It's a pleasure for me

Steemian Friends,
Today, I will participate in Week 02 of the Comunidad Latina Community Engagement Challenge Session 18. This week's engagement challenge contest has been organized with a very beautiful topic. The topic is called Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W2 | It's a pleasure for me. Today, I will share one of my travel experiences. I hope everyone will like my writing.

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Design By Canva

Today, I will share with you my experience of the launch trip. I went to Chandpur city for work. The launch is the best transport to reach Chandpur city. I don't know how to swim, so I'm very afraid of river trips. But I have to go to Chandpur city for urgent work. I left my office with my colleague. It takes three hours from the capital, Dhaka, to reach Chandpur city. We left by 7.20 a.m. launch. It was a very nice river cruise.


I was very scared at first. My next office colleague comforts me. We do not rent AC Kevin seats. But I stood on the roof of the launch and on the front balcony instead of sitting on the seat. When the boat goes into the river, a very beautiful scene is seen. I looked around from the middle of the river. My heart is filled with joy. The launch I did was huge. It was nice to see the small boats in the river.


I finished work in Chandpur city and went for a walk on the river bank in the afternoon. It is the biggest picnic spot in Chandpur city. I wandered to the picnic spot. There are a few horses for entertainment. There are big stones for sitting on the banks of the river. I wandered around the entire picnic spot. Many visitors come here by launch.


I took a plastic flower garland for my daughter. It was very beautiful to look at. Then, we took pictures of some of the sculptures at the picnic spot. I have to come back to Dhaka again. I had a return launch at 6 p.m., so I quickly left for the launch terminal.



Then we get very tired in the heat. I saw the weather news that a cyclone would pass over our country. So, I was more scared to get on the launch. But I have to go to Dhaka, so I got up at 6.00 pm launch.


I stand on the balcony of the launch instead of sitting on the seat. Then I look around in the launch and see the life jackets in the water. Because I was very scared. Then I saw the life jackets and felt energized. Many people like me stand on the balcony and roof of the launch to enjoy the beautiful view of the river.


I stood on the balcony of the launch, watching the sun go down. A ship was passing by our launch. I take some beautiful pictures of the sunset. I am enjoying standing in the middle of the river. When the night fell, the factories on both sides of the river looked more beautiful because of the lights on.


I arrived at the capital's Dhaka launch terminal at 9:30 p.m. The impact of the cyclone started in our country the day after I reached Dhaka. The government stopped the launch. I was scared, but it was a very enjoyable trip. I have shared my launch travel experience with you.

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SL No.My Invited Steemit Friends


Hello brother, thank you for sharing your best activities with us, I can see that
traveling is one of your best hobby in which consider doing at times, you decided to travel through this big river, I can see that you are a very brave man, traveling is also part of my best hobby but I don't like traveling by water instead I prefer traveling by land to avoid getting into the river, I can also see how you were enjoying standing in the middle of river but I really thank God that you were able to arrived at your destination successfully without any form of incident on your way going, thanks for sharing your traveling experience with us I wish you all the best on your contest challenge.
Best regards😊.

Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Desafiar nuestros miedos es encantador porque, de esa manera nos brindamos la oportunidad de superarlos y, fíjate en tu propio caso, a pesar del temor, hasta disfrutas la experiencia y, en lo personal considero que, es un auténtico placer.

Viajar en crucero es encantador... Lo hice cuando cumplí 15 años y, en mis planes a futuro está volver a vivir la experiencia.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

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