Steem Women Club Contest #7 || How Did Steemit Change Your Life? || Steemit is my passion

Hello #Steemians, once again we are here to get to know ourselves a little more, and to be able to connect with the interests of all the women in this community. Thanks to the idea of @ svm038 who every day invites us to grow more and more. Thank you for allowing us to feel all the emotions present in Steemit.

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image designed by me at

1- What is Steemit?

Steemit is a social network that starts in 2016, its main objective is to promote writing. Its payment method is through votes, the higher the quality of your content, the higher the vote can be. Votes are usually made by users called "curators", other people can also vote clearly. As in other social networks, users can comment and interact on each publication and even retest that it is the option to share so that more people can see a certain publication. The publications are made from communities, there are many communities, however, not all of them can go very well, it depends on the content where you have more skills, however, here in Steemit there is space for all tastes. Payment is through a cryptocurrency called Blockchain STEEM.

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2- How did Steemit change my life?

It all started in October, when my sister started researching jobs online. Just two weeks before we had fixed the problems we were having with our internet connection. He was on a first platform, where, I don't know if it was cheating because I wasn't there, but he didn't win anything and the second option he got was Steemit. She told me "Sister I have a new job, I am going to try a week to see how it goes and if they really pay or not" And indeed, my sister withdrew a minimum amount, 2 steem dollars and if she received the money. When I observed that, it was surprising, I was present while with that money she bought the charger for her tablet and I said Surprising! I want to know what it is about, I was two months trying to register and I did not receive the confirmation code to my cell phone number I tried being honest more than 10 times.

On December 15, I decided to try again, quite discouraged, but I wanted to try a bit of luck, because my sister had made even more money, indeed I was able to create my account on Steemit. In December I only made 3 publications I was quite saturated with my work, I am a clinical psychologist. At that time all my patients with depression were at the highest levels of their condition, so that together with the preparations to spend an incredible Christmas with my relatives did not allow me to understand the system a little more.

2020 is not over yet, on December 31, just in the new year, Steemit was my first wish, I have clear goals and how I am going to achieve them too, one of those plans is: steemit.

This intention in my life was born out of quarantine and not only because of being at home longer than usual, but also because of the fact that work is not as constant as before, most of the population here where I live has not attended to a psychological consultation, because its price is multiplied three times what you can generate per month in an average job. In quarantine I also took a facial and body waxing course, but I still did not have a better paid and secure source of work, but I was able to observe the votes in other publications and I could be aware of some things:

  • You can do it.

  • Everything is possible on this platform.

  • You are good at writing and expressing yourself from feeling.

  • You need more research on how to decorate your posts and remember to use APA standards.

  • If you think you do not have enough potential, then let the votes be your encouragement, develop your potential more and more.
    And so it has been since then, I have made 15 posts counting this one this month, each time with greater results and learning much more, now when I see the future, I am optimistic. Thanks to steemit, I haven't stopped dreaming.

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3- Are you satisfied with this situation?

At this time I also dedicated myself to my work as a psychologist and I will never stop doing it. Not all my days are available for Steemit but I try to be as constant as I can, you can even see it in my publications. I have already managed to make even 2 posts a day. And even when I do not do it 7 days a week, until now I have 20 steem dollars, that at the exchange in Venezuela would be 80 $ and the truth is, it is much more than I thought would be possible. Every day this social network releases the neurotransmitter of happiness: Serotonin. I was delighted to see throughout this month how the amount in my notifications rises and continues to increase.

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4- What is your dream in Steemit?

In the short term, I want to grow much more every day in the different communities, increase my Steem power to support my friends with greater value and increase my reputation.

My other wish, which I don't know if it will be possible in a year, but it is my biggest dream, is to be able to create a tourism community, I would like to be able to get to know other places through competitions and the different things you can do in each city.
There are millions of investment plans that I have, including being able to create a company with my boyfriend, where we want to sell spare parts for cars and motorcycles, he works with that, but he is an employee, and even so he is doing well with his income, he is I'm sure that if he invests, it would be much better and I would like to invest with him.


5- Do you get a daily income or do you invest time here?

