Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 4// I love creating contentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago
Haloo friend of steemians

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Hi friends, the contest that we have been waiting for has finally been announced, the theme that was raised this time is also very interesting to follow considering that everyone here is always creating content, the theme is I love creating content, this is the right time to prove how much we love to write or create content on steemit

To make it short, let's just start in the discussion about this contest

How do you feel about creating content? Describe your feelings


Expressing feelings or activities through writing and sharing with all of you is a joy for me, if you ask about feelings, all steemians must be very happy to create content, the proof is that every day we see thousands of quality content uploaded on this beloved platform, there we are will get knowledge, motivation and information from all of my friends

Before joining steemit, I only liked to read, various articles and novels were content that I often read, until one day, a friend and teacher of mine introduced steemit to me, which finally made me happy and excited to write here, various things that I always find time to be packaged in an interesting way and I share it with all of you

I'm so happy, in every spare time, I always make time to create content, no matter it's in a coffee shop, at home, even during breaks when working, there is no special place for me to write, as soon as I get a moment or inspiration, I will immediately write it down

Do you participate in the diary game? Why


Yes, I participated in the diary game, because I think this is a very interesting theme, everyone must carry out their daily activities, being able to share with friends from various countries is an honor for me, where we can understand each other , understand, learn, and introspect

In the photo above you can see some of my posts about diary games, in a week I usually post 4 to 5 posts about this theme, with several Indonesian communities that I am active in,

What contests or dynamics do you usually enter? (And in which community)


Every time there is a contest, especially a weekly contest like this, I always take the time to participate in it, and it doesn't matter which community is holding it, because each community, of course, has its own advantages.

I also often participate in several contests that are held in the community where I join, with the aim of honing my ability to write and learn motivation from all of your posts.

The only problem I had in the contest was the self-verification photo, because I was a little shy to take photos in a crowd and it was really sad

What type of content do you like the most and what type of content do you dislike the least



Honestly, I really like the world of photography, but I don't understand how, photography contests are a theme that has caught my attention lately, especially nature photography, various natural beauties always make me amazed when I look at them

Besides that, my hobbies are music, travel, and fishing, the three hobbies above I haven't had time to pack into one post which is my homework until now

Apart from that, I don't think there's content that I don't like, all of them are interesting, it's just that some of the themes I don't know about and don't work in that field, cryto for example, honestly I don't understand the crypto world at all

Do you think the quality of the comments is high or low? Why?

Speaking of comments, I think it's very important, there are no low or high words in a comment, what determines only the content of the comment, there are times when we get a praise, reprimand and knowledge of a comment, shouldn't it be like that, support each other I think is the main point of a comment

The only thing that must be avoided is commenting on a post without first reading what the contents of the post are, it will cause misunderstandings among fellow steemians

What types of content do you think curators big and small value most?

This is the most interesting and difficult question for me to answer😅

For me, as long as the post meets the requirements and is not plagiarized I think it should be appreciated by curators, big or small a support is not important, I personally for example, support is a bonus for me, lately, I don't get support from curator, but it didn't discourage me at all

Almost three weeks of my post not being supported by sc02, and as long as I joined the platform, sc01 never visited my post once, why, maybe this question only you cr and seniors can answer for sure

Seniors with great reputations often get support from the king of curators, but that is of course a motivation for me, and the question is, how can we newcomers develop on the platform, if our posts don't get support from the curators, what should we fix

Would you like to see Comunidad Latina in another season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge? Explain your answer

Yes, I agree with this, every community that is selected as the organizer of the contest has of course met the requirements, and hopefully this community will be elected as the organizer of the weekly contest next month

  • Conclusion


For me, creating content is a very fun thing, besides being able to share, I can get a variety of knowledge and motivation in it, keep writing and creating, success will surely come to people who are serious about doing something,

I think that's all I can post this time, as a form of participation I also invite @itikna09 @fantvwiki @patjewell @ikwal @sailawana to enliven this contest



Menulis sebenarnya adalah aktivitas yang menyenangkan untuk menyalurkan hobby dan bakat kita. Steemit adalah salahsatu pilihan untuk menyalurkannya. Tetap semangat dan semoga beruntung dengan kontes ini.

