Coti-Challenge:One Of My Talents is Drawing and Photography


Greetings everyone in this great community, I am very glad to participate in this very contest this day, much thanks to @soywilfredg for organising such a beautiful contest which is about our inborn talent which all do have one. Below is my content about my talent.

About my Talents

Talents which are inborn characteristics and specialities that an individual possess. We all do have different qualities to show up as talents, some talents are singing, writing, drawing, painting and so on. From my little age have been indulging in some of the activities that my parents saw as an inborn quality also seeing it as an issue at home because I pull out sheets making drawings keeping the home untidy. Moving into my secondary level I stopped pursuing my dream because I didn't have a tutor to put me through the basics of art. Talking about inborn traits and qualities you can't do away with them, I saw myself going fully back to drawing and photography. My talents fetched money for me to get my basic wants in school without waiting for my parents.


Above is one of my drawings I made in my secondary level, it was one of my best drawing with good colour combination though it looks old to me but stands out to be gold. I made lots of progress in drawing without a tutor watching clips and video online to improve my talent.


I want to really thank this platform for helping me improve my talent daily because have really indulged in alot of art works, making beautiful drawings and photography edits.

From this point I admitted drawing to be my forever talent and one I can't do without in a future time because it truly defines who I am. Moving to the photography aspects, I saw myself making good colour combinations with my editor.

With my redmi10c smartphone I made beautiful shot of an housefly editing on lightroom.


My very conclusion is that I am so drowned in my talents and I can't let it go easily. We all have outstanding qualities and gifts what we need is to locate one and improve them.

Thank you for going through my post 😍❤️

I really want to invite my beautiful steemians

15% to @cotina

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo, que hermosos talentos tienes, tus dibujos son lindos y la fotografía es importante para compartir excelentes fotos aquí en steemit. Te felicito por tus talentos. 🤗

 2 years ago 

Son hermosas las imagenes que nos compartes amigo, se nota el talento que tienes y el buen ojo para captar buenas imágenes. Si ese talento te apasiona y hace feliz, nunca lo dejes, solo sigue perfeccionándolo, que el tiempo te dará los resultados de tu esfuerzo Saluditos amigo...


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 2 years ago 

Hola amigo que talentoso eres exitos.

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