STEEM WOMENS CLUB HEALTH || What are the Symptoms of Covid? || Covid TreatmentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemWomen Club4 years ago

Hello my beautiful community;
Today I will give you information about Covid Symptoms that occupy the world agenda.


What are the symptoms of Covid?

Consistent with known information about the coronavirus so far, symptoms can be moderate or severe. The most common symptoms; fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Runny nose is rare in coronavirus. For this reason, in cases such as cough, difficulty in breathing and fever, where there is no runny nose, definitely stay away from crowded places and apply to the health institution as soon as possible. Severe coronavirus, pneumonia, kidney failure, and death can occur.

The average incubation period of the new coronavirus (sars-cov-2) was determined to be 4-5 days, and the symptom duration of people with the disease varies between 2 and 14 days.

The most common symptoms associated with Covid-19 disease are:

Fever (39 degrees and above)
Shortness of breath.


It is also associated with Covid-19 disease and has a few rare symptoms:

Runny or stuffy nose
Throat ache,
Skeletal muscle aches and other pains,
Cold cold
Loss of taste and smell.

Some experts, who observe and analyze the disease process, say that the discomfort related to the respiratory system that occurs during the Covid-19 disease process may worsen in the second week of the disease.

According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 out of 5 people will experience worsening in Covid-19. These people may need mechanical ventilation and oxygen support due to severe conditions such as pneumonia and respiratory failure.

How is Coronavirus Transmitted?


The principle of transmission of respiratory diseases is generally similar, although the molecular mechanism of coronavirus spread from person to person is not yet fully resolved. Respiratory diseases spread through droplets. In this mode of transmission, when a patient coughs or sneezes, the people around him will be exposed to this microorganism. Due to the use of objects contaminated with droplets, another mode of transmission occurs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the main way the new coronavirus spreads from person to person is through close contact. In environments where social distance cannot be achieved or personal protective equipment is not used, when the patient or carrier sneezes, coughs or speaks, droplets carrying virus particles will scatter around and cause healthy people to get sick.

Similarly, patients should be careful because they do not care about hand hygiene and after touching their secretions, they can touch objects around them, so that virus particles are scattered around.
Various factors such as surface type, ambient temperature and humidity also play a role in the contamination of infected surfaces. Professionally recommended cleaners can be used to clean suspicious surfaces.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that breastfeeding mothers do not have suspected contact with the coronavirus or pass the disease to their babies if they are sick.It is not yet clear that breastfeeding will cause the disease to transform, but the following measures can still be taken to prevent breastfeeding babies from breastfeeding.

The World Health Organization announced that the risk of spreading from asymptomatic people to healthy people is very low, but experts stress that transmission of disease from asymptomatic people should be treated with caution. The duration of symptoms in infected people varies between 2 and 14 days. If we do not pay attention to these measures, the covid cases will increase.

Who is at risk of covid (Coronavirus)?

Everyone is immune because this is a new virus. However, not everyone shows signs of illness. Not all patients will be seriously ill.
According to the World Health Organization, animals that come into contact with live animals (especially in the Far East) are at the greatest risk. In addition, family members and healthcare professionals who are in close contact with the patient are also included in the coronavirus risk group. In terms of mortality, people over the age of 65 are at higher risk.

The course of Covid-19 caused by the new coronavirus can be serious among people of advanced age and with various chronic health problems. Causes of this severe course include many diseases:

Serious heart diseases such as heart failure, coronary artery disease and cardiomyopathy.
Kidney disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Body mass index over 30, obesity,
Sickle cell anemia
Conditions that adversely affect the immune system of organs such as organ transplantation,
2 types of diabetes.

People between the ages of 18 and 34 may be at risk for a more serious course of the disease. Approximately 20% of people in this age group may need intensive care. At the same time, 1 out of every 10 people in this age group needs mechanical ventilation.

Obesity has become an important health problem in developed societies due to unhealthy eating habits. The relationship between obesity and Covid-19 is one of the factors that can negatively affect the disease process caused by this new coronavirus, as it increases the susceptibility of people to thrombosis (clot formation in blood vessels).

#Covid Treatment;

How is coronavirus treated?


**Antibiotics don't work because coronaviruses are not bacteria. There is currently no specific treatment for coronavirus. The main treatment is symptomatic therapy. Coronavirus treatment and coronavirus vaccine development research continues. Like any virus, keeping the immune system strong (adequate sleep quality, balanced diet and physical activity) is also important for the coronavirus. **

In the treatment of Covid-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus, various antiviral drugs and chloroquine derivatives may be prescribed to treat malaria or some other diseases. Steroid derivatives can be added to the treatment if the doctor thinks that it is suitable for people who have a severe disease and require mechanical ventilation.

In emergencies and when necessary, the plasma donated by people who previously suffered from this disease can be recovered and the blood contains antibodies against the new coronavirus that can be used to treat patients.
Painkillers, control medications for cough symptoms, rest and regular fluid consumption are among the applications evaluated within the supportive treatment for covid-19 disease.

How to prevent Covid (Coronavirus)?


Maintaining the highest level of health, eating a balanced diet, dealing with stress and getting enough sleep are the most important things for us to cope with various diseases. In addition, it is important not to sneeze or vomit under uncontrolled conditions, not to cover our mouth with a tissue when coughing, not to contaminate our hands with respiratory secretions, and wash with soap if contaminated. disinfect. Pay attention to hand hygiene, at least during this period.

Do not put your hands in your mouth and nose when your hands are dirty, use hand sanitizer instead. Be careful not to put it in a closed environment. Avoid crowded environments as much as possible.

Apart from this, by following the agenda, keeping our public transport behavior up to date (wearing a mask, etc.), carrying disposable wipes, hand disinfectants, washing hands with soap "whenever necessary", never shaking hands during this period, adopting non-infectious behaviors if we show signs of respiratory tract infection. If necessary, not leaving the house is among the measures that can be taken.

Thank you for reading.I am grateful for your support @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 @steemitblog @booming


Wow such an interesting article, God bless us all from this intruder who came into our lives.


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