Friday Fashion - What is fashion?

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago

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If there is one person to blame for starting fashion it must be Eve.
I wonder if she wore a different leaf for each day of the week.
In fact with the beauty of nature the Garden of Eden must have been full of trees and plants of different shapes, different colours, different textures, different patterns and different sizes.

I am sure she had enough to choose from to wear for at least every day of a whole month.

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And that is what fashion is all about;

  • What we wear
  • The different shapes, colours, textures, patterns and sizes
  • The different seasons
  • How we express ourselves and
  • How creative we are

I have learned over the years that fashion doesn’t matter. Now tell that to your teenager daughter and she will not agree with you. “Oh mom, you are so old fashion”.

For me following a fashion is just another originator pathogen which causes unnecessary stress, financial burden, peer pressure and social conflicts to name but a few.
The only time that I found fashion valuable is when it comes to culture dressing.

Don’t make a mistake, I like following fashion I just don’t dress according to it.

I love watching “Project Runway”. For those not familiar with it, Project Runway is a competitive television show for designers. It is pretty amazing what these fashion designers can create with just a piece of material.

I also love paging through fashion magazines. The only difference is that I believe that I’m doing it for the right reasons.

We are human, we are women and luckily we are all different. For this reason there will be some of you who will agree with me and others who won’t.

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Before you decide if you want to be a fashion junky answer the following ten questions;

1. Should I dress to impress others?
2. Is dressing not for me to feel good in myself?
3. Will dressing according to fashion truly give me more confidence?
4. Why should I follow a fashion so that I can follow my idol?
5. Should my happiness not depend on my style and not the style of others?
6. Must I dress to make new friends?
7. Why should I give myself a headache when I go shopping for clothes?
8. Should I lower my values just to be in fashion?
9. Am I willing to spend outrageous money on fashion items?
10. Will following a fashion really give me that degree or new job I’m looking for?

After all, the original Cinderella wore slippers with fur on them and not slippers made out of glass.

Conclusion: I think I'm getting old...
✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

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10% to SteemWomensClub

 2 years ago 

Ma’am your conclusion is epic🤣🤣🤣

You aren’t getting old; you are being perfectly rational.

Your write up is totally on point and my most important area as I read through were the 10 questions 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽.

If there’s one thing I have learnt over time is never to be a slave to anything; fashion inclusive.

Thank you dearly for this masterpiece

 2 years ago 

I’m so happy that there is at least one person telling me that i’m not getting old. Thank you! 👏🏻
“Never to be a slave of anything” Well said! It makes two of us.
Thank you for making the time to read my post🌼

 2 years ago 

Fashion fashion!
Like you said it originated from Eve in the garden of Eden. Young girls nowadays copy fashion styles meant for the stage to the streets. I love fashion too but I don't follow it because it's quite expensive and I can't afford it. Though if o Could afford it I would trend it on my kid's wardrobe

 2 years ago 

Best of all is that the fashion of these days for the young girls are so skimpy that it only gets them into trouble.
Good mom’s will always want to dress their kids up. You are a good mommy 👏🏻

 2 years ago 

You're right 💯
Thanks for the compliments

I a gree with you. very useful article. hope you are always healthy.

 2 years ago 

Awh thank you for the good wish!
And… a huge thank you for reading my post🌼

Nice post and true too.Thank you for always sharing value.

 2 years ago 

It’s my pleasure!
Thank you for reading my posts 🌼
It is appreciated.

 2 years ago 

If only everyone will read this and apply the lessons, the world will be a better place free from competition, greed, fights and suicides. Women fight their husbands at home due to fashion and being able to meet up. Each seconds, there is a new fashion in voke and how can one keep track of them all? The best designer from the start is the Almighty who made a long garment for Adam and Eve @ Genesis 3:21. Less fashion less stress

 2 years ago 

Competition! This has a huge meaning in life in general. Healthy competition is so good but 99% of the time it is bad competition which is so sad.

The best designer, yesterday, today and tomorrow, our Heavenly Father. 🙏

 2 years ago 

Fashion! Fashion!! Fashion!!!
I love fashion but can never die for it.

I don't dress to kick. I dress to feel good for myself. Thank you for those valuable questions.

 2 years ago 

To dress for yourself to feel good is the best!
You are for sure on the right path 😊
Thank you for reading!

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 2 years ago 

Excellent post my friend, thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reading my post.
It’s appreciated 🌼

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