Health benefits of dates fruit that you should know

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago

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Dates are unique natural sweetener ,they are fruits gotten from a date palm tree. It is highly tasty and nutritious, it has a dark brown skin pigmentation, it has a soft flesh and is extraordinarily sweet.Date is very affordable with 200 naira(1.2steem) and above one can purchase some pieces of dates.

The nutritious values of dates

Dates are highly nutritious mostly especially the dry dates .Dry dates hadms high contents of calories especially carbohydrates with a out 75 grams.Ut is also rich in vitamins and minerals with fibre.Dates contains rich elements of antioxidants which is very much beneficial for an individual's heart condition.

Benefits of dates

Reduces cholesterol: Dates helps to reduce cholesterol in the human body and also help to manage body weight.

Act as an antioxidant: Various kinds of antioxidants are provided by date which helps in the treatment of different antioxidants safeguards one's cells from free radicals that may be very dangerous there by causing harmful reactions in individual's body which may lead to diseases.

Bone strengthening: Dates contains copper, selenium and magnesium which are very essential nutrients to keep one's bone healthy and prevent bone related issues.It contains vitamin k as well which helps in the pumping of blood and bone metabolism, in order words dates strengthens one's bones.

Helps in brain development: Dates has choline and vitamin B contents that is very essential for learning and memory retention.Regular consumption of dates has been tasted and proven to be very effective in brain development and also helps in reducing brain inflammation.

Helps to improve digestive system: Dates are very rich in natural fibre which helps to regulate movement and improve an Individual's overall digestive system.Regular consumption of dates also help to ease constipation.

Helps to detoxify the body: The extracts from dates helps to support liver health generally,by way of supporting healthy liver functioning, dates allows your body to be detoxified naturally.

Helps in diabetes control: Dates helps in the control of diabetes mellitus.Research as been proven that over time dates are helpful in reducing blood sugar and fat.It helps to Increase the production of insulin and equally help to reduce the rate of glucose absorption from the intestines.

Dates nourishes the skin: They are excellent source of vitamin C and D which enhances our skin smoothness and maintain skin elasticity. Dates has anti-aging elements that helps to prevent melanin accumulation.

Solves Insomnia: Are you finding it very difficult to sleep very well? then do not bother about purchase over counter medications rather
resorting to regular intake of dates will help a great deal in solving insomnia.

Benefits of dates in males

It helps to improve sexual vitality in men: Dates helps to enrich men's sexual health and also enhances sexual stamina in men.

Helps to Increase low sperm count: Dates contents have positive effects to improve on low sperm count and enhance sperm quality.

Benefits of dates in females

Fights with deficiency of iron: Regular intake of dates helps to Increase iron in women.

Promotes labour naturally: The regular intake of dates at the later stage of a woman's pregnancy can help the cervic to dilate on time and lower the need for induced labour.

Prevent piles during pregnancy: Dates are wonderful source of fibre that helps to prevent piles during pregnancy.

Post-menopausal bone health: post-menopausal bone health can be enhance by regular intake of dates which helps to produce high amount of potassium and other nutrients.


Dates are wonderful fruits with high level of nutritious contents that should not be neglected as it is very essential for growth and healthy living ranging from infants to adults.thank you for spending your time to read through let me know about your opinion as well.

 2 years ago 

I love dates! My mom makes the most delicious steam pudding with dates. It is too die for!

Wow that is great I would love to taste her pudding


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Thank you so much I really do appreciate the encouragement coming from this wonderful team

 2 years ago 

Thank you for this additional information. I have been taking date fruit but didn't know it can strengthen bone.
I have bone issue, I keep taking it. Thanks for sharing.

Keep taking it you will surely have a positive result

 2 years ago 

I have always found them so sweet yet i am not a sugarly things person but iam going to force myself to eat them more since i have know the benefits.
Tbanks for sharing.

Yes try it is so healthy to take them

Nice post about the benefits of consuming Dates. Thanks for covering it quite comprehensively.

Thank you for the encouragement am honoured

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