Overcoming fear

in Comunidad Latina2 months ago

Assalam Alaikum!!

I hope you all are doing very well and Alhamdulillah I am perfectly fine and today I am here to share my post with you guys. Thank you very much. Such a good and interesting start topic. to share because this is a topic that probably everyone has been waiting for this interesting topic. And I am very very thankful to @cotina for organizing this contest

Because there are some questions in it that if a person has any fear or fear about a person, about a thing about losing something or about eating a person, then do not share it with anyone. But this is an opportunity that we can share with everyone here about the loss of that person or that thing because here we have no fear that I will lose the people we care about. That if we share them will be disturbed, so we have an opportunity here to get out the fear of our heart and what to do after relaxing our heart.

  • What is your biggest fear in life?

I always feel scary like going anywhere alone when I'm alone because I can't go anywhere alone. I must have found someone, my mother, father and my siblings care about me a lot. I was always afraid of going anywhere. And now I'm even more scared because my dad is no longer with me, he's gone forever and I miss him so much and now it seems like if He is not there, so if I go somewhere now, I don't even need to find anyone, and even if I want to go somewhere, I don't go. And if there is place like Fields where there are no houses nearby. Where I can't go


  • Represent your greatest fear in a literal or abstract way in an artistic expression or photograph (show step by step)

Once I went from one city to another city to my maternal uncle's house. In the other city, maternal uncle lived with me and my cousins ​​also lived. But they had a lot of crops on their back side and I was very afraid of their crops because there were no other houses on that side and there was no house next to their houses, it looked like a lot of houses. And when I went there, I want to tell you that I was so scared that I didn't leave the house for days. Someone will grab me and seduce me from childhood to adulthood it is like this and it kept happening and we will always be towards the buses slowly and slowly then when I started to go with my cousin, they Started going along but still if I go to my uncle's house I can't go without him


  • Do you have any phobia?

If there is a phobia, then I will say that I don't have a phobia, but if I am afraid of someone, they say a, so they are too, so I would like to tell you that I am very afraid of water. It means that if I see a lot of water somewhere, I start to whisper and I don't do anything, but a fear and dread sit in my heart and I don't know how thoughts come and I can't see much water. He said she can either say or not because she can't see much water, but I don't even make any movement


  • How do you motivate yourself to overcome fear?

There is no doubt that a person's greatest motivation is his parents and both my parents love me very much. My mother loves me very much but my greatest motivation is She has always been my mother and father, but father was and always will be God to me because I have loved him so much and he has loved me the most in the world, I think. It's like the love he gave me, any father would give his daughter so much love, but now I have that motivation, now he has left me so far.

And now I have only one motivation is the girl who is my mother and I love her very much when she is with me and tell me once that you can do this thing then I will do it with all my heart. I believe that if my mother told me, it means I will do it, like last few days I participated in a competition but I gave up. I told my mother and she told me that no, I believe that she will act and thus I made her do it again in order not to break that belief. Later I said to my mother that you always tell me to do it so that I get courage and I can do the work. So that's just like when I need motivation and supported me, so that's my biggest motivation, is my mother. And in this way first ALLAH and then by mother I can control my fear about any thing

25% to @null

Special Thanks to @cotina , @soywilfredg , @marianaceleste, @yonaikerurso

Invite Friends:

Regards: @arinaz08


 2 months ago 

Hola @arinaz

Se entiende que tengas tenis a estar en un lugar tan aislado y solo de otras personas sobretodo si es un campo es normal ya que viven pocas personas.
A veces tenemos miedos mal infundados pero que bueno que cuentas con el apoyo de tu madre para vencerlos.

Y supongo que tú temor al agua es por no saber nadar. Quizás si aprendes poco a poco se te quitará.

Feliz noche ✨ y éxitos

Yes exactly your are right I don't know how to swim. Even that I am scared of swimming. But as you said that Id I try then may be it is possible and this try overcome my fear of water. Thanks a lot for stopping here and comment on my post and understanding my thoughts. Bundle of thanks


Saludos amiga siempre vamos a sentir temor cuando estamos solos por miedo a que vengan perdonas malvadas y nos hagan daño
Nuestros padres son nuestra gran fortaleza y quisiéramos que siempre estuvieran a nuestro lado
Yo también le tengo miedo al agua porque o se nadar y una vez en un río casi que me ahogo

 2 months ago 

I'm also very afraid of being alone, especially when I go out of my house, I'm afraid to think that anyone could do anything, so I try to walk as fast as I can, it may look strange but I prefer to avoid any bad situation.

Good luck in this week's challenge

Yes, of course, I understand what you are trying to say. It often happens to me that if we are walking alone, it seems that someone is following, but no one is following. Because of fear, we can't even look back, but when we dare to look now, I don't have any, so these are more fears, which is very important for us to control

Puede que sufras de talasofobia. Lamento tu perdida, y espero que todo vaya superandose, creciendo y viviendo como tu papá quisiera que vivieras, feliz. Bendiciones para ti y mucho exito en un tu entrada.

You're absolutely right, I used to be afraid of staying alone especially in the dark few years back and it started from my childhood, i usually imagine thousands of ghost being there and I couldn't sleep alone back then. Thank God I'm good now.

Yes, it happens and people get lonely especially when it's dark and let me tell you that I'm with my mom right now and I'm feeling good right now, but whatever you say to me now. The fear of has largely disappeared

Memilik rasa takut juga penting dalam hidup kita sehingga akan membuat kita menggunakan daya nalar dan analisa terhadap sesuatu.

Tentu rasa takut itu baiknya masih dalam taraf terkontrol. Contohnya anda merasa tidak nyaman atau takut untuk berjalan sendiri di tempat yang tidak aman, maka anda akan memilih untuk tidak kesana.

Atau ketika anda takut akan air yang banyak, maka anda tidak akan berenang disana yang berpotensi anda tenggelam, dan seterusnya.

Jadi menurut saya "takut" itu penting dalam kadar tertentu serta terhadap sesuatu yang rasional.

Semoga beruntung dengan kontes ini.

You are right, I also feel that I will never be ready and my fear will never go away. A little water is different, but if I am looking at a lot of water, there are many people who are very They are young, but if they are mentally prepared and they are not afraid, they can swim in a lot of water. I will never be able to swim . You read my posts in detail. Thank you very much.

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