SEC12 W5||The fight is pink

Dear friends,

I am Jyoti from India and im here going to participate in this SEC 12 Week5 contest :

Everyone has had difficult times in life, some may have had trouble with money, some may have had failures, and some may have been afflicted with diseases. Breast cancer is an inevitable disease for women. I would like to mention here that my close relative was affected by this disease during his difficult days.



The fight is pink.

My sister in law is very nice and always happy to treat others. She invites everyone to his house, serves them good food and often invites us to her house and gives good hospitality, such good hearted woman was affected by this disease.


Once she was having pain in his left breast, he thought it was some chest pain and when he consulted a nearby nurse, she gave him some pain killer pills, whenever the pain came, he took those pills and it got temporary relief, but after a while the pain got a little worse.

It has been going on. Then she informed my mother-in-law about this, and when he touched it, a small lump-like object was seen there. So when they approached a doctor and discussed it, it could be cancer, and the doctor sent me to a big hospital for a scan, and that's when I got to know about it.


Then I also went to the hospital with my sister in law. After the scan and report, it was confirmed that it was cancer. The doctor said that if they had gone to the doctor without telling the nurse about the pain in the beginning, a job could have been cured with medication and now it has started to get serious so they have to do surgery to remove it.

Everyone was shocked to hear this but we all consoled him without losing heart. As her husband was in government service, she had insurance for the family. We decided that we could cover the cost of the surgery. We decided to share the above mentioned other expenses.

Special treatment is provided at KMCH, the largest hospital in Coimbatore. There was a specialist doctor there, we went to him and showed this scan report and started the treatment. After one week of treatment, the day for surgery was indicated. We also admitted my sister in law to that hospital.


When that particular day came, many of our relatives came to the hospital. Everyone was nervous and around 10 am they took him to the operation theatre. We sat outside the operation theater for three hours as the doctor had already said it would take around 3 hours. Even after 3 hours there was no news and everyone was nervous. About three and a half hours later the nurse came out and the operation was successful and she was unconscious due to anesthesia. He said that now we have taken her to ICU.

After that they allowed to see her as she is in ICU and they allowed to see her one by one. After a full day in ICU they sent her to the special room we had booked. He then had a side rest sawed off and tubes inserted into it. Instead of feeding by mouth, arrangements were made for direct passage of food through the feeding tube and for breathing.

There were more treatment formalities after the surgery than the surgery. After the surgery he was given laser treatment with modern laser equipment so his skin color turned black and his hair started falling out. So the have shaven her head , almost a month she has been admitted in the hospital and given treatment to cure. After about a month of treatment, she was sent home, although she was told to come to the hospital once a week for treatment and given medicines to take daily.


After about a year of treatment, he was completely cured. Now he looks like normal people. Early detection and removal of cancer saved his life without danger. We all thanked to God for saved her life.

I can't share her photos here due to her privacy issues, I want to invite


to participate in this useful contest and win.


Discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650 Telegram :-



Your sister recovered very quickly. I think breast cancer is the most dangerous disease for girls. Treatment of this disorder leads to hair loss.

Yeah we thanked god for the great help, thank you

 10 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

La gloria sea de Dios por la recuperación de tu hermana. Sin duda, el cáncer de mama es una enfermedad súper agresiva; tengo una tía que falleció por este padecimiento y, fue demasiado devastador ver como se iba consumiendo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

yes you are right breast cancer is an inevitable bad disease somehow our sister in law recovered from it thanks a lot for reading the post

Many stories of breast cancer patients can be an inspiration for others. And the story about your sister-in-law is one of them. We must not give up with any illness, and the most important thing is the support of family and friends to continue to give encouragement.

Best wishes, good luck 👏


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thank god that she is absolutely fine now and living healthy life. Breast cancer cases increasing every day in india, cancers disease become so common that our love one's suffering from it. We should never be careless about our health, medical treatment and routine checkup is important now...

The fight is pink my dear, Good to hear that she survived after all, it is not a small feat to survive that and It is true that people are with different problems, I think breast cancer is preventable. Goodluck on the contest.

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