Controlling anger

Beloved Steemians! Good day Steemians. It is my pleasure to participate in this Steem engagement challenge which is organized by @cotina in Comunidad Latina community. The hint provided in this contest is what I will like to use to share my entry in this contest. I will appreciate if you continue with me as I share my thoughts.

Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us.


Anger is one of those emotional attribute that God installed on every living creature. It might interest you to know that anger is not a respecter of age, a one week old baby can get angry, a toddler, a teenager, adult youth as well as the aged. The rich and the poor can get angry, the blacks or the whites, whatever religion one may belong to those not exempt them from the impact of anger.

It is worthy to note that even animals can get angry; also spirits can get angry, both evil spirit and even the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) too.

Are you one of the people who gets angry easily?

Personally I have suffered the negative impact that comes with getting angry easily, in this regard I found it necessary to begin to work on myself in other to avoid uncontrollable nemesis in the future. Though I am still working on that because you can not assumed perfection in the area of your ability to control your anger but I can still say that I have subject my anger to an extent.

Nevertheless people around us stand a better chance of answering this question better on our behalf because we sometimes can not critically scrutinize ourself better without being bias cause we will always have the conviction of seeing that we are doing the right thing.


What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?

There are many things that can make me lose calm and get in a bad mood. Permit me to consider just few out of many.

  • I don't like seeing people taking advantage of other people, for example the rich taking advantage of the poor.
  • I don't like others taken me for granted, whenever my kindness or simplicity is taken for granted most especially by my subordinate it can force me loose my calm.
  • I don't like correcting people on one particular thing or offense repeatedly.
  • I don't like seeing people being selfish and inconsiderate. I do get fuss up when one is always thinking about himself and does not have other people in mind. etc.

Tell us the last reason that made you angry.

Last week my boss travelled and left me with certain instructions which I followed, he was supposed to return the next day and could not; he spent about three days more. I am clueless of the main reason he traveled cause he did not informed me.

When he was called by the Board Chairperson while still absent on a certain issue he shifted the blame on me.


Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

Getting angry is not a bad thing even God scripturally do get angry. Don't feel bad when you get angry but try by all means to put your anger under control. Getting angry in this life is inevitable no matter your spirituality. But it all depends on how you manage it.

I'm inviting @josepha, @saintkelvin17 and @princessck to kindly participate in this contest.

 24 days ago 

Hola, las etiquetas correctas para promocionar Steem en X (Twitter) son #steem #steemit y $steem, ademas de alguna otra relevante relacionada al post. Asegurate de siempre escribir algo en el tweet. El formato correcto es: Escrito + etiquetas + link al post. Buena suerte.

Big thanks to you for your comment regarding my entry. I am really grateful Sir.

I am sorry to hear about how your boss treated you. You know in the Nigerian sense this is a normal thing that happens. Just move on from it and try to be submissive so you do not lose your job. I am glad to see you have subjected your anger to a large extent. You will certainly have a happy life. Cheers

Thank you my friend, this is very inspiring advice. Indeed you have good understanding and knowledge of boss vs subordinate operations.

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