Controlling anger


Happy new week to you all, I'm starting by participating in this week's engagement challenge. Anger is feeling bad about something that is against your spirit. Sometimes when people look down on me it makes me angry. How do I control it ?

Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us.


This is my angry face.

Are you one of the people who gets angry easily?

Getting angry is one of the characteristics of human beings, but there are people who can control their anger no matter how intensed. I count myself as one of those people who doesn't get angry easily. Yeah. Times without number I have being in a situation that demands me being crazy at someone, I taught of the outcome after bouncing on the person with the anger I walked away.

What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?

There are situations that drive me crazy, few of them are:

  • Intimidation. I recall when armed robbers came to my house, with their heavy guns they surrendered us and at that point we couldn't do any thing . In our presence they made away with our precious belongings. When they left I was very angry I wished I have supernatural powers that I can use to paralyze them.

  • Stress . Stress brings out the spirit of anger in me, any day I over worked myself I get angry in any little thing.

  • Injustice. One girl in my neighborhood behaves arrogantly, but because she comes from a wealthy family people take her insult as normal thing. One day someone challenged the little girl and the person was arrested. This situation get me in a bad mood.

Tell us the last reason that made you angry.


The last thing I can remember that made me angry was a day I'm to travel with a friend in her car, when I called her that morning she assured me that we will be going by the time agreed. I hurriedly finished my duties at home, dressed up straight to the junction when I called her again that I'm already waiting, she told me they left after trying my number and not reaching me.

I was pissed to my bone marrow. I have to go back home and all through that day I was demoralized.

Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

Getting angry is not bad, it's only bad when it can't be controlled. It's good to get angry when things are not moving as planned. When things are done unfairly just to favour some certain people .

There are negative effects of getting angry. That's why it's good to have control over it.

I want to invite @pretty-precious @inspiracion @stef1


Stress is man's worst enemy. Great post my friend.

With the way you are angry if anyone should cross your path, it means you will not waste time to tear the person apart. Please no matter what we should learn how to control our anger.

Hahahahaha. My dear sometimes people pushes us to the wall, but thankGod I have the spirit to control my anger.

 last month 

Hello my dear lady.
Excellent photograph of anger, the truth is that I felt that you were angry, making your participation.🤭🤭

I completely understand her anger when she found out that her friends left and didn't take her, God willing, that doesn't happen to me because I think it would make me cry.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings..🙏🏻

Thank you very much my friend. It was heart breaking.

 last month 

Hola amiga, tu cara de enojo intimida y es muy expresiva, si se la hubieses puesto a esos ladrones que te atracaron tal vez se hubieran ido pero me imagino que en ese momento solo tenías cara de susto y preocupación.

Los tres aspecto que te causan disgusto son muy comunes como el estrés que nos lleva a malhumorarnos, la intimidación de esos ladrones, y la injusticia que te confieso que a mi también me indigna y disgusta.

Suerte en el concurso.

 last month 

Feliz y bendecido día amiga @okere-blessing, un placer saludarte

Amiga yo también hubiera reaccionado así ante la impotencia de ver que unos delincuentes se llevan las pertenencias de mi casa y uno no poder hacer nada, porque como te enfrentas a esas personas que no les importa hacerte daño, es mejor tratar de estar bien, yo he conocido muchas personas que han perdido la vida ante un asalto, gracias a Dios que en tu caso solo fueron cosas materiales.

En ese caso de que tus amigas te dejaron, comprendo tu enojo, a mi también siempre me ha molesto la irresponsabilidad, si ya tenían todo planeado y ya tu las habías llamado debieron esperar y estar bien seguras de que tu no ibas y no dejarte asi, pero bueno de cada situación vamos aprendiendo.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo amiga, enojarse no está mal, es una reaccion natural ante una situación que nos afecta, somos seres humanos y con emociones y negarnos a sentir algo no esta bien, lo malo es dejarnos cegar por la rabia, dejarnos dominar, eso si no está bien, como le digo yo a mis hijos, hay que esperar estar calmados, porque cuando respondemos enojados siempre vamos a hacerlo desde la rabia y no vamos a actuar correctamente.

Me gustó mucho leerte. Un abrazo 🤗. Suerte en el desafío.

I am also an anger boy.Don't be angry because if u angry so much then u will be old very soon.Thats what my mom told me when I am in anger mood>
Best wishes.

Thank you. I will not .


Hello ma'am.

Greetings. I'm happy reading from your post. Feels good to know you are one of those women who think before acting. I equally shape your point of view on things that make us angry. Thanks for sharing and good luck in the contest

 29 days ago 

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