharing joy, we can create a more positive and uplifting environment for everyone around us.


feeling positive

Sharing joy benefits both the giver and the receiver. When we do something kind for someone else, it releases feel-good chemicals in our brains, making us feel happier and more connected. Witnessing acts of kindness can also trigger these positive feelings in others, creating a ripple effect of joy.

What made me happy today?

Like previously stated in my intro, random act of kindness can lighten up someone's day. I woke up today.. happy and thankful to the Lord for giving me another chance to see the light.


my joy for today. Gifted bundle

While scrolling through my phone, a message pop up from my network service provider MTN saying I have been gifted with a data bondle of 1gb. I was thrilled as I was almost out of bundle and had to activate another. This just spay off my spendings on data for today.

Do i think that there is more pain or more joy in life?

This response is pure and personal. A lot of us out here go through things in live we don't speak about. I have been through extremely tough moments and yet I come out thankful.

In my opinion, some times I feel like I'm tired already but in the end things I see that there is more to celebrate about life than to be sad or in pain. I'm positive always even in challenging situations.

Do i normally talk more about your problems or your joys? Can i share with us a moment when I felt that emotion.

Well I don't talk much about pain in the face of others. It's just my nature. I understand each individual has his or her own dark side and challenges and then adding up with my own fill like bugging the person.

I love sharing moments that brings smiles to peoples faces , I focus more on my achievements and joys moments.

Here's the most recent time I felt emotional. As a tutor we are faced up with helping children through their educational carriers.

last minute catch with my students. Smiles

I did some last minute revisions with them before they go into their final government official exams. Surprisingly, majority of the stuff we revise came. The children came out extremely excited and thanking me for helping them out. I felt completely emotional.

Do i consider yourself a happy person who spreads that beautiful energy to others?


Smiles make your happier

Of course yes!. Like I stated I chose wisely the kind of problems I share and the person I shared it with. Most of the time I rather coach, appreciate and give therapy to those in need. If it goes up to the extent of material support. For instance finances, I will do so willingly at my level.

To conclude I will end by saying; Fill your own cup with positivity. Practice gratitude, spend time in nature, and do things that bring you joy. When you feel good, it's easier to transfer the positivity to others.

I here by invite the following persons to jointly take part in this contest with me. @majerius, @victorlives and @mandate.


Hello brother @rafk thank you very much for sharing this wonderful happiness and joy with us, I can also get to know that spreading joy is all about bringing positivity to others it actually means the act of sharing the little thing that you have with others. Thanks for your best experiences bro I can also see the happiness in which you get from MTN through data gifting and this actually makes you to have joy even more than before, I can also see the joy in which you have from your student through the help in which you decided to render to them if you can check that help really matters alot to them and I don't really think that they will forget the good thing that you do for them in any way round, instead they will keep on appreciating you for your help that you render to them, you also decided to stay happy through out your life time bro you're really a good one indeed you've really done well in your presentation you decided to write everything to the best of our satisfaction, I really wish you all the best in your contest challenge.
Best regards 😊.

Thanks so much for the great analysis bro. I do appreciate. Perhaps. I'm happy for the data more


Hello @rafk hope you are having a good day love the message about spreading joy.Small acts of kindness really do make a big difference.

Today,you were thrilled to receive a surprise gift of extra data from your phone provider when you needed it most yaa to be honest same thing happened with me yesterday I got free 2 gb internet I also needed it I was also happy and surprised 😊🥰.

It's moments that remind us how wonderful life's surprises can be. Keep spreading positivity and inspiring others,wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

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