The Diary Game 11.1.2022 | Third Day In Hospital #Club75

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago


This is our third day in the hospital, in the morning I gave breakfast and medicine to my husband, after that around 08:00 the nurse came in to check the blood and after the blood test was 110, after being checked my husband went back to sleep rest.


After taking care of my husband then I took a shower and went out of the hospital to buy some of our necessities, I went by rickshaw to the city market to buy some negligee clothes for me to wear at the hospital, because yesterday we left suddenly so we didn't have much stuff take it, after shopping for some necessities I immediately returned to the hospital.




During the day I ate lunch for my husband, after lunch my husband told me to peel a pear for him, after finishing one pear we chatted for a while after that I told him to sleep rest.

After my husband fell asleep I sat relaxed alone enjoying snacks and oranges, after that at 14:00 the nurse came in to inject the medicine so I woke my husband, after the medicine was injected my husband couldn't sleep anymore so I sat beside him to accompany him to chat for a while, it goes back to sleep resting.


At night some of my family came to visit my husband who was sick, so we chatted and joked for a while to comfort his sick husband, after visiting around 22:00 all the family said goodbye because visiting hours were only until 22:00, and I thanked him and took him home. they got to the bottom, after that they went straight home and I went back upstairs, until above the nurse had come to inject the medicine after that my husband slept and rested.

At 2:00 am I just closed my eyes to sleep but then my husband had a fever and symptoms of very terrible chills, I panicked and called the nurse on duty, the nurse came in to replace the impused water with Paracetamol to reduce fever after a few minutes the fever subsided and I gave him warm water and went back to rest.

Thank you for friends who have visited my blog, don't forget to take care of your health.

 3 years ago 

Saya sangat sedih mendengarnya kakak. Semoga suami kakak diberikan kesehatan kembali oleh Allah dalam waktu dekat. Bagaimana keadaan suami kakak sekarang? Semoga sudah membaik

Alhamdulillah sudah membaik kak, terimakasih atas doanya kakak🥰

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