Overcoming fear

in Comunidad Latina29 days ago (edited)

How are you today Steemians? I hope you are as fine as I am. I am glad today to write an article on overcoming fear.

I appreciate @cotina and Comunidad Latina for organising this contest. I hope you will enjoy reading.

What is your biggest fear in life?


My biggest fear in life is death. I fear death in two faces:

  1. I fear the death of my loved ones: I have lost people who were very dear to me in the time past. I have lost my parents, I have lost my only two sisters and my best friend Mathew Sunday. Their demise has made me pass through emotional trauma. I felt at some time that there was no reason to live.
  2. I am afraid to die: My mind has refused to agree with the fact that I will die someday. I fear to imagine myself in the coffin or the grave. I fear death when I remember that I have a beautiful wife and two lovely kids. I fear death when I imagine how life could be for my wife and children when I die.

Represent your greatest fear in a literal or abstract way in an artistic expression or photograph (show step by step)

This picture shows what it looks like when I am afraid. I hide in fear hoping to find a saviour.

Do you have any phobia?

Yes, I have aquaphobia. I fear when I see people travelling in a boat, I fear when I see people swimming, especially in the river. This phobia has made me hate any form of outing that has to do with the beach and swimming pool.

How do you motivate yourself to overcome fear?

I receive my motivation from the church and the Bible. Recently I was encouraged to live a life as though I will die in the next minutes which has informed me to cast out fear and prepare myself and my family as death is inevitable. I also learn to plan well as though I will remain alive for the next 50 years.

I read recently that to overcome aquaphobia, I should use exposure therapy which progresses through these steps:

  • View images or videos of water.
  • Gradually progress to seeing water in a bathtub.
  • Touch running water.
  • Look at or walk near a body of water or swimming pool.
  • Finally, go inside a body of water or swimming pool.

This is all I have for today. I hope you enjoy reading. See you soon in the next contest
I invite the following friends to participate

To know more about me, kindly read my achievement1 post

 29 days ago 

Hello partner caringmanasseh , thank you for your participation, I hope you are successful in your publication.

Being afraid of death is one of the most common fears that every person questions. Thinking so much about the things that will happen will generate more fear and fear in us. It is good that you attended church because there you have been able to have a great advance in overcoming some of your fears.

Good night and good luck friend.

@caringmanasseh Your reflections on fear particularly the fear of death are deeply moving. The losses you have endured and the thoughts about your own mortality are profound. Its admirable how you find motivation in your faith and prepare both for the present and the future. Facing your aquaphobia with exposure therapy shows great courage. Keep pushing forward and believing in yourself. Good luck with the contest

Hello dear friend, I'm so sorry about the death of some of your family members and also the traumatic experience you went to, I hope you're good now. Death is inevitable and is a due every man must pay. We can only live in the moment.

Yes, I am ok my dear. Thank you for your show of love

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