The Diary Game 11.12.2021 | My Activities Today By @pecintabunga20 | 15 % Set To @steemwomensclub #club75

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)


How are you today? I hope you are all well and wherever you are, may you always be healthy and always in the protection of Allah.

Today I want to share some pictures of my activities today 11-12-2021.



This morning I woke up at 05:10 I woke up then went to the bathroom to clean myself and take ablution water for the morning prayer, after I took my mukena from the bathroom and immediately prayed, because I had no special work to do in the morning so after the morning prayer I sleep longer.

I woke up again at 07:00 today I got up to clean the room and then went out to sweep the yard, after the sweeping was finished I proceeded to the nearest kiosk to buy soap to wash dirty clothes that had accumulated for two days, besides soap I also bought crackers for my nephew.

When i got home i immediately took the dirty clothes to be washed, i spent an hour washing, i washed with my hands because i don't have a washing machine, but it doesn't matter because i'm used to it every day.


After finishing washing and bathing at 10:30 my niece and I went to the market to shop for cooking ingredients for lunch today, when I arrived at the market I bought fish, and vegetables, onions and chilies, and some other necessities.


After where I shopped for vegetables then we went to the wholesaler to buy my brother's cigarettes at home, at the wholesaler I also bought one pack of agar agar for my nephew, after wholesale we went straight home.

when I got home I changed my clothes first after that I went straight to the kitchen to clean and immediately cooked as usual I cooked with my sister we shared the task, after being ready to cook at 12:30 I relaxed for a moment while waiting for the midday prayer time to arrive.




At 13:00 after lunch I immediately went to take a shower to take ablution water and did the dzuhur prayer 4 cycles after praying I slept and rested for some time

After resting for a while i woke up at 15.30 when i woke up my stomach was hungry so i went to a neighboring shop to make aceh noodles, when i got there i made three aceh noodles, two flour fried noodles and 1 indomie noodle soup, after ordering noodles i went home and waiting for him at home because I have to queue for a while because there are still people's noodles to make, after a few minutes I was called by my neighbor that the noodles are ready so I went to get noodles and brought home to eat with my mother and sister.


Besides buying noodles, I also bought cold syrup at a neighboring shop, because I was too lazy to make any more.

After I finished eating the noodles and my stomach was full I took the plate home to a neighbor's stall and paid 20,000 thousand for three and 2 cold syrup.



After eating noodles at 16:30 I got ready to take a shower for the asr prayer four cycles, after praying I just wore a negligee and a headscarf then went out in front of the house to water the buga and saw my nephew playing with the other neighbors' children on the street in front of the house.

This is my daily life on today, thank you for visiting and reading it, have a nice day.

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