Introducing Myself to SteemWomen Club


Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing okay. I hope everyone is healthy and safe, with the pandemic crisis still going on. This is my very first post in Steemit and I hope it will turn out okay. :) These days has been very hard for many of us, let's all hope that good days are up ahead. I hope that many others will discover Steemit Women Club and have this great opportunity to find such amazing support system and community. Thanks everyone for giving support and love to each other :)

I'm Alissu, you can also call me Al or Ali. I'm 24 years old, currently a humble government employee in the Philippines.

I'm the breadwinner of the family of four, my mother (55, the love of my life), my college student sister, and my high school student brother. Together with my family, I live everyday struggling with financial support, but fulfilled and loved.

As a woman, I am proud to celebrate my strengths and to relate my weaknesses and how I overcome all of my struggles. I wish to share my daily experiences as an office employee, a daughter, a young adult, a breadwinner, a gamer, and a video content creator in this amazing community. I also hope to share humble tips and advices from my experiences and to listen to anyone who will need an ear to lend.

Always here to share, listen and support. Best wishes to all of us, Alissu. :)



Felicidades ALI éxitos.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Thanks! You, too!

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