My Homemade Natural Scrub with Orange peel powder , gram flour and lentils💅♥️

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

All the images used in the post are my original images and personally clicked by me


Hello everyone this is Riya from India and today i am going to share with you people a magical scrub made personally by me for removing dead cells and polishing the body.

To make the scrub we need only 4 ingredients

2 tbsp gram flour
2 tablespoons of lentils powder
2 tbsp of semi crushed rice
2 pinch of turmeric


So what we have to do is take a jar and grind all the above given ingredients

Note : Make semi powdered form

The consistency of your powder should be as shown in the picture below


Then take a bowl and mix a tbsp of rose water , few drops of lemon and water and make a thick paste as shown in this picture


After mixing them well apply it on your body in circular motion and let it dry for 20 minutes then as it becomes dry wet your hands and scrub it gently then wash off with cool or luke warm water whichever you wish .

Benefits of this Pack

This homemade scrub not only removes dead skin and tan but also makes your your body soft and supple . And as these all ingredients are natural there is no side-effects of this pack.

Using it thrice a week also helps in lightening you dark skin and making your skin shiny .

You can see the instant results of my this pack on my feet . See the difference .

Hope you ladies liked my scrub . Do try it once a week i am sure you will definitely love it .

Thankyou for reading my post.



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