Ya saya setuju dengan pendapat ini, selain itu di steemit kita juga bisa belajar banyak hal yang belum kita ketahui

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya pak🙏, sukses juga untuk anda

Sama2. Semoga beruntung ...

Anda benar benar semakin bagus dalam menghasilkan konten, ini luar biasa. Ada waktunya Anda akan melihat hasil terbaik dari apa yang anda buat nantinya, anda hebat bang chopper46.

Terima kasih banyak pak @fantvwiki, itu semua tidak lepas dari apa yang telah saya pelajari dari anda🙏,

sekali lagi terima kasih banyak

Sama sama bang chopper.

 2 years ago 

Wow! This must be the best post I have seen from well. Well done!! I can now truly say that “you have arrived”! Congratulations!
In my eyes you are a winner!

Oh really thousands of thanks for these wonderful words ma'am, Everyone is a champion, 1 and two are just a matter of numbers, number one is not smarter than number 10 isn't that how my teacher

 2 years ago 

It is true that one is not smarter than 10 and even that zero is not nothing (•ิ‿•ิ)
What makes you a winner is that you practice what you learn, you know what you are trying to accomplish, and you challenge yourself all the time.

Yes, I've always loved challenges, math, physics and chemistry are the lessons I liked when I was in school, I just wanted to test the extent of my ability, if it's really not capable at least I tried and tried to achieve it

Hola amigo gracias por participar esta cuarta semana de challenge, haces una publicacion bastante interesante y con las mismas dudas que tienen todos, lo importante es crear buen contenido, divertirte mientras lo haces, aprender de otras personas, comenta mucho para que las personas te conozcan y cuando menos lo esperes tendras esa anhelada visita, un abrazo.

Libre de plagio1/1
Bid vote1/1

Verificado en: 20-09-2022

Vota por @cotina como witness!

Thank you very much ma'am, I am sure that success never betrays the process, it is too soon for me to expect more what else sucsess,

Thanks for the verification

Ini benar-benar kontes menarik saya akan mencoba mengambil bagian di kontes ini

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya, saya tunggu entri anda untuk kontes ini

Semoga sukses💪

Untuk membuat sebuah konten mungkin sedikit lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan membuat sebuah konsistensi,
Mungkin semua orang berharap adanya suara besar dari Tim curator, namun yakinlah kawan bahwa dengan aktif , meningkatkan kualitas dan konsisten terhadap tulisan, InsyaAllah anda akan segera mendapatkannya,
Apalagi saat ini sudah ada Steemit engagement Challenge yang membuat kita lebih memahami sebuah topik untuk ditulis lewat komunitas yang dipilih, kita bisa lebih fokus dan berinteraksi akan meningkat kan keterlibatan kita didalamnya,
Tidak ada yang sia-sia, semoga berhasil teman

Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungannya kakak🙏,
Yaa saya setuju dengan yang anda katakan bahwa memang semua orang mengharapkan dukungan dari curator, namun bagi saya itu hanyalah sebuah bonus, yang saya butuhkan disini hanya bimbingan dan arahan dari teman-teman semua sebagai penyemangat saya dalam menulis

Sukses juga untuk anda🙏

Tentu saja, kami akan selalu mendukung anda

💪💪💪😊, terima kasih kakak

What a great publication, you have share your activity create a content with us, such an inspiring. Thanks for invite mo . I will drop my entry soon..insha Allah.

Many best wishes for you brother

Thank you very much for your visit ma'am

I'll be happy to wait for your entry🙏

Kontes yang sangat menarik, setelah saya membaca beberapa tulian di postingan anda saya ingin segera join di kontes ini 😁

Terima kasih atas tangapannya, saya tunggu entri anda teman🙏

siap bang, nyo tengeh long gas 😂

Oke, hajar ju, 💪💪💪

 2 years ago 

Saludos Steemian, @chopper46, Tu post ha sido recompensado por @alejos7ven del Cotina Team.

Si deseas apoyar a la comunidad considera delegar Steem Power a @cotina o Votar por nuestro Witness

Untuk sebuah content yang di publikasi kan sangat membutuhkan audience dan komentator sehingga akan dapat mendukung kualitas kontent. Terimakasih sudah berbagi inspirasi. Good luck for the contest

Terima kasih banyak atas tanggapannya bu @sailawana, sukses juga untuk anda🙏

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