in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Greetings sisters, how are you all doing this holiday's season? It's good to be back on my blog with a dairy of how I spent my day on Boxing Day.

My sister in law, my daughter and I after Sunday service

It's was a beautiful Sunday because we were all still in the festive season mood, my family and I woke up and prepare for church, we couldn't meet up with the first service as we all woke up late because of Christmas day activities, we were all tired and woke up late the next day but we were able to meet up with the second service. My sister in law came around for the festive season and it's been amazing with her around. Church was awesome and we give God thanks for the great year he gave us and for his protection all through the year.


After church we all went home and at this point I was really hungry, thank God there was some left over food from Christmas day, I heat up the food and dish it for myself and my sister in law. We ate and went to rest for a while. My husband was still in church and my baby have slept off, so I took the opportunity of my baby sleeping to do some house chores and also work on my steem blog.

My Husband came back not long after and we had some visitors that came around and asked my husband to teach them crypto currency, my husband was able to teach them some basic of cryptocurrency and I also introduced them to steemit. They were interested and I was able to register the two of them @otimonye and
@mercybandi, it was getting late so we set another day for me to help them with their introductory post, below is screenshot of whatsapp messages I had with them.


I left the visitors in the living room with my husband because I had a 5pm meeting on Zoom with African steem women, it was the end of the party for us, so I join through zoom with my daughter, though I had a bit of network challenge but it was nice to see the faces of other women in the community. It was really nice of the African representative @ngoenyi to make the party a reality.


I couldn't stay till the end of the meeting but I saw some pictures and I know it was a huge success. After my network challenge, I took some time to play with my daughter and when my husband was done with the guests we watched a movie together. My daughter slept off immediately after she had dinner and we all retire to bed soon after the Movie.

It was a beautiful day that I spent with loved once and also able to share the good news about Steem. I'm glad I was able to attend the end of the year party as well. In all I had a productive day and I'm glad. Thank you for reading my dairy for today, till I come your way again, I remain my humble self @peachyladiva. Happy Holidays!!!


 3 years ago 

Your daughter is a cheerful girl. I admire her laughs, and her pretty face, this shows that you have really been taking good care of her.

I welcome the newbies you signed up to the steemit family. What's the name of the movie you watched? Hahahah, I know it must have been very interesting 🤔🤔. Thank you for sharing

 3 years ago 

Hannah, thank you ma.
We watched avenger.

 3 years ago 

Something I love about steemit is that there is no holiday and you don't need an office to start work.
Impressive that you were able to sign up newbies and also join the meeting.
I love your baby's hairdo.
Compliments of the season to you all

 3 years ago 

Yes oh, your office is your phone. Thank you ma'am

 3 years ago 

Nice diary by you. Sorry about the network challenges.

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

Thank you for the delegation. Please join to our discord channel to have more benefits from being a delegator

 3 years ago 

Alright. Thanks.

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