Steemit Engagement Challenge S12 W4 - In black and whitesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Comunidad Latina10 months ago

Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and enjoy the good life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for participate in the amazing engagement challenge which organised by the Comunidad Latina the name of this challenge is In black and white so let's start;


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Are you a supporter of optimism and self-confidence?

First of all we discussed about the Optimism and self-confidence their meaning and understand the importance in human activities optimism and self-confidence are two very crucial and important qualities of human and they have a great impact on our lives especially our mindset behaviour dependent on self-confidence.


Picture is taken from Freepik

Optimism, mean that the belief of good things that happened in our life and difficulties can be survived, goes about as a strong inspiration Hopeful people will quite often have lower feelings of anxiety, better actual wellbeing, and more grounded social associations. By supporting optimism, we advance an inspirational perspective on life, which can prompt more and self-confidence.

Do you consider yourself an indecisive person?


Picture is taken from Freepik

Everyone is a indecisive person in any situation in his life we face many difficulties in our life and sometimes we don't make good discussion and we face the indecisive situation very common example that I want to be discussed here sometime we face the struggle for choosing the restaurant for eating food and we face indecisive situation so it's very common example and I think this type of indecisive face everyone in their life so human is not 💯 perfect sometimes I face indecisive situation.

How do you avoid conflicts in your life?

Conflict is not good for the health so we need to avoid in every situation here I want to discuss some major points that should help you and me to avoid conflict in our life personally if I talked about myself I do some proper arrangements for avoid conflict so let's see the below;

  • I always prefer the effective communication and listening the very calmly and respectfully.

  • I always try to understand the feelings and answers of other person I know not everyone belong to my mind.


Picture is taken from Freepik

  • I always stay very calm in every situation especially in emotional situations.

  • When I feel that it was mistake I always apologise firstly.

So these are some points we called this positive thing because I know sometimes conflict leads positive outcome so I always refer you to stay calm in your life.

Do you live life without expectations or on the contrary, do you maintain enthusiasm in everything you do?

Basically life is the name of expectation everyone belongs to the expectation and he is leading the life on behalf of expectation when we start the work we have a great expectation to complete it but unfortunately when we didn't complete it we didn't loose hope we have just one thing in our mind that is expectation so this word has a great meaning in our life.


Picture is taken from Freepik

When we live without expectation it's totally unnecessary it means that we have not proper mindset when we have a great expectation from our work if we talk about the enthusiasm it means that we are approaching our task with great attitude and confidence I always maintain enthusiasm to set my goals in my life so everything is happening on the behalf of confidence.

I invite the @radjasalman @malikusman1 @sahar78 @stef1 and @hafizsab to participate in this contest.

Thank you

Achievement 1

written by:@cryptoloover


 10 months ago 

Saludos @cryptoloover, feliz y bendecido día, leyendo tu post pudo coincidir con las indecisiones que se tiene diariamente con cosas elementales tales como un desayuno, que puedo desayunar y así muchas cosas mas.

Le deseo éxitos en el desafío.

Debemos ser optimistas, decididos y vivir la vida con buenas expectativas, con muchas ilusiones, sin embargo, en determinados momentos, podemos flaquear o abrumarnos por las circunstancias y los sentimientos contrarios a estos pueden aparecer, lo cual no significa que estamos muy mal, ya que todos ellos son parte de la naturaleza humana. Solo debemos buscar la serenidad para afrontarlos y encontrar una solución... Éxitos, amigo.

You have argued out your points intelligently. About being indecisive, I also agree that this is everyone's reality. We are faced with so many choices daily that it might be hard to make decisions real quick. It's what we face even when doing the minutest things like deciding what to eat. Have a great day and success in the contest.

 10 months ago 

Bro I Love Your Amazing Post very Much I read it from start your words are such a Motivation for Me .

Plz Tell Me How Did You write Questions in Red color with proper arrangement ?


Having self-confidence and high expectations will make us achieve good hopes and be supported by burning enthusiasm.

Es verdad, yo siempre pienso que por muy negativo que seamos, siempre muy en el fondo tenemos expectativas. Felicidades por ser tan equilibrado.

hola amigo
ser indeciso muchas veces puede salir bien, ya que eso quiere decir que puede analizar mejor la situación y elegir la que esté mejor a favor.
muy acertada la forma de afrontar sus conflictos y la comunicación es la base de todo junto el respeto, pienso que sin ellos, no se podría llegar a nada.
muchas gracias suerte en el concurso.

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