Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W6 || Free emotions

Hello steemit friends wherever you are, how are you all? Hopefully friends are still in good health and can carry out all activities well. Today I tried to take part in a Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 18 Week 6 contest organized by the Comunidad Latina community with the theme Free emotions


Every human being in living life will experience various feelings, one of which is emotion. This is normal for everyone due to the various problems they face. People often express emotions in different ways. We are used to seeing emotions as images of someone's sadness, anger or disappointment. Emotional feelings are a challenge for everyone to control well. Emotions are complex reaction patterns involving behavior, experience and physiology, which are used to deal with various problems or important events experienced by each individual.

As a normal human being, I personally often experience feelings of emotion that dominate my heart and mind. Anxiety or worry are emotions that often dominate my mind. I think it's normal that we often experience feelings of anxiety or worry. Anxiety can become dominant for certain reasons, for example worrying about the future and facing bad situations. However, I always try to eliminate feelings of worry and anxiety by drawing closer to God Almighty. Because I think that is one of the keys that will make me find happiness in life.


Happiness is something we can create ourselves. Something that can make us happy may not necessarily make other people happy because the measure of happiness is different for each person. Many factors make us happy, lots of gratitude can also make me happy. So a person's happiness is not influenced by a person's age. Happiness is not because someone is young or old but it really depends on how that person lives their life. It could be that as people get older, their happiness decreases or even vice versa. I personally feel that the older I get, the greater the happiness I get in life.

If a person's happiness decreases as they get older, it may be due to declining health factors. So it will be difficult to face and accept changes in his life. Some people may also feel a decrease in happiness as they get older due to physical changes, or changes in the social environment. Many also find happiness when they get older because they learn from life experiences and emotional maturity. Happiness is a person's emotional feeling that has a positive impact on anyone.

For now, I am feeling good and don't want to get caught up in emotions within myself that could be detrimental. Although sometimes at certain times I feel emotions that are a little excessive and cannot be controlled properly. I think we also need to suppress our emotions so as not to harm ourselves.


I myself have only recently joined the Cotina community so I don't know much about the characters of the team members. However, I am sure that all Cotina team members are great steemians who are committed to the progress of the community. They are an intelligent team full of enthusiasm and creativity with stable emotions. Cotina team members will always be an encouragement to steemians all over the world, including Indonesian steemians like me.

That's my post for taking part in this challenge and I also invite friends invite @msharif, @patjewell, @sualeha, @suboohi, @dirapa, @tocho2, @stef1, @pandora2010, @kouba01, @ripon0630 to take part in this contest.


 22 days ago 

Feliz y bendecido día amigo, @fadlymatch, un placer saludarte

Excelente opinión acerca de las emociones, yo también pienso que cada ser humano en su vida experimenta un cúmulo de sentimientos, alegrías, tristezas, ansiedad, rabia, etc, y esto es perfectamente normal, somos seres humanos y una de nuestras características es que somos seres emocionales, y por supuesto que respondemos de algúna forma ante cualquier situación que se nos presenta, ya sea de alegría, de preocupación, de ansiedad ante alguna adversidad.

Todos los seres humanos expresamos nuestras emociones de manera diferente, no todos tenemos esa capacidad o facilidad de dominar o controlar nuestras emociones, por lo menos a mi me llevo muchos años, es en estos momentos que yo puedo decir que domino en gran parte mis emociones, y digo en gran parte porque a veces es muy difícil controlar el dolor o la angustia ante una situación fuerte.

Yo pienso que las alegrías no disminuyen con la edad, sino que a medida que crecemos y vamos madurando hay cosas que nos afectan más que cuando éramos niños o jóvenes, ya que cuando somos niños no le damos importancia a muchas cosas que suceden a nuestro alrededor por no entender o por desconocimiento, el adulto tiene más conflictos y más responsabilidades.

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo amigo, el equipo de trabajo de cotina esta conformado de personas maravillosas comprometidas con su trabajo y siempre están dispuesto a ayudarnos y a apoyarnos

Me gustó mucho leerte. Un abrazo 🤗


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 21 days ago 

Gracias por el apoyo @kouba01. Un abrazo 🤗

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 22 days ago 

Hello hello.
I liked your analysis on this topic.
In the Latin Community there is a great team full of feelings that if you continue visiting you will realize that I am not lying to you with what I tell you.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings..🙏🏻

 22 days ago (edited)

Saludos amigos.

Es muy cierto son muchas las emociones que cruzan por muestras mentes, es normal que diariamente sintamos angustia y ansiedad y más si tenemos muchas responsabilidades y tareas por cumplir, lo importante es que no las dejemos dominar nuestra mente.

Comparto tu opinión con respeto al equipo de cotina todos son muy comprometidos con el buen trabajo además de ser muy amigables.

Éxitos y buena suerte

Thank you for giving justice to this topic: Free emotions. Negative feelings of worry and disappointment is what I do encounter sometimes. But, in the face of these challenge I do have a positive mindset by hoping on something good. Therefore, hope is one of the things that can help in times of bad emotional feelings.

 21 days ago 

Saludos, @fadlymatch, creo que los seres humanos somos una caja de emociones; algunas son buenas; otras no tanto. Por eso, es necesario procurarnos mucha salud mental y paz interior para dejar aflorar esos sentimientos. Es algo así como una semilla que se lanza en la tierra; si es fértil ella hará que la cosecha sea de provecho; si no ocurre así, entonces, debemos seguir intentándolo.

Me encantó leerte. Suerte.

It's good to be anxious about something. And also worry. But you shouldn't let it override you. Also talking about happiness, I believe it's easier to put joy in a child than an adult because the have less or nothing to worry. Therefore, our plans and determination in life is what will gives us happiness.

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