Controlling Anger!

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"Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath. To avoid this pain, silence is the best answer."

It's my privilege to have you here, friends! Welcome to my blog! Let's talk about anger! You know it's an intense feeling that could lead to a disaster or problem, but let's discuss more on this topic, "Controlling Anger."

Anger is an intense emotion we feel when something bad happens or goes wrong. I know of a few types of anger, like behavioral anger, overwhelmed anger, chronic anger, judgmental anger, etc.

Anger is very bad and can lead to an early grave. I have seen a situation where anger kept a whole family homeless. It was very bad for them, but after the scenario, the anger was corrected.

My angry faceIMG_20240617_171826_384.jpg

I am not quick to anger at all, but I get angry when you least expect it. There are things that people would do to me and expect me to get angry at them, but I won't get angry. Then the one they least expect me to get angry might end up getting me angry.

There are just ways to control anger, and this is a personal matter. Knowing things that make me angry and avoiding them is what I do to stay free from anger, and I try as much as possible to distract myself if I'm angry.

Naturally, I am a happy person, and I love people with the same energy around me. I was told earlier by my mom that angry people get old quickly. I think that was the reason I became a happy person and not quick to anger.

If I were to say what gets me so angry to shout or make a noise, I would say nothing because, first, I am not a noise-maker. Secondly, I love enjoying my peace, and thirdly, my parents never had a fight while growing up with them, so it made me learn how to be peaceful and not angry.

Anger has so much to do with one's inner man. If you have an evil spirit, you will always be an angry person. But when you portray a loving and good spirit, you always smile and have no wrinkles in your face.

You know, anger is nurtured in the mind, and it then shows first from the face, then down to the mouth, and then behavior. Some people's anger takes time to mature, which is why I said we have different types of anger.

Let me share a short story that made me angry last week.

Me angry at my friendIMG_20240617_171910_512.jpg

I got angry at my friend because she refused to help me with anything in the house. I have complained several times to her about always assisting in doing some chores at home, but she wouldn't do it.

The first time I noticed it and asked her why she relaxes and allows me to do everything alone, she said it's because I enjoy doing house chores, so she thought she should let me do it.

I was very angry that day, but I let go, and I finally discussed with her always assisting me in doing things at home; she agreed, but I never did it.

Last week, I just got angry at her for that same behavior. She reluctantly sat down at home and watched me do all the work alone. As much as I love doing work, I also need help.

I didn't talk to her even when she pleaded that she was sorry. I didn't still talk to her because I don't like to be told sorry when I'm angry. I prefer staying all alone, so her sorry was not so important at that time.

I felt and realized that I couldn't change her in that aspect. That is who she is, and I have to accept it. She doesn't like doing chores or cooking but enjoys playing and showing love as much as she can. She's a good person and slow to anger.

My angry warning faceIMG_20240617_171640_252.jpg

Getting angry is just a way to express ourselves or show our feelings. It is not bad at all, but it isn't bad when the anger is turned into something else. Anger is bad when it cannot be controlled. When nothing can melt the anger, then it is very bad.

I used to be that person. I used to be very angry at the slightest things, to the extent that I couldn't say sorry to anyone whom I offended. I feel too big to say that. Anger delt with me in this life until I decided to say no to it.

All I want for myself is to always be happy. Since I have known my friend's lifestyle, I can only accept her and deal with it. I don't have any reason to be angry because she's not hurt by my anger; instead, I am hurt.

This is one thing we fail to understand: when we are angry at people without their notice, they are not affected; rather, the angry one is greatly affected. Anger can be controlled; just pull the right trigger!


I invite @pandora2010 @goodybest @eliany

 last month 

Feliz y bendecido día amiga @ninapenda, un placer saludarte

Que bueno que seas de esas personas que no son fáciles de enfadar, eso habla muy bien de ti, de mucha madurez y dominio propio y no es fácil, a mi me ha costado y lo he logrado al paso de los años porque he aprendido así como bien tu lo mencionas que te paso con tu amiga por más que te hayas enojado, estés mal, no la vas a cambiar a ella, por lo tanto es mejor que cambies tu y esa es la mejor opción, debemos tratar de cambiar nosotros, ya que esos estados de ánimo nos roban la paz y la tranquilidad y por ende afectan nuestra salud emocional y no esta bien.

Es difícil que digamos que no nos vamos a enojar más, somos seres humanos y como tal las emociones forman parte de nuestra naturaleza, la diferencia estaría en la forma que respondemos a ciertas situaciones que nos pueden causar rabia, ira, y cómo tu también lo has mencionado, si sabes cuales son las situaciones que te afectan mejor las evitas, esa es una buena manera de pensar.

Me gustó mucho leerte. Un abrazo 🤗


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Curated by : @sahmie
 last month 

Gracias por el apoyo. Un abrazo 🤗

 last month 

recuerda escribir algo en tus tweet

Little did I know that being Happy is good . So people who are always angry will get old easily. Thanks for this information let me go and tell my neighbor. Her anger is inherently not a good one and she can do anything when she is in that mood. Your angry face is not a serious one let me come and provoke you

My anger face is not a serious face at all because I don't easily get angry. I am a happy person but when angered, hmmm...

About angry people getting old, my dear that is the real gist. When you get angry and frown all the time, you are prone to old age as fast as possible. Thank you for commenting!

 last month 

Hello dear friend.
Thank God I met her now that she doesn't get angry about everything because I would feel bad if working together made her angry.
It's normal to have differences between friends, but the good thing is that we always look for a solution.
Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings..🙏🏻


Learning from your story. It's not easy bearing every work load whereas there's someone who can help. Nevertheless I noticed a lot of people didn't grow up with the Same training. Sometimes we just have to ignore and hope they change. Talking won't solve it in many cases.

Good luck

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator09.

Curated by : @sahmie

Thank you Sir

So it is true oo😲anger is very bad and can lead to old age and early grave .Anger is an intense emotion we feel when something bad happens or goes wrong. I know of a few types of anger, like behavioral anger, overwhelmed anger, chronic anger, judgmental anger, thanks for bringing me this knowledge back to my memories.

It is good to know that you are slow to anger and also grew up with the mentality that angry people get older quickly.

For your friend, more open discussion on how best to handle things together should be done to prevent you from getting angry always.

Success to you, boss

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