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in Comunidad Latina2 years ago (edited)

Video Version

Spanish Version

El exterior de la iglesia ortodoxa rusa era un espectáculo para ver. La estructura de piedra blanca se erguía alta y orgullosa contra el frío paisaje invernal. Los árboles cubiertos de nieve que rodeaban la iglesia parecían estar en atención, como si también estuvieran rindiendo homenaje al santuario sagrado.

El sol brillaba sobre el paisaje cubierto de nieve, proyectando un resplandor brillante en todo lo que se veía. El cielo era de un azul profundo, con nubes blancas y suaves flotando perezosamente. Los árboles estaban adornados con una gruesa manta de nieve, cada rama y ramita se destacaba en delicado blanco. La nieve tenía un aspecto suave y esponjoso, como si hubiera caído recientemente del cielo. Las ramas de los árboles estaban dobladas bajo el peso de la nieve, como si estuvieran inclinándose en reverencia a la iglesia.

Al acercarme a la iglesia, podía sentir el frío del aire invernal mordiendo mis mejillas. La nieve crujía bajo mis pies, y podía escuchar el sonido de mi respiración convirtiéndose en niebla en el aire frío. La iglesia estaba rodeada por una alta valla, y las puertas estaban cerradas. Pude ver los detalles intrincados del herraje en las puertas, cada uno una obra de arte en sí mismo. Las puertas estaban adornadas con cruces y otros símbolos religiosos, y parecían estar invitándome a entrar.

Al acercarme a las puertas, noté que la nieve había sido limpiada del camino que llevaba a la iglesia. El camino estaba bordeado de linternas, y la luz que emitían sobre la nieve era una vista cálida e invitadora. Pude ver la luz de las velas parpadeando a través de las ventanas de la iglesia, y supe que había un servicio en curso dentro.

Abri las puertas y caminé por el camino hacia la iglesia. La nieve crujía bajo mis pies, y podía sentir el frío del aire mordiendo mis mejillas. La iglesia parecía estar llamándome, y supe que tenía que entrar.

Al entrar, fui recibido por la vista cálida e invitadora del santuario. Las paredes estaban adornadas con iconos y otras obras de arte religioso, y las velas estaban ardiendo brillantemente.


Italian Version

L'esterno della chiesa ortodossa russa era uno spettacolo da vedere. La struttura in pietra bianca si ergeva alta e fiera contro il freddo paesaggio invernale. Gli alberi coperti di neve che circondavano la chiesa sembravano essere in posizione di attenzione, come se anche loro rendessero omaggio al santuario sacro.

Il sole brillava sulla paesaggio coperto di neve, diffondendo un bagliore brillante su tutto ciò che si poteva vedere. Il cielo era di un blu profondo, con nuvole bianche e soffici che fluttuavano pigramente. Gli alberi erano adornati con una spessa coperta di neve, con ogni ramo e ramoscello evidenziato in delicato bianco. La neve aveva un aspetto morbido e soffice, come se fosse appena caduta dal cielo. I rami degli alberi erano piegati sotto il peso della neve, come se si inchinassero in riverenza alla chiesa.

Mentre mi avvicinavo alla chiesa, potevo sentire il freddo dell'aria invernale mordermi le guance. La neve scricchiolava sotto i miei piedi e potevo sentire il suono del mio respiro trasformarsi in nebbia nell'aria fredda. La chiesa era circondata da un alto recinto e i cancelli erano chiusi. Potevo vedere i dettagli intricati dei ferri battuti sui cancelli, ognuno un'opera d'arte a sé. I cancelli erano adornati con croci e altri simboli religiosi e sembravano invitarmi a entrare.

Mentre mi avvicinavo ai cancelli, notai che la neve era stata rimossa dal sentiero che conduceva alla chiesa. Il sentiero era fiancheggiato da lanterne e la luce che diffondevano sulla neve era una vista calda e invitante. Potevo vedere la luce delle candele che tremolava attraverso le finestre della chiesa e sapevo che stava avvenendo un servizio all'interno.

Spinsi i cancelli e camminai lungo il sentiero verso la chiesa. La neve scricchiolava sotto i miei piedi e potevo sentire l'aria fredda mordermi le guance. La chiesa sembrava chiamarmi e sapevo che dovevo entrare....


English Version

The outside of the Russian Orthodox Church was a sight to behold. The white stone structure stood tall and proud against the cold winter landscape. The snow covered trees surrounding the church seemed to be standing at attention, as if they too were paying their respects to the holy sanctuary.

The sun was shining down on the snow-covered landscape, casting a brilliant glow on everything in sight. The sky was a deep blue, with fluffy white clouds lazily drifting by. The trees were adorned with a thick blanket of snow, each branch and twig outlined in delicate white. The snow had a soft and fluffy appearance, as if it had been freshly fallen from the sky. The branches of the trees were bent under the weight of the snow, as if they were bowing in reverence to the church.

As I approached the church, I could feel the chill of the winter air biting at my cheeks. The snow crunched under my feet, and I could hear the sound of my breath as it turned to mist in the cold air. The church was surrounded by a high fence, and the gates were closed. I could see the intricate details of the ironwork on the gates, each one a work of art in its own right. The gates were adorned with crosses and other religious symbols, and they seemed to be beckoning me to enter.

As I walked up to the gates, I noticed that the snow had been cleared from the path leading to the church. The path was lined with lanterns, and the light they cast on the snow was a warm and inviting sight. I could see the candlelight flickering through the windows of the church, and I knew that there was a service taking place inside.

I pushed open the gates and walked down the path towards the church. The snow crunched under my feet, and I could feel the cold air biting at my cheeks. The church seemed to be calling out to me, and I knew that I had to go inside.

As I walked through the door, I was greeted by the warm and inviting sight of the sanctuary. The walls were adorned with icons and other religious art, and the candles were burning brightly. The smell of incense filled the air, and I could hear the sound of the choir singing hymns.

I walked down the aisle towards the altar, and I could feel the weight of history and tradition surrounding me. The church was built in the traditional Russian Orthodox style, and it was a beautiful sight to behold. The walls were adorned with frescoes, and the icons were painted with great care and attention to detail. The altar was adorned with gold and silver, and the candles were burning brightly.

As I stood there, surrounded by the beauty of the church and the winter landscape outside, I felt a sense of peace and serenity wash over me. The world outside seemed to fade away, and I was lost in the beauty of the moment. I knew that I would always remember this moment, and that it would stay with me forever.

The service ended and the congregation began to leave. I lingered for a moment longer, taking in the beauty of the church and the winter landscape outside. I knew that I would be back, and that this would always be a special place for me.

As I left the church, I could feel the chill of the winter air biting at my cheeks. The snow crunched under my feet, and I could hear the sound of my breath as it turned to mist in the cold air. The trees were still covered in snow, and the sky was still a deep blue. The world outside seemed to be holding its breath, as if waiting for something to happen.



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