Overcoming Fear

He gets rejected anywhere he goes because of his poor family background, this is a very tragic moment that will make you to be sad and afraid of mingling with people around you for the sake of your mental health.
Overcoming fear is not easy at all, and ut requires a gradual processor for a person to fully overcome his or her fear in life.

What is your biggest fear in life?


My biggest fear in life is getting betrayed by people I care about and also having an unsuccessful target or goal in life.
Humans can never be trusted and at some point we get betrayed by the ones we care about, I am a very emotional person and I whenever I care for a person I give my all hoping that the person will reciprocate it but sometimes I get betrayed by the ones I trusted so much.

Arguably my greatest fear in life is getting betrayed by the ones I trusted so much, recently they was a person that i showed so much care and attention but at the end I found out that the person wasn't worth it and I had to step back, but it was a sad moment for me infact I was devastated and angry and I had to stay for some day to get over it.
I am very emotional in everything I do, which makes me afraid to be treated badly by people around me.

Am just afraid not to be successful in life

Unsuccessful plan is also another fear in my life, we also make good plans for ourselves to become successful someday but often time it becomes unsuccessful and I am a living witness to it because I have suffered enough from setbacks, disappointment and failed plans but that has not stopped me from trying again.
Each time I am going for a particular journey in life, I am always afraid because I wouldn't want to fail in achieving my goals in life.

Represent your greatest fear in a literal or abstract way in an artistic expression or photograph (show step by step)

When i had money they were eager to be with me, this is humans for you

Being surrounded by people when you're doing well, you will not know who your true friend and who is your bad friend because they will all pretend to love you.

Thinking about the way forward after i was betrayed by those who claim to love and care about me

After spending all my money and discovering that I was bankrupt, they all ran away from me, even those who promised to be with me through thick and thin.

Me realising that life isn't always sunshine and butterflies sometimes we gotta learn to smile through the pain

Humans can never be trusted, and after reasoning my life, I decided to smile again because bad people give you experience, and I have learned many things from them.
In my life I will never trust any human ever again because no matter how good your are people will still talk bad things about you, and I also recall that not everyone will love you as a person no matter what you do.

Do you have any phobia?


Yes, i do have phobia for water that is to say I don't like going to rivers to do any activity due to my past experience of seeing people been taking by waters and they will end up loosing their lives.
One of my relatives also died of watwr as he went to the river to swim and was found lifeless later in the day.

All these traumatic incidents have given me phobia for water, and even if it's the smallest of the river, I am still afraid of going close to it.
Many innocent people died while swimming in the river, and I don't want to be among them as their death is very painful.

How do you motivate yourself to overcome fear?


God has a plan for bringing everyone 9me of us in this life, so my biggest motivation in overcoming fear is spending quality time with God by reading his word and also praying and asking him to give me the grace to overcome my fear.

Life is full of ups and downs, and to be successful, we must learn how to overcome our fears in life, so I try to do my best and also avoid those who will hurt me. No one is perfect in this life and I know that every human has his or her own fear in life so I try my best to make sure that I always overcome mine by learning from my past experience.

I am using this opportunity to invite @simonnwigwe, @josepha, pandora2010, @marito74 and @inspiracion to join me and participate in this wonderful challenge

15% goes to @cotina


Just like you, I'm also scared of not making it in life especially when I see people suffer despite being hardworking and diligence and in a society where the poor are being treated like lepers but we hope for the best. I wish you the best in this contest.

Indeed let's hope for the best 👍 God has a plan for everyone of us and when the time is right he will surely bless us 🙏 😊

Thanks for your good wishes greetings from this part of the world

 22 days ago 

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Curated by : @eliany

Thanks for the support @eliany i really appreciate ❤️ 🙏

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