Random Thoughts of a Young Adult : Women and Submission | By @rosita-nkefor

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)
Dear beautiful ladies of the SteemWomen Club, I greet you all. So I generally get into my head and start having random thoughts but with no one to share them with. I have thus decided to share these thoughts in this wonderful community filled with women who have experienced a lot and have a lot of insight to share. So here is my first post.

Source : Edited by PixelLab

Random Thoughts of a Young Adult: Women and submission

Submission can be seen as surrendering one's self to the authority of another person. It usually comes into place wherever there is leadership as the two go hand in hand with each other.

But my focus is on submission in a marriage. In almost all religions, women are called to submit to their husbands. Submissive women are hailed as good wives while those who are not submissive are seen as disrespectful and the like. But what does it really mean to submit to your husband? I will answer this by answering what submission is not.

Many women in pursuit of submission lose their brains. They become like a shell or a toy that waits for instructions from their husbands who become like a master to them. They do everything he says without asking any questions.

Something I grew up hearing in many African homes especially with the older generation is "Always agree with your husband for peace to reign in your home". I'm sorry to say this but that is terrible advice. Sure, it worked in the sense that we basically had no divorces in Africa in those days, but practically all the marriages were absolutely miserable. Especially for the women.

Women have a mind of their own and they also have their own opinions. They are not mindless robots who can't think for themselves. The problem arises when some women want to voice out their opinions and in the process become disrespectful and rude to their husbands. That is just wrong is unbecoming of a woman. Marriage should be about compromises from both parties. And as a woman, when you want to voice your opinion, do it in a gentle and respectful manner.

If you allow your husband to use you as a doormat because of fear, you're not doing any good for yourself and that is not what submission is all about. It may be fear of physical or verbal abuse, fear that your marriage might fail, fear that your husband might lose interest etc. But fear should not make you strip away your dignity in the name of submission.

In conclusion and in my opinion, a woman should be submissive to her husband and there should be mutual respect. But submission should be properly understood so as to avoid misinterpretations which will reflect on our lives.

What is your opinion on this matter? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Thanks for reading.

Yours sincerely,

 3 years ago 

Thank you for this wonderful thought.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for reading.

 3 years ago 

I agree with you.
Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

It's a pleasure

 3 years ago 

Well, you told us what submision is not, but i don't you shared more light on what submision truely is.

Main while generally speaking, thank you for sharing your thought and agree with you when yous said, submision is mutual.

 3 years ago 

That was my approach. You can define something by defining what it is not🤷.

Thank you.

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