I do not receive money daily, to be more exact, I receive my payments every 2 or 3 days. What happens is that at the moment I cannot publish every day. I have not withdrawn anything yet, I am waiting to reach 30 steem dollars.

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6- Tell me about your good side and your bad side

The truth, in addition to time, I have other factors that work against me, the first is my computer, I need a new ram memory to make it a little faster, it does not allow me to finish the job faster, I have taken up to 6 hours doing a post that could be done in 2 hours and 30 minutes. So what I hope to do with the first payment is to be able to buy myself a laptop.

So much time on the computer has been affecting my eyes, when it is 9:00 pm and my eyes cannot resist the light of any device, not computer, cell phone or TV. Even the light from the lamp bothers me, I will need to go to the ophthalmologist soon and I may need to wear anti-reflective lenses.

The truth is, Venezuela has the third worst internet in the world, although my internet works all the time. I am afraid that suddenly it will fail and I will not be able to publish, but for that we must take prevention, I want to save money, I need exactly $ 300 to be able to register with a company called "Satelca" where the service they offer you is satellite internet and It is the best there is, but the membership and monthly payment is quite expensive, and since my internet works wonderfully I have no problem with that and I hope not hahahaha.

There are a million good things, from being able to feel better, where no matter what is happening in the world, here the possibilities are different. It is like a place for me where everything can be reality. And especially, where I have realized that fears are very fragile and that everything you want is hidden on the other side of your fears.

All this through a job that I really like, I feel like Coelho, famous and millionaire hahaha.

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I invite @genomil and @raquelsiso1 to join in the experience of living the changes they have obtained in Steemit.

All attached photos are my own,

With lots of love,




Hola,cuando crees tu comunidad avisame ,jaja,a futuro quiero crear algo parecido tipo cultural,de hecho lo menciono en mi publicación,Steemit es genial,nuestra mejor aliada.
#onepercent #venezuela

Si, es increíble poder hacer a través de Steemit las fronteras más débiles. Somos todos una misma comunidad, jajaja oye muy interesante ese punto, me avisas igual.

Hola querida! Tu historia de cómo comenzaste en la plataforma me gustó muchísimo porque me pasó algo similar, eran tiempos muy abundantes para ese entonces, a muchas personas les fue muy bien. No te preocupes con mucho esfuerzo, dedicación, imaginación, constancia, y originalidad te irá muy bien acá.

Muchas gracias por unirte a nuestro lindo concurso. Saludos desde Anaco XOXO

¡Hola Sara! @saracampero ¿Cómo te encuentras? Mira yo super felíz de ver todo el talento que tienes con los dibujos, incluso las animaciones digitales que ví para finalizar tus post son impecables. Que bien que tengamos algo que nos una, algo más en realidad. Gracias por tus recomendaciones, justo estoy en eso y me va cada vez mejor.
Casualmente me entrevistaron el año pasado para una radio de allá, me alegra muchísimo conocerte en verdad!!!!.

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Hola amiga, que hermosa tu publicacion, desde el sentimiento de lo que representa steemit para ti.
Dios mediante será mejor, pues lo mejor es hacer lo que nos gusta, pues lo hacemos con amor.
Gracias por la invitación, trabajaré en mi publicación.
Saludos, mucho exito en el concurso y en todos esos maravillosos planes de vida que tienes. Dios te bendiga.

Saludos querida @genomil si, sin duda podemos lograr muchos cambios positivos a través del amor, espero ver tu entrada amiga, estaré atenta, felíz fin de semana, bendiciones y éxitos.

hi @psicgenesispratoI approve your entry to the contest. This interesting sister tried for a week :) You participated with a good courage. As a psychologist it must be difficult to deal with the complexities of people. I can say that writing on this platform makes you feel good. You can invest an hour of the day here while continuing your real business. Your dreams are so beautiful. I believe you can achieve this. Believing is half the success.
Thanks to good women like you, I will advance this community and strive to give you good votes. Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Good luck :)

Thank you for the opportunity, a thousand blessings and successes dear, all our wishes are aside from fears :) @steemwomensclub

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