SEC S4-W3 | A smile to change the world | by@nadeesew

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago

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Hello friends,

This is a new begining for the engagement challenge. This time as per the given challenge I will speak about how a single smile makes the world happy. I will also share my personal experiences along with the story of happiness.

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What makes you smile?

A smile is a gift from god. Not everybody likes smiling at others instead they laugh. Smile is a precious gift that we can give and share with others even if we don't have anyother thing to share. In my opinion and my feelings I smile with others for no reason.

A single smile that a person gives me makes me happy and I do smile at them. A relax mind and a simple life makes me smile. Actually for me the time that I spend with my family is the reason for my smile. We cook together and it is also a reason for my smile.

I also like to spend with my friends which is a reason for my smile. My friends always go shopping, sing and dance in parties and that is a smile for me. Enjoying with them is a happiness for me.
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Importance of happiness.

Happiness is important for our lives because we live to be happy and not to be sad or always cry. We were born to this world to be happy and share happiness among others. There is no reason to be sad. So I believe we have our own milestones and targets nin life. We work hard to achieve them as we need to be happy.

We carry on marriage lives as we need to be happy with our partner. So always there is a reason for the things we do and that is happiness. We also be happy when we are with our children. So happiness is important as it is the key of life. When we are happy we can keep others happy. Always we need to work in order to protect our happiness.

We get self confidence and self satisfaction when we are happy. I personally get to corporate with others and be happy with others when I'm happy. If I feel any person or situation is sad I like to move away from that situation. I will always get close with happy minded people and happy situations.
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Happiest moment of your childhood.

My childhood was a bunch of happiness. I was the only child for 5 years until my sister cam to our lives. So after her birth our family was very happy. We went on trips and we enjoyed a lot.

I can remeber one day when I was small I'm actually a playful child. My mom had cooked lunch for us. Then she has served it into our plates. For proteins she had boiled 4 eggs for 4 of us. Me and my sister who are very greedy for eggs had eaten all 4 eggs by hiding in the store room. When my father sat on the dining table he had asked whether there is nothing for proteins. Then my mom had answered yes I have boiled eggs. Finally my sister told that we ate the eggs. This is a memorable incodent in my life and it was a happy moment too.

Then again I remember one incident which is also a happy memory for me. We went to the beach oine day with our family. My father , my mom, my sister , me and my uncle's family. We payed volly ball in the beach. The time was very happily spent. Suddenly my uncle's elbow hit on my eye. That time my father was shocked and he blamed my uncle. That was the love for me. I feel happy and blessed to have a happy family.

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Happiest moment currently

Currently as my father is not alive we don't have much happy moments in life. But still I feel happy when I spend time with my family. One of the most happiest moments in life is my last birthday. I have shared it in a post too. This birthday was a real surprise for me. I enjoyed the moments a lot. We were able to talk about the interesting things in the family a lot.

Another interesting and a happy moment in life was the day I went to Russia for the Degree. I met friends from many different nationalities. We had the opportunity to understand the nationalities and work together. We celebrated different occations in life with everyone.

Currently a recent trip to Shrine of Our Lady of Madu was an interesting trip which we went with our family. This is the season of visiting and worshiping Madu. So we also had a great time there. It was a long trip and it took more than 10 hours to the travel. We were able to buy authentic food from the shops.

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If happiness were the color, with which would you relate it?

If happines were the colour I would definitely relate it with the colour "white". White is the colour of peace. So I would select white as I think happiness comes from peace of mind. Always we are happy when the mind is relax and peaceful. People where white to represent happiness and joy.

In bride to be parties the bride to be girl and others mostlly where a white dress to represent that this is happy moment in their lives. Then the important day is a wedding day. The bride wear a white dress to express her peace in mind and happiness.

In maternity shoots and gender reveal parties again the mom to be wears a white dress to express her happy and pure feelings.

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What do you think is the secret to happiness?

The secret of happiness for me is simplicity. The amount we are simple mentally, we are happy. It is not good to expect many things from others. We should be simple in life. We should manage ourselves to be happy. If we have goals we need to work towards achieving them. Then we need to appreciate others then only there will be a appreciation back on us. These things makes us happy.

Always try to understand other's feelings without being angry at them. The understanding that we have towards others is a peace for both parties. I thing the simplicity and understanding are the main things that we must be aware of in order to be happy.

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This is the end of my post. I would like to invite my friends @nadiaturrina, @chant and @goodybest to take part in this challenge. Thank you for reading my post. Have a good day.


Thanks for inviting me in advance to participate in this contest. I am also preparing a post for this contest and plan to invite you.

The post is very interesting. The story of you eating boiled eggs with your sister reminds me of almost the same incident. My sister and I hid our favorite cake that dad brought home. then eat together in the warehouse.

Childhood is very fun. my father and mother are not angry. smiling they gave us chocolate that had been smeared in our mouths. Then my father went to the market to buy some more. He taught me a lot about patience.

Thank you for expressing your ideas dear.

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga. Hermosa participación sobre la felicidad.

Me reí mucho con la anécdota de los huevos, jajaja, a veces cuando somos niños el apetito es mundial.

Que lindos recuerdos felices tienes, como cuando fuiste a la playa con tu familia. Yo también tenfo recuerdos asi.

El blanco representa para ti la felicidad porque trasmite paz, eso es hermoso.

Thanks friend

 2 years ago 

A pesar de que tu papá ya no esté siempre es importante aprovechar los momentos con las personas que tienes a tu alrededor, estoy segura que a el le encantaria verlos sonreir.

La historias de los huevos fue muy comica.

Saludos y exitos en el concurso.

Thank you dear

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend, how nice that you find any reason to smile, and that is what life is all about, always smiling, because smiling is life.

Your dad must be proud of you, and you smile when you remember him, because he left you with beautiful memories. Good luck in the contest

Of course you are true dear. My parents are proud of me.

Postingan anda sangat menarik berisi tentang uraian tentang bagaimana kita mencapai kebahagiaan dalam hidup. Terimakasih sudah berbagi inspirasi. Smoga beruntung di kontes ini.

 2 years ago 

Has expresado algo que me sacudio porque pasa con mucha frecuencia y tiende a confundirse:

No a todo el mundo le gusta sonreír a los demás, sino que se ríen

Ademas de cierto, es lamentable además. El color blanco es un colorideal para relacionar la felicidad, ya que cuando te sientes tranquilo con tu vida, eres feliz, a veces tendemos a complicarnos pero es así. Ah, tu papa seguramente esta en un mejor lugar, un mejor plano donde su luz será descanso será pleno si lo recuerdan con amor y alegría, dejándolo ir en paz, soltando la tristeza y el dolor. Excelente post amiga y muy emotio. Saluditos cordiales!

it is true smile is gift of Allah. it is good you live around your friend that make you happy and bring smile for you. here i would like to say that good friends bring smile in life. you said true, our life is for pleasure, joy and happiness but we select own sadness for our life , your thoughts are very much attractive and motivational , thank respected

 2 years ago 
Hello friend, the simplicity with which we live our lives, in peace and calm, gives us happiness. I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday, as well as being able to meet new friends at Russia, I was pleased to visit your publication. Greetings and blessings.

Thank you friend.

Tienes toda la razón nacimos en este mundo para ser felices, debemos procurar esto todos los días.
Que hermoso que valores cada día con una sonrisa, que bueno que tienes buenos amigos que disfrutan sus días y te transfieren alegría.
Una sonrisa es la mejor forma de brindar amor a nuestro alrededor.
Te deseo exito en tu post
Saludos y bendiciones

Thankyou dear

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