SEC S4-W3 | A Smile To Change The World

Everyone's happiness is different. Some like to walk and shop at the mall. Some like to hang out with friends at cafes, some like to go to tourist attractions, and some like to go home. And have fun with their families. Everyone has their way of being happy.


So don't limit the happiness to just having a luxury car, a new smartphone, and a handsome partner. We do live on the same earth, but we are not the same in terms of obtaining happiness. Happiness is contagious. One of the things to spread happiness is with a smile. And I have my own way of being happy.

What makes you smile?

Happiness is simple. It's as simple as giving alms to beggars and smiling at them. I can create happiness in adversity. In various conditions and situations, I always look for opportunities to be happy. If asked what makes me the happiest, then the answer is being able to help and lighten the burden of others.


I am happy when I see the people I help smile loosely at me. In our belief, a smile is a charity. When we have no treasure to give, then a smile is the solution. Our smile towards our brother is charity. Sometimes our smile makes someone's mood better. Therefore, let's spread a smile. Because that smile hypnotizes the subconscious to be happy.

Importance of happiness.

Looking young is every woman's dream. The face that looks youthful is greatly influenced by the pattern of sleep, food, and our daily work. The more quality foods that nourish the skin that we consume, the more youthful they will look. It turns out that for young women not only through sleep patterns and eating patterns, it turns out that smiling also keeps us young.

Happiness is born from a calm mind. People who have calm minds will be far from various diseases. Because most diseases that arise from the mind and food. Happiness is composed of the smiles we give to others. Smiling is one way to calm the soul. When we smile, the stress hormones produced by the mind drop.


Happiest moment of your childhood.

My father and mother are the people who support me the most to become an accomplished child. They always prepare a prize for every achievement I get. Once, I was sick during an exam, and my report card was ruined. And automatically, I'm not in the top three. But what happened? Mom and dad always support me. He gave me the gift I've been wanting for a long time.

Happiest moment currently (no more than 2 years ago)


My happiest moment in the last two years was completing my undergraduate education on time with cumload predicate. I never imagined I would be in the ranks of great students. I am grateful. My efforts paid off. The final project, which was done with a light shower, turned into a happy teardrop in the eyes of my parents.

If happiness were the color, with which would you relate it?

I chose blue. The color blue is calming. I felt a calmness when I saw the blue seawater. It was as if it transformed into a man who sat next to me and said, "Calm down, everything will be fine!"


What do you think is the secret to happiness?

I think the secret to happiness is gratitude and being good at managing emotions. Happiness comes from positive thoughts. And one more thing, be grateful for what we have today. We will not be satisfied with what we have today until there is an attitude of gratitude in the heart. The greater our gratitude for what we have today, the greater the happiness we will get. Happiness lies in the heart.

Thanks to the Comunidad Latina community team for making this contest a success. Thanks to all Steemian friends and the Steemit team who have supported me to be an inspiring Steemian on the Steemit platform. I will continue to fight and give the best for Steemit. I appreciate it.

 2 years ago 
Hello friend, it is a pleasure to greet you and read your publication, it is true that everyone has their way of seeing happiness, it all depends on what we like, everyone finds a way to be happy in this life. The body can express that happiness that we experience through smiles. You have a big heart to help the needy and appreciate the value of that good deed, it is very satisfying to be a blessing in someone's life.

How beautiful and encouraging of your parents to reward you every time you reached an achievement and how wonderful that you continue to fill your parents with pride for your effort and dedication.

I wish you much success and happiness in abundance.

Thanks for reading my post and wise comment, dear. Wish all the best for us.

 2 years ago 

That's right friend, happiness can be found when we feel good about what we do and what we are, it's a feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

Being grateful will help us see the value of everything we have in life and It is very beautiful that you share it in your written. 🥰

I hope you have success, greetings and blessings!

Thanks for reading my post and wise comment, dear. Wish all the best for us.

 2 years ago 

Certainly, my friend, everyone has their own way of being happy, what a nice thing you wrote:

When we don't have a treasure to give, a smile is the solution.

Beautiful phrase, I love it. All your publication is full of much feeling and a great learning. Thank you for providing so much value. A thousand blessings

Thanks for the wise comment and support dear. Your words made my heart blooming

Apa itu hidup jika tidak ada masalah, itu semua semua tergantung dari cara kita mensyukuri dan menikmati hidup ini, bukankah senyum adalah ibadah, anda telah membagikan postingan yang sangat menginspirasi, bahagia itu sederhana, saya sangat setuju dengan kata-kata ini

Semoga sukses dalam kontes ini 🙏

Terimakasih atas support nya


Дуже позитивний допис. Меня дуже сподобався і я радію за твої успіхі. Бажаю на далі щоб у тебе було счасливе життя і мирне небо над головою.

Thanks for reading and supporting my post. I am glad to hear that, dear.

Nice write up our smile is really charity it can brightena day of a fellow sister or a brother .Smile is really some thing which is with in us ,we need to be responsible of your smile and also contribute to put smile on other people faces . It is the dream of every parent for their children to make them .You made your dad the happiest person when you were doing ur undergraduate.Better days of happiness and smile .Thanks for sharing with us

Thanks for reading and supporting my post, dear. I am glad to hear that.

You are welcome dear

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga, me gusto mucho tu expresion ....Si me preguntan qué me hace más feliz, entonces la respuesta es poder ayudar y aligerar la carga de los demás. no hay nada mas gratificante y la sensacion es indescriptible, desde aqui le pido a Dios que siempre te de la oportunidad de que puedas apoyar a quien lo necesite. La seleccion del azul es lo mas parecido a la felicidad. saludos y exitos

There are many ways to know the reasons for your smile and the main secrets of your smile. I agree with you that we must keep things in mind and master the principles of happiness.Hearty congratulations and best wishes and love from the community for participating in the contest

Thanks for the support and reading my post.

You are most welcome sister..we will win together with #steemit.


 2 years ago 

Hola amiga👋 es cierto todos somos felices a nuestra manera, la felicidad está en las pequeñas cosas o detalles, es tan fácil tener una sonrisa en la cara debemos ser felices con lo que tenemos y dar las gracias siempre. 🤗

Mucha suerte en el concurso.

I am glad to hear that. Thanks for reading and supporting my post, dear.

I also think the color of happiness should be blue. Because all beauty can be found in blue color. Anyway, very nicely written, very nice to read your post. Best of luck to you in the contest

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