Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W2 | Para mi es un placer // It's a pleasure for me


Hi everyone hope you all are Fine and happy healthy in your lives I am also good I am here to participate in this challenge which is SSC-S16W2
I am very thankful to comunidad latina to shear this amazing challenge.

so let start :

Thumbnail free morning routine step by step_20240602_165124_0000.png
[Created by Canva]

Share with us some activity that gives you pleasure and give us details of it.

  • One of this activity that gives me a lot pleasure or going an outing with my friends.
  1. Planning:
  • first of all we start by deciding where we want go. Popular choices to include the park, or go to restaurant. We agree on a date and time that works for everyone then we go.


  1. Meeting Up:
  • On of the day we go to the outing and we meet at a central spot. Sometimes we meet at one of the frnd home and enjoy the together.
  1. Activities:
  • we have a variety of activities planned. If we are at the park we enjoy the greery and play a betmenten and make some video which is memory. At the park, we might have a picnic or just relax under a tree. In the city we might to the shopping, or explore new restaurants.
  1. Eating Together:
  • Food is always a big part of our outings. We eather bring packed lunches or try out a local eaterie . Sharing meals is a great way to a bond and enjoy each other company.


  1. Taking Photos:
    image _2024-05-13-00-46-09-18_6012fa4d4ddec268fc5c7112cbb265e7.jpg
  • I love to capturing memoriese and so we take alot of photos and videos throughout the day. Group selfies is scenic shots and candid moments are all part oof a fun.
  1. Exploring:
  • We like to explore new places or hidden gems in familiar locations. This Is a might include hiking trail scenic overlook or interesting shops and markets.
  1. Relaxing:
  • We also make time to just relax and enjoy the moment. Whether it is lying the sitting on a park bench or enjoying a golgappe in a canteen these quiet moments are special.


  1. Sharing Memories:
  • Once we are an a home we are share the photos and memories from the outing. We post pictures on a social media and reminisce about the fun we had.

Going on outings with friends is a wonderful way to break from routine to explore new places and streng then our friendships. It is always something to look forward to a or creates lasting memories.
So that is pleasure for me.hope you all are like my post .
Thank you so much for coming and read my post.
I invite friends:


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