Free emotions

in Comunidad Latina22 days ago

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Free emotions

Changes that occur in the function of the organs contained in munusia which includes thoughts and feelings are called emotions, these changes will be seen through behavior that can be felt by the person himself or those around him. This emotion arises due to the body's response to certain circumstances and situations, thus changing one's mindset and perspective in responding to circumstances.

Emotions that occur can arise with various events that have just happened, it has already happened that have not happened. The sources vary with different responses, some of which can occur due to erroneous interactions with society, past experiences still in memory, mental health, or hereditary factors inherited by parents to their children.

But you need to know that emotions have two types, of course, negative emotions and positive emotions. Negative emotions do tend to occur and almost always occur, positive emotions are rare because they are difficult to do. But if positive emotions can be done well, then all disturbing thoughts and feelings will disappear by themselves and make you much better and you can accept all situations with a much better mind.

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If an emotion had control in the central headquarters of your mind, what emotion would it be and why?

In some cases emotions are difficult to control because it is a natural trait that appears instantly in certain circumstances, the wrong response around will make emotions increase without being able to control. This can be a source of fairly complex problems, and to some degree can harm yourself and others.

Emotion itself can be controlled by thoughts and feelings by always thinking clearly and can control lust, emotions are unpredictable passions and passions that can be eliminated with a clear mind and a feeling of spaciousness. It takes a process to control emotions, peace of mind and feelings must be fertilized and accustomed to on an ongoing basis.

If emotion is the desire to do something bad that is caused by the body's natural response, then patience formed from peace of mind and soul is the medicine to overcome it.

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Do you think that as you grow up you feel less joy?

Happiness is something that we think about, present, and create. The value of happiness for everyone is different, there is no age limit to get happiness. Many people continue to create their happiness as they get older, so as they get older, happiness increases rather than decreases.

Right now, what are you feeling? What is the emotion that prevails in you?

Today I am still given happiness by God Almighty, I try to present and create that happiness. I try to forget all the bad things, which can provoke emotions towards unnecessary things.

Patience is the key to dampening the emotions that can arise and be present at any time because I think that emotions are the embers that burn you and eliminate the true happiness that we must enjoy with its advantages and disadvantages.

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Have you ever repressed your emotions?

Every day I find my emotions and all sorts of sources happening, all sometimes coming suddenly and triggering the body's reaction to get angry and respond very quickly. This is common and anyone will experience it, just how do we manage our thoughts and feelings to prevent those emotions from being present in the wrong way?

Sharpening myself to be much more patient is my best effort to suppress these emotions, patience can manage feelings and thoughts much more rationally in dealing with situations that are not wanted.

This is all I can share with you all according to what I think about contest tips, I invite @lil.albab, @ syifaulia, and @yanti84, best regards to all of you.

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Wow, this is lovely as you are able to control your emotion.
You know in life, as you said earlier that emotion occurs in two ways (positive & negative) though the positive one is very difficult to control and also certain answers in life increases emotions. As you strive to control your emotion in a positive way will surely give rise to avoiding certain circumstances/happening in life.

 22 days ago 

Saludos amigo.

Paciencia y paz claves para aprender a controlar nuestras emociones y poder vivir y aprender de ellas, la felicidad es parte de todos y también de creo que no hay edad para medir la felicidad todos en algún momento la sentimos pero no cabe duda que con los años sumamos experiencias y aprendizajes que nos hacen valorar aún más la felicidad.

Muy buena entrada suerte.

Saludos amigo, las emociones forman parte de la vida y siento que estar feliz es lo mejor. Te deseo éxitos

 20 days ago 

Feliz y bendecido día amigo @fantvwiki, un placer saludarte

La emociónes son parte de nuestra vida, y como bien lo mencionas tu, son las respuestas a ciertas situaciones o circunstancias por las cuales atravesamos día a día, y con mucha paciencia y paz interior podemos manejar cualquier reacción ante esas emociones.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, hay emociones positivas y otras negativas, la positivas nos llenan de alegría, de felicidad, y nos ayudan a estar bien emocionalmente, en cambio las negativas nos pueden causar algún tipo de malestar, incomodidad, pero yo pienso que con el tiempo vamos aprendiendo a manejar nuestras emociones.

A medida que crecemos no es que disminuyan nuestras alegrías sino que hay más responsabilidades, preocupaciones, trabajo, etc, en cambio cuando somo pequeños no nos preocupamos por lo que sucede a nuestro alrededor sino que disfrutamos los momentos felices y ya.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

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