#club5050 Diarygame 9th April 2022/ How I Processed My Garri At Home By @vickydear

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago

10% of this post reward goes to @steemwomensclub

Good morning my beautiful and amicable women I strongly believe that all of us are doing well in our various locations. I am happy to tell you how my days went through this diary game.



Garri is yellow or creamy white granular flour in colour.it has has a femented flavour and sometime has a sour taste,garri is made from fermented, fresh cassava tubers.it is one of the staple food eaten mostly in Nigeria and other parts of west African countries even in some part of America.


There are different types of garri flour and these depends on the method that it is processed including the grain size and where it is produced.

  • we have white garri which is mostly found in west Africa and it is so common,it is fermented for some days i.e three days without adding palm oil.

  • Red garri or yellow garri.
    This is a type of garri that is mostly seen in Nigeria, it is passed through the same method like that of white garri the only difference is that palm oil is added to give the yellow colour,the palm oil is added to reduce the cyanide content and also give its yellow colour.


The main raw material that is used in the production of garri is to uproot or harvest the cassava roots cut the tubers and then take it home and should be processed within three days to prevent loss of the quality.



  • Matches, knives grating machines,fryers pots,basins and frying spoons, sifter



  • garri processing is simple to me though it takes 2-3days to finished the process and I can illustrate it as follows: harvesting cassava from the farm, peeling of the cassava and washing it to remove sand and dirt.


  • Grating or grinding it in a machine and then pressing it to remove excess water

  • Sieving and frying.


That is to say I havested the cassava tubers from the farm or you can buy it from the market. I peel the tubers with a knife and then wash it to remove dirt's and sands and then take it to the grinding machine and it is grated to a pulp then mix the mash with palm oil and put it in a bag and then place in a pressing machine for some hours to drain or remove excess water.take it home after being drained ,I sieve it and place a pot on fire then make the pot to be hot before putting the small quantity of sieved garri and then start turning it till the garri is dried turn it into a basin to be cool and then I put another one till i finished frying it all .


We can sip it as desired with sugar ,milk, groundnut or salt. And we can also eat with soup by boiling water to be hot then we soaked the garri inside the hot water and turn with a turning stick into a molten form for eating and it is always enjoyable and delicious with any desires soup.


The cassava roots (tubers) which garri is produced from is rich in fiber, magnesium and copper.

  • it is a good source of carbohydrates


 2 years ago 

Oh wow! I’ve learned such a lot from this post. I found it very interesting.
Thank you for keeping me glued to your post 😊

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your nice comment @patjewll

 2 years ago 

Well done my dear.

Garri is now expensive that I wish I have my own farm where I can process it myself to save cost.

It's one of my best food

 2 years ago 

Hmmmmm sorry about that, things are very expensive now because we are living in the last, critical time hard to deal with as the Bible fortold, thanks for your comment @mjoedavid

 2 years ago 

Once i get to the village that is one thing I love doing, good job my sister.

 2 years ago 

Wow, that's good of you @ beautybb

 2 years ago 

You make me to feel like sipping home-made garri now. I have never try making garri before, I always think it a difficult process but the way you explain makes it more simple.
Thanks for sharing.

Chai homemade garri is the best I received some from my mum two days ago it is very delicious if combine with groundnut and sugar

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing this amazing diary with us, that is full of so many things to learn from. Please keep my own authentic garri for me o. Well done 👍 Sis!

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much @goodybest for your well comment.

 2 years ago 

You're welcome 🤗

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