Steem Women's Club Community Contest #6 Promite Your Favorite City || Margarita Island. Venezuela.

in SteemWomen Club4 years ago

Hello ladies of this beautiful community, what a wonderful contest, where we will travel a lot, know traditions, cultures of each city.

Before knowing other cities in the world, first I want to know the ones in my country, I have already been to some of them: Cumana, Carúpano, Barcelona, Trujillo.

But now I am going to travel to Margarita Island, the Pearl of the Caribbean, in the State of Nueva Esparta, Venezuela. I haven't been there for years, it would be like going for the first time, but this time I would go with my children to get to know it.

One of the wonders of going to Margarita Island, is that we would do it in a big boat type Ferrys, we would take it from the city of Puerto La Cruz, in a trip on the high seas, which would last about 4 hours, if we take it from the city of Cumana, it lasts about three hours.



Ferry Terminal. Puerto La Cruz. Anzoategui State. Venezuela.

Traveling on the ferry is a wonderful sensation, I have already experienced it but I want to experience it again, feel the wind, the sun, hopefully see some dolphins swimming.

You can also go by plane, but to miss seeing and feeling by ferry is incomparable.

The main attraction that the island has, is the obligatory visit to the Virgin of the Valley, in her Basilica, which is in El Valle del Espiritu Santo. And if you go on September 8, which is the day of the Virgin, you will find a river of people, who go to venerate Vallita, as she is also called.



Basilica of the Virgin of the Valley.

I have a commitment that I have to fulfill to go to the island of Margarita and thank the Virgin for her miracles, we ask her to end this global pandemic so I can fulfill my dream of going to her altar.



Procession of the day of the Virgin.

After visiting the Virgin, we would go to the beaches, the best beaches in Venezuela are in Margarita, Playa El Agua is one of them, where you can see the immensity of the sea, far far away, where at the end like the sky meets the sea, the white

and warm sands under your feet and the sea breeze, will make you come back.



El Agua Beach. Margarita.

Margarita has many historical sites, such as the Castle of Pampatar, part of the history of the island and Venezuela, also celebrate the festivities of the patron saint of the Cristo del Buen Viaje.



Castle of Pampatar, Margarita.

Here near the castle is another beach, where you can appreciate part of the rich gastronomy of Margarita, which is based more than anything else on fish: fried, salted, piscillo, stewed, in soup, eating it on the beach is the best.



Fried fish, salad, arepa, typical dish of Margarita.

Also famous are the asopados de marisco (seafood stews), glasses with mattress breakers that are: pepitonas, shrimps, octopus, crabs, oysters.



Asopado de Mariscos, typical food of Margarita.

I can not fail to recommend the delicious empanadas with its dough with a sweet touch, of different flavors: fish, pearl gut, pepitonas, cheese.



Empanadas, typical food of Margarita.

It has natural monuments declared heritage of the island, as the famous Tetas de Maria Guevara, are twin mountains, similar to tits, but it is not legend Maria Guevara if it existed, my grandmother that if viajomuchas times to the island always told us his story.



Natural monument the Tetas de Maria Guevara.

The galerones are part of the typical music of the island, the polos, basket weaving, many women are dedicated to weaving baskets, hats, bags.

Part of its traditions is the sport, that is why it is home to the glorious Guaiqueries de Nueva Esparta, a professional basketball team that has won several championships in the country.



Guaiqueries of Nueva Esparta, Basketball team.

And just as we arrived by sea, on the ferry, so we returned again after spending a few wonderful days in the pearl of the Caribbean, Margarita Island.

When we arrive and go back, we do it from Punta de Piedras, which is a Passenger Ferry Terminal, also a wonderful place.



Punta de Piedras, Ferry Terminal, Margarita Island, Nueva Esparta State, Venezuela.

All the images have their respective sources, but when I go, I will take my own pictures to share them later.

At least when I get to Margarita I will have a place to go there with @marito74 and his daughter @sammy1109.

To enter your dream city you must see the contest rules here:

In turn I invite @sacra97 @mafalda2018 @yurilaya @marybellrg @marito74 @babybothe

firma zhanavic 2 2021.png


Ohh que maravilla,hermoso post de mi bella ísla,muchos cambios encontrarás pero aun esos encantos se mantienen,trae $ porque es lo que se maneja,playa el Agua ha sufrido cambios,pero el mar hermoso sigue aquí,los castillos soportaron los ataques,aun continuan resistiendo,bienvenidos amigos turistas a esta bella ísla.Amigo turista te felicito por visitar mi tierra tan bonita.
#onepercent #venezuela

Que hermoso estado para vivir y visitar, yo he ido y me encantó mi querida @zhanavic69 me falto visitar la iglesia. Bendiciones. Muchísimas gracias por la invitación es estupenda.

Holi @zhanavic69! muy lindo el post sobre nuestra querida isla de Margarita uwu👍🏽, jeje si, Playa el Agua es una de las mejores playas de acá, pero los niños siempre tienen que tener cuidado, jaja acá en la isla nunca falta el pescado, si no entonces no sé que pasaría xd, saluditos!
#onepercent #venezuela

 4 years ago 

Hermosoooo! absolutamente divino, las comidas, llegué a Puerto La cruz con la esperanza de ir en Ferry hasta allá pero ese sueño no se cumplió, pero estuve bastante cerca jeje.

Deseo el milagro también mi amiga.

hi @zhanavic69 I have approved your entry to the contest. I would love to go to an island too. Traveling by ferry must be a good feeling. Delicious food looks very tasty. I felt the air of that wind and breeze from the picture. Thanks for telling it in your own words. This is exactly what we wanted.
Thank you for participating in the competition and the community, good luck :)

 4 years ago 

Hello ladies how nice that you liked my city, now also of you, if in my country, there are many cities to know, just waiting for the pandemic to pass, improve something the country, because with steemit will travel and from where I am I will take my pc and I will make many post for there heh heh.

Disfrute mucho mi viaje a Margarita, pero no fuimos a la Basílica es muy hermosa, y ni hablar de las playas...